Friday, January 31, 2014

Solving the world's problems ..... one glass at a time.

Some of the most earth-shattering, life-changing conversations happen at my wine bar. We often end up contemplating life and solving the world's problems.  (Why won't the people that matter listen to us?)

Last night my dad mentioned how he was going to have a glass of Chardonnay before the tasting event started. The wines on the tasting list were all reds. He knows that you should typically start with a white wine first when trying/tasting whites and reds. Cindy, the Chardonnay fan, agreed and said that whites should always come first. Maurine, who was conveniently coined the "Evil Red Genius" based on a maniacal but adorable laugh, guffawed at the silly Denny and Cindy for even thinking white was worth wasting your taste buds on in the first place.

Dad tried to recite what he has always known about beer and wine and which you should drink before the other. If you don't want a hangover the next day then you do some nonsense. I am not a beer drinker so it never stuck with me. I do remember him saying it my entire life but.... Beer on wine everytime or something to that effect.

At that point is when the most brilliant rule came to fruition:

White to Red - Never dead
Red to White - What a fight!
Simple. You're welcome.

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