Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Chardonnay and a Merlot under $20

2010 Chateau St. Jean Chardonnay, Sonoma California

When I first took a sniff, I immediately thought of summer and had myself placed on a deck overlooking the ocean. Aroma of apricot, butter and vanilla.  Taste of butter and apricot. It had a smooth but lingering aftertaste. Not too long or offensive but definitely an aftertaste.

I love seafood but I am not a fan of lobster. Why? I don't think lobster has any taste. No, wait, it does. It takes on the taste of whatever it is cooked in or with - usually butter. Chewy butter. However, when drinking this wine, it made me want lobster. Perhaps that is a good idea.... dunking hunks of lobster in this wine or preparing a sauce with this wine for seafood.

I always enjoy a good Chardonnay.
What do I consider a "good" Chardonnay?
A Chardonnay from California (Napa first choice, Sonoma, second choice). I don't like stainless steel Chards. I do love oaky Chards or ones that have time in both barrels. Vanilla, oak, butter, toasted coconut - those make me happy. I don't care much for "mineraly" Chards - just my opinion.
However, I'll still take a stainless steel Chard over a Sav Blanc any day of the week.
2010 Milbrandt Vineyards Merlot, Columbia Valley, Washington

After coming back from my hair salon last Saturday morning in Arlington, I stopped at the Bradlee Shopping Center in Alexandria at a place called "Unwined." I'd never been there before and had some time so thought why not stop in and see what they have. Now I am partial to wine bars and considering my neighborhood one is my "happy place" it takes a lot to make me happy elsewhere. "Unwined" didn't make me the slightest bit happy. 

I was the only customer, obviously not a "regular", and neither of the employees spoke to me when I walked in. I am a huge proponent of good customer service and was taken aback. They weren't rude but they didn't go out of their way to assist either.  The store is very small and does not have a good selection in my opinion. They seem to cater toward French wines which is fine but not my thing.

I felt like a Merlot. Not just any Merlot, but a Merlot from Washington State, preferably the Columbia Valley. My rule of thumb: Chards from Napa, Cabs from Cali, Pinots from Oregon and Merlots from Washington. Can't go wrong!

I didn't recognize any of these names but liked the description of this one and it was only $16.99 so no big loss if it's horrendous. Plus, how horrendous could it be coming from the Columbia Valley? When all else fails, what do you do to make a red wine better? ADD CHOCOLATE. Lucky for me, the Alexandria Pastry Shop was next door!

So I bought two pieces of cake and a bottle of Merlot and head to my parents house for wine and dinner. I love introducing my dad to new wines and pairing food with them.  To my delight, this Merlot was pretty good. On the nose was wood and the outdoors in Fall.  It reminded me of being in a log cabin with a bonfire roaring.  The taste was also "woodsy" with spice and tobacco. 

Funny enough, my mom doesn't like wine but will try it every once in a while. She does enjoy smelling it and trying to figure out what she smells. It's become a ritual on weekends when I go by my parents' house.  She laughed and said it smelled like "fingernail polish remover." Hmmmm..... I didn't get that but to each his own! :)

I didn't realize until later that the back of the bottle had a "tear for recipe" portion which I had never seen before!!! What an incredible concept! Why don't all bottles of wine have a recipe included??!! What a genius idea!!!

 We decided to use the Vinturi for our second glass of the Merlot and what a difference it made! The taste was no longer woodsy but tasted like chocolate! This was even before we tried the cake. It had completely changed. Where it was delicious before it was absolutely divine after being aerated.
That made me wish I had brought over the decanter - next time!

The Chocolate Truffle Cake slice improved the wine and made a very smooth combination. The Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake slice did absolutely nothing. There was no difference in the wine whatsoever. It doesn't surprise me though because milk chocolate usually doesn't affect wine; but dark chocolate is powerful every time!


A California Chardonnay and a Washington State Merlot will do the trick every time.
As Dad said, "It makes me slur my wine and swirl my words..." or something like that.

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