Thursday, October 9, 2014

A rectified college regret

I love football. Always have. I swear my father wanted a boy but when he realized I was a girl he was still determined I'd be a football fan. I am so thankful becuase I can't imagine my life without football, especially Washington Redskins football. I truly believe I was born with burgandy and gold blood coarsing through my veins.  Season tickets have been on the Moore side of the family for decades and most recently have rested in my parents' hands. 
Through the good and bad, we are Skins fans, diehards for life.
When I was in high school, I loved going to Friday night football games. I was, and still am, very close friends with who was our State Champion quarterback.
While I am an only child, I truly feel as if he is my brother and we treat each other like siblings - fighting and loving equally. I have a scrapbook with all of the articles from our championship year.
Tell me then, why did I go to a college that did not have a football team?
What on earth was I thinking?

Granted, only two colleges in Virginia have worthy football teams anyway but I'd even have fathomed a tiny little podunk team. Just give me a team of my own for crying out loud! I didn't live on campus either which also was probably a dumb move. However, I can't go back in time and honestly, I don't think I'd want to relive that part of my life again, anyway. 

But what I could do, and did do, was attend my first real college football game on October 4
and I fell in love!

 Maryland vs. Ohio State University (OSU)
at Byrd Stadium in Maryland

Now, being a lifelong Virginian, and living so close to the state of Maryland, you'd think I'd be a Maryland fan, right?

In fact, because I have always been a Duke Blue Devils basketball fan, I have always held a dislike towards Maryland. Now that Maryland is in the Big 10 and out of the ACC, I definitely have no allegiance to Maryland and was easily an OSU fan on Saturday!

It helped that I went to the game with an OSU alum who is "all about" all things OSU. I must say it was an honor to be a Buckeye fan that day. I took pride walking around Maryland's campus in my "Go Buckeyes" shirt and his OSU baseball cap.  

We had great seats surrounded by other OSU fans, with the sun shining brightly to our left and a slight breeze throughout the game (Yes, it was obvious Grandmother approved, however I'm sure she was just as disappointed as we were when the band didn't come along.)

It was also nice of the Maryland fans to paint an "M" for "Moore" in one of the endzones.
What a nice welcome for me!  (Yeah, I know. Don't ruin it for me.)

It's hard to explain what a rush this entire day was for me. Spending a super fun day with an amazingly genuine man, watching OSU annihilate the Terrapins.
Fear the what? Yeah right, the turtle. 
"Ooooh scary turtle" said no one ever!
 I felt like a scout watching Joey Bosa #97 tear up the opposing offense.
Oh, how I dream of the day when he is in the NFL draft and pray the Skins pick him up.
Hello Ryan Kerrigan's twin!!
 I don't like hot dogs. In fact, I despise them, but I had one at this game and it was delicious. So was the pretzel we shared.
I even got to meet Archie Griffin, former OSU and Cincinnati Bengals running back, who is the only NCAA player to win the Heismann Trophy twice!!

Let's go Bucks!

On this day, I felt a part of something bigger than myself and
 it was indeed a simple, yet incredible, pleasure. 

See how easy it is to make me happy?

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