Monday, January 6, 2014

Sav Blanc fan? This is for you! However, not for me.

It is important to smell wine before you taste it. Very important. So important that you should savor the aroma, think about what you smell.  You may not smell the same things that others do and that's ok. I seldom ever smell what I'm "supposed" to smell. But I take the time to figure out what it is that I smell. I have found that often wines smell the same and this time I was spot on. Just like you know what you like in taste, you often will know what you like in aroma as well. Oftentimes I enjoy the smell of the wine so much that I take a while before tasting it b/c the aroma is so delicious. That was not the case with this wine, however.

I don't typically enjoy Sauvignon Blancs but I still try them. I don't enjoy them b/c they usually taste of grapefruit and I am very opposed to the smell and taste of grapefruit. They also are made in stainless steel barrels which I tend to not enjoy.

However, I hate wasting wine, even if it was just a gift. Last year, a good friend of mine, who is also a wine importer, was kind enough to give me a case of wine. So beggars can't be choosers. I decided to open up the New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc - Cloudy Bay -  tonight.

On the nose, I smelled fruit immediately - melon, pears, grapefruit.  It was very crisp and aromatic. Tangy and almost a tad bitter of an aftertaste. It is a very pale yellow with a hint of gold in color.

One thing to note is that often a white wine can be too cold and it changes the taste. I chilled this wine too long and indeed it was too "strong" so I poured a glass, and waited for a half hour and it was much better. I still wouldn't "buy" it by choice but it was better.
I know that Sav Blancs are usually good with seafood and I had already planned to have crab cakes for dinner, hence the reason why I decided to try this wine.  It did, indeed, taste better with the crab cakes.  Still, not my favorite by any means, but tolerable. I drank half the bottle and if I don't drink the rest within the next 24 hours I will not be angry with myself. Again, this was a gift.  You have to try things to know what you like and don't like.

Sautéed crab cakes with olive oil and Old Bay, organic sweet corn with a tiny bit of butter and black pepper with a side of Naan.
Hey, wait..... the ending of the second glass of Cloudy Bay isn't so bad - maybe it's because I'm watching Juan Pablo on this season's premiere of "The Bachelor".
Know what you like and don't ever feel the need to explain!

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