Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Day 2 - Still going strong

Well, I survived Day 1. That counts for something.

Day 2 started with a Green Monster Smoothie, thanks to the website, Oh She Glows! That website and Forks Over Knives have been lifesavers for me in regard to starting this journey!

Add the following to a blender and whip it up until it's smooth.
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup baby spinach - I didn't really measure - I put a ton in there.
  • 1 large ripe frozen banana, chopped into chunks
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed (you could use chia instead)
  • Pinch of ground cinnamon. I love cinnamon and this is really where the flavor comes from so there was definitely more than a pinch thrown in my blender. I've always been a fan of cinnamon and it has incredible healing properties- tons of powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and may even be protective against cancer.
Pretty darn simple to make and pretty darn delicious too. I've never had problems with smoothies. In fact, when my dad was on chemo and had no taste buds, didn't feel like eating and was withering away, I created "good fat" smoothie recipes for Mom to make him. He thought it was gross because it was green but once he got past the color, and actually tasted it, he loved them! Mom and I promised each other to never tell him what was in it though.

For lunch on Day 2, I decided to go light - something refreshing to take away the hunger pains.
Tomato, avocado, corn and cilantro with sunflower seeds and a spritz or two of fresh lemon juice. I could have eaten an entire vat of this stuff. I can't even begin to imagine how delicious this will be come summer when home grown tomatoes are at my local produce stand!

For dinner, we had a vegan chili which I prepared on Day 1. I never eat chili on the same day I make it. We want those flavors to meld at least overnight.
Again, many thanks to Oh She Glows for this recipe because I followed it step by step.
The only thing I would change next time is knock it down to only one jalapeno. I like spicy food but I don't want it so hot that I can't taste anything else but heat and this was almost at that point. I may add some corn in there too. We'll see.

Again, this shot is not that appetizing at all which is too bad because the chili was super easy to make and super delicious. Of course, I wanted to douse it with sour cream and cheddar cheese to take away the heat if nothing else, but I didn't do it. Hubs didn't do it either which was impressive. He's being such a great support to me in this challenge!
I did make the cashew sour cream that was attached to the chili recipe. It helped a little with toning down the heat from the jalapeno but in all actuality, it didn't have much taste to it and I couldn't get it as creamy as typical sour cream.

Live and learn.
That's part of what this journey is about also.
Searching for recipes. Finding them. Trying them. Liking them or hating them.
Tweaking them or never using them again.
It's a trial and error process.
Isn't that kind of like life in general?

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