Friday, October 3, 2014

Italian Stick Wine

 The sun starting to peek through the clouds after hours of rain, glistening on the waves below as they crash along the shoreline. Sandpipers scurrying along the sand. Seagulls singing from above.
A light warm breeze blowing and the smell of ocean mixed with sand and air.

 Where I am truly at peace - at the ocean on the Outer Banks of North Carolina

Absolutely nowhere on earth makes me happier.

My favorite simple pleasure.

Ti voglio bene! 

That means "I love you a lot" in Italian.

Italian?  Why am I speaking in Italian when referring to the ocean?

Obviously, because I tried an Italian wine while on vacation and enjoyed it immensely!!

I am not that fond of Italian wines but, just like French wines, I feel the desire to learn more about them and acquire a taste for them.  I have found one here or there that I could fathom but while on vacation I found one that I would definitely buy again.

At first glance, I was drawn to this wine because of the bottle.
 A simple, scripty label with a stick tied around its neck in twine. How unique!
I also can actually say "Montepulciano" and feel so fancy when it rolls off my tongue.
So much fun to say and I feel like I'm saying something incredibly sensual.

It spoke to me for some reason and I just had to buy it.
Who knew it would be so incredibly delicious!?

One evening while on vacation I decided to stay home and make dinner for the family.
Mom loves my lamb ragu (which probably isn't a true ragu but sounds better than lamb pasketti, or maybe it doesn't on second thought) and it was at her request that I prepared it for dinner.

Through some quick research, I found that this wine SHOULD pair well with lamb dishes so here came the moment of truth!

Upon opening the bottle, I was almost speechless.
 The ocean gives me a sense of peace that I cannot explain.
The lamb ragu always makes my stomach and taste buds happy.
This Italian Stick Wine, as I have so affectionately begun to call it, gave me a sense of comfort in a bottle. It was a perfect combination - the ocean, the wine and the meal.
Just close your eyes, take a deep breath, release and let the contentment surround you.

A very deep-colored wine with very simple rustic notes of plum, leather and tobacco gave way to smoke, black pepper and blackberry flavors.  Paired with the lamb ragu, the "rustic" was less pronounced but the aroma bloomed like a perfect rose and the soft but well-rounded tannins made this a delightful wine to drink.

Ti amo!

Just as I long for my next visit to the ocean, I also shall long for my next bottle of this captivating yet serene Italian Stick Wine.

"Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away.”
Sarah Kay

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