Monday, October 27, 2014

Transitioning from "saver" to "lover"

I love quotes.
I find them all over the place - restaurants, stores, books, online, cards, bathroom walls (ok, maybe not good ones but yeah, they're there).
I collect them and, similar to song lyrics, I find deep meaning in many of them.
Sometimes a certain one will resonate with me and it sets off the emotions and brainstorming! 
Today I saw this one and it really hit home.

I am a helper.
I am a protector.
I am a comforter.
 I am a fixer.
I am a saver.

From past relationships to current relationships, to family members to friends, I have the natural instinct to try to help and to make things better. Unfortunately, in the past I also have become so involved that it ends up taking up more of my time and emotions than it should. I not only don't end up saving them in the end but I end up frustrated and defeated.

I've realized the hard way that I can't "save the world" or even my part of the world.
I've also come to the conclusion that I also can't try to "save" someone who doesn't want to be saved.
God knows there have been many of those that have come into my life.

As frustrating as it's been over the years, I've learned to just let go.
 Do the best I can and just let it go.
However, this quote resonated with me and made me realize that I don't have to get frustrated or defeated when I can't save them.

All I have to do is the easiest thing for me TO do and something that we both will appreciate..... them.

After all, isn't pure, unconditional love the greatest of the simple pleasures?

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