Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Day 22 - Another Hurdle Overcome

Well, you probably thought I fell off the face of the earth, huh? It's been over a week since I've posted. You're probably thinking that I gave up and couldn't face admitting that to everyone, right? Nope. Not one bit. A lot has been going on though. I've been frustrated, sad, depressed, irritated and I think my taste buds are dying with each passing day. But I haven't given up. Only 8 more days to go!
As if eating in a whole-food, plant-based way wasn't enough of a challenge, I went "on the road" for four days. Not having my pantry at my disposal for a long weekend was definitely a challenge and it would have been easy to throw in the towel or to cheat - just a little - but I didn't. Not because I didn't want to but because my awesome Hubs and the Best Mom Ever wouldn't let me! Truly, the two of them have been such an incredible support system and I doubt I would have lasted this long without them.

Instead of that yummy bacon, egg and cheese on an asiago bagel or the spinach and feta pastry, I drank the purple kale, blueberries and banana juice. I snacked on grape tomatoes or a nut and seed mixture that I threw together if I got a hunger pain. I had a breakfast of blueberries and strawberries or almond butter on 21-grain flourless bread.

Dinners were tough but I sucked it up. Zoe's Kitchen made it easy for me as I chose the baked falafel pita (minus the tzatziki and feta), and a side order of red pepper hummus. I had never had falafel before and I figured the best place to try it would be at a cafĂ© that specializes in Mediterranean food. It wasn't bad. But it also wasn't good. Again, to follow my unfortunate theme, pretty tasteless. Thankfully, I like hummus and thought ahead and ordered Zoe's because it gave the sammich flavor. Phew! I don't need falafel again though but it served its purpose that day!

One night, I prepared the first WFPB meal I ever made again and shared it with Mom. Lucky Mom, huh? Yeah, quit being so negative! She liked it!! Lentil Bolognese Casserole. I admit, I told her to go ahead and add some mozzarella cheese to hers. I didn't want to make her suffer because of my self imposed losses. It was good though and the cashew garlic "parmesan" on top wasn't too shabby either.

The last night, we ordered take out from Not Your Average Joe's which was difficult for me. I LOVE their homemade foccaccia bread and olive oil, red pepper flakes, garlic and parmesan cheese dipping oil! I love it so much that Hubs found the recipe for the oil last year and we've been able to replicate it at home! I could have had our favorite cobb salad with bacon and blue cheese crumbles or the four cheese pasta bake, but I was good and chose the spaghetti squash and mushroom bolognese. No dairy. No meat. No happy. Actually, it was good but, of course, cheese would have helped and so would grilled chicken. It was more like a ratatouille and I like ratatouille but I can make a better ratatouille at home.

Good news, I was able to eat dessert!! Mom love desserts and always has them at her house so I knew this would be a struggle. While my friend, Sarah, came to visit and brought big, sloppy, sweet cinnamon rolls (which I wanted to inhale), I ate a few scoops of the dairy, soy and nut free coconut "ice cream" that I found at Mom's Organic Market the day before! Chocolate, coconut and hazelnut. It was pretty darn delicious and had the consistency of custard.

I survived the four-day road trip. It sure wasn't easy. This way of eating isn't easy to begin with and it's pretty labor intensive. But like the Best Mom Ever said, "You've made it this far!" How on earth could I stop now? It would make the past three weeks completely worthless and I am surely not doing this because it's fun!

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