Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Triple Almond Energy Balls

As much as I am frustrated by the lack of flavor in most dishes during my first two weeks of the 30 day challenge, the one thing that surprises me is the deliciousness of the treats I've made. I made sea salt dark chocolate granola and chocolate chip cookies last week. Check out my previous blog post titled, "I don't bake")Keep in mind, that Hubs ate the majority of both of those things. I took a small ziplock of granola with me to work one day and it lasted me all week. I also took a handful or two as I passed by it once or twice but that was it. I only had three of the 12 cookies that were made also. But you know what the best part is? Not a big of processed crap went into any of those treats! All natural flours, sugars, and no dairy! (

Well, thanks to the Oh She Glows website, I found out about these tasty little morsels this past weekend!

Triple Almond Energy Balls

Best part?
Not a drop of added sugar in them!!
The natural sweetness comes from a half cup of raw medjool dates!!
I've never had a date before in my life.
Ha - the fruit, goofballs. I'm talking about the fruit of the date palm tree!

Raw almonds, raw cashews and medjool dates!
Almond butter, cinnamon, almond extract, sea salt and water

Mix it all up in a food processor, roll it into a ball and it's that easy!
I rolled a few of mine in unsweetened raw organic shredded coconut and a few in organic vegan cacao powder.
They go in the freezer for an hour to firm up and then they are absolutely delicious!

Honestly, the plain ones had better flavor to me than the cacao powder ones. I love coconut, so that just made perfect sense to roll them in that heavenly drupe! These look and taste like I'm eating something so horribly bad for me and the best part is I'm not!
If there's anything that will stick with me after this 30 day challenge, it will definitely be the dessert/treat recipes that I've found. Why would anyone made sweets with processed crap, sugars and other ingredients that you don't even know how to pronounce when you can make all natural sweets and they are truly just as delicious!??! Coming from someone who doesn't bake and who hasn't found any flavor in most of these dishes, this is a huge compliment!
Now if I could only eat these all day every day, I could handle this lifestyle with ease!
If you want any of the recipes, feel free to leave me message and your email in a comment on a blog post!

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