Friday, October 3, 2014

I don't know much but I know what I like....

I don't know much about French wines.
Shoot, I don't know much about wine in general.
However, I do know what I like and when it comes down to it, isn't that all that matters?
One wine I like and it happens to be French is the
2012 Louis Jadot
I'm told this 100% Chardonnay is a classic expression of the Burgundy grape.
Considering my goal is to find approachable and reasonably priced French wines, I suppose the luck of the draw served me well on this beauty!
While I favor oaked Chardonnays or at least a Chardonnay that has some hint of oak, I was hesitant on trying this one because there is absolutely no oak in it whatsoever. I have learned, though that when I have Chards with less oak, that I tend to enjoy them with food.
This very pale-colored wine has a fragrance of white flowers, white peach and honey crisp apples.
 I also tasted a hint of pear and grapefruit which gave way to the slight tart after taste.
Luckily, for my taste buds, the slight tart on the finish did not linger.
I came to the conclusion that this crisp and light Chardonnay is also a wonderful cooking wine.
Not only does it drink well from a glass while I am cooking but it also works well in a skillet while sauteeing mushrooms and onions.

Knowing that I am not extremely fond of 100% stainless steel Chards before I ever even opened this bottle of wine, I decided to make baked dill and parsley chicken with sauteed mushrooms and onions in white wine over angel hair pasta topped with fresh shredded gruyere cheese. Even if the wine was not to my liking, hopefully the dish would be.

Fortunately, I enjoyed them both on their own and paired.

What's the moral of the story, my friends?
I don't know much about wine.
All the knowledge I have is from a little research but mostly from tasting, tasting tasting.
Every time I try a wine I've never had before it's a new experience.
 It could be a good one, it could be a bad one.
It could be a life changing, mouth watering, almost orgasmic one.
It could be a nightmare in a bottle. 
But the bottom line is you won't know if you don't try.
 The more you try the more you'll learn and the more you'll find out what you like and equally,
what you don't like!
So get out there, have fun and try some wine!!

"Wine is just a conversation waiting to happen.”
Jessica Altieri


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