Thursday, October 2, 2014

Time to "Take back the cork"

We have all heard of the Take Back the Night Foundation which aims at fighting sexual and domestic violence.  It is a very powerful organization fighting a very tragic problem.  While I am not making light of the foundation, its cause or the enormity of this problem in our society, I couldn't help but think of a play on its title a few weeks ago which seemed to fit my mood at the time.
You may remember the "Val, the Virtual Bachelorette" post and how I was making an appearance in the online dating world. Skeptical, I still took a chance and decided I was going to attack it as pure entertainment and if anything good came out of it I'd be pleasantly surprised, if I survived that heart attack from the impending shock that would follow. (I'm not a pessimist; I'm a realist.)
I also decided, following the handing out of roses theme on the popular reality show, The Bachelorette, that I would instead give out wine corks to worthy suitors.

During my three month stint online (and I can't even begin to tell you the frustration, anger, disappointment and disgust that I endured), I had a few dates, made a few friends, had a lot of laughs and even gave out a cork. Yep, just one cork. 
 I mean, does this face look like it gives out corks to just anyone? Yeah, I didn't think so.   
Unfortunately, just because I give someone a cork doesn't mean that I can't take the cork back.....
I had signs, of course I did. I tried to be understanding. I tried to be accepting. I tried to take a deep breath and just let it go. After all, this was all new to me. Step back and stop trying to take control.

Then he "forgot" about our dinner date one night. Forgot? Yeah, forgot.
I have been called a lot of things in my 41 years but one thing I've never been is "forgettable."
That changed things. Drastically.
But what sealed his fate was when he decided he was too "busy" to celebrate my birthday, two hours before my birthday dinner. Knowing how important my birthday is to me and how I celebrate all month long didn't seem to faze him. Disappointment and hurt quickly turned into disgust and anger.

"There’s only so many times you can allow someone to let you down before you will no longer tolerate being disappointed. When things go wrong between two people, something has got to give. You get to the point where you get tired of being the only one trying to fix things, it’s not giving up, it’s realizing you had enough.”
~Brigitte Nicole

Hey, don't feel sorry for me though.
When I'm done I'm done! I live life with no regrets!

On September 15 at about 5:30 p.m., very matter-of-factly, without a shred of emotion,
I, without even a second thought, took back the cork.

Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and a lady with class.
- Julia Roberts


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