Sunday, December 14, 2014

Red and White Friday

20 reasons why Red and White Friday was a better choice than
Black Friday!
1.  No crazy crowds of people acting selfish, rambunctious and rude looking for deals on things they really don't want or need anyway.
2. Spending quality time with my Evil Red Genius

3.  Beautiful scenery
(I don't mind snow when it's on the grass and looks pretty. Just stay off my sidewalks and roads, please.)

4. Being in nature with my ladybug shining down on me through the clouds

5.  Snow on the vineyards with mountains in the background

6.  Breathtaking views that make you feel lucky to be alive

7.  Wine with a view at Delaplane Cellars
(....even though the tasting room attendant was useless and the wine wasn't that good.)

8. Cheese and bread

9.  A cat named "Dawg"
under a Christmas tree at Barrel Oak Winery

10.  Meeting a four-month old Shepherd puppy mix, named Atlas, at Barrel Oak Winery


11. Finding a fox in a tree

12.  Picking a random rural road (with no traffic!) to explore, stopping on the side of the road and photographing barns!



13.  Finding the beauty in an old house that is for sale and needing to be restored.
(oh, the possibilities)


14.  A "Christmas tree wall" popping up out of nowhere!

15.  A miraculous, blood pressure-dropping view as you're driving through the countryside

16.  Finding a Momma and baby cow!

17.  Then on the other side of the road, finding this photogenic cow.....

and holding a conversation with him.....

... not once thinking he'd charge the fence at us.


18.  A cork Christmas tree


19.  Wine.....


more wine.....

a decent wine....

a delicious wine.....

and even more wine!
20.  Red and White Friday makes me smile, laugh and flat out happy.
Can you say that about Black Friday?

"On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while chatting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups."
~ Yoshida Kenko, Essays in Idleness

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