Monday, October 20, 2014

Men are like wine.

Men are like wine.

Some are intriguing and lure you in by the packaging alone.

Some of them lure you in and it's all a rouse. You realize it all too quickly and it's not a bottle of wine after all; it's a bad wine cooler.  It has disguised itself and played a dirty trick on you. You won't make that mistake again.

Some are good for summer fun - good for the moment- but have no longevity.  Equally, some are good to snuggle with on a cold, blustery winter night but it dissipates all too quickly.  A passing fancy. Hopefully.
Some catch you off guard. You don't think you'll enjoy them but you try it anyway. You're surprised that the more you taste it, the more you give it a fair chance, the more you just might like it.

Some are everyday goodness.  Nothing overly exciting but stable and dependable. Reasonably priced and palatable. Delicious in their own way and definitely better than beer.  You can't necessarily see a future with it and it may or may not turn into anything but you really don't care either way. It's better than nothing.

Some you think will be good. Maybe you want to branch out and try something new. It's fun to try but then you're disappointed in the end because you knew from the beginning it probably wouldn't suit you but you bought it and tried it anyway. But you still have to sometimes take a chance and try it.  Sometimes they surprise you though so don't discount it too soon.  Give it time, just not too much time.

Some are a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing.  Exquisite, in fact. They are part of a small batch and there are only a few made of each vintage. Very limited.  You only get to try it once and then it's gone.  Enjoy every moment of it and don't forget it but don't dwell on it either. Embrace it for what it is and when it's gone, move on. You'll compare it to all the others that will come along, but probably won't ever find another like it. That's ok though because it's better to have had that one amazing bottle only once then to never have experienced it at all.

Some are delicious from the start. They smell delightful. The anticipation of tasting it is amazing. Then they taste even better than they smell which is a pleasant surprise. It's balanced and yet you long for more but you don't want to rush it. You want to let it breathe. Even decant it maybe. Take your time. Savor every drop.  Maybe even buy another bottle and cellar it. Be patient and as much as you want to devour it all now, you know its best to be patient and let it age. It's presently fantastic but you know its potential is even better. It's definitely worth taking each day as it comes and see what happens. Enjoy it immensely now but realize it will most likely, if you're lucky and treat it with care, even improve with time.

"To be deeply loved, means a willingness to cut yourself wide open, exposing your vulnerabilities... hopes, hurts, fears and flaws. Hiding behind the highlight reel of who you are, is the real you and that person is just as worthy of love. There is nothing more terrifying or fulfilling, than complete love, it's worth the risk... reach for it.”
Jaeda DeWalt

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