Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Random niceties do matter

On two separate occasions today, and completely unrelated, I found myself smiling and feeling really good because of "random niceties" of two individuals.

On my lunch break, I ran to the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner so I wouldn't have to go after work when it's cold (although it is a whopping 30 degrees today as opposed to 14 degrees yesterday) and dark.  As I rushed past the pharmacy section, I looked over and saw my sweet pharmacist and smiled. She waved and smiled and said, "Good afternoon Ms. Moore! How are you?!" It was as if she was sincerely happy to see me and I, in return, said, "Hello! How are ya?!" back to her and promptly went about my business but with a smile in my heart. It isn't often that we find good customer service these days, much less someone who knows and refers to you by name.  I have a monthly script for myself and my dog, nothing out of the ordinary, but she knows me.

Then, as I was walking back to my office from the copier this afternoon, a department head said hello to me and then asked "How is your mom doing?" My mom had an unexpected hemorraghic stroke in December and it was extremely traumatic.  I said that she was doing much better and thanked her for asking.  She then proceeded to say to me, "I know how stressful it is when people you love are not well. I understand." My heart was filled with joy because she not only asked about my mom but cared enough to follow up with that genuine statement that meant more to me than she'll ever know.

Yesterday morning started the niceties when the temperature outside was a record 4 degrees and I found that my heat was not working properly in my home. Instead of rising when I turned up the gauge, it was staying the same or falling after an hour or more. An HVAC expert from work came by out of the goodness of his heart to check it out for me. Not only did he assure me that all was working properly and that my house was just old (like me-we were "born" the same year!), but he took the time to actually show me how everything worked and to explain things. He thought nothing of this gesture but it meant the world to me. Not only did it save me a ridiculous amount of money for a diagnostic fee had I called an HVAC company, but most importantly, it gave me peace of mind.

 It really is the simple things in life that make a difference and matter to me.

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