Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Amateur night and my 2014 simple pleasures list

New Year's Eve is upon us. There was a time when New Year's Eve would excite me and there was also a time when it equally depressed me. Now I don't see it really as any different than any other day of the year except for the fact that, unless it's something extremely important, I'm staying off the roads. Why?

Because it's amateur night. All the crazies are out and about and I sure don't need to be part of that. I'm a good driver. I'm an alert driver and I wouldn't be stupid. But what I can't control is the person in the other car who is driving erratically and perhaps drunk. It's not the people who go to a bar or have a glass of wine with dinner but it's the people who hardly ever drink and then wait until this night to go "all out".

I never quite understood the excitement of watching a "ball" drop in Times Square either. Honestly, I still don't and I'm a huge NYC fan.  I don't care for crowds and perhaps that's part of the problem.

When I was a child, I remember always spending New Year's Eve with my family - my parents, my grandparents, my cousin, Steve and his mom, Sally, my cousin, Bobbie, and my great aunt Lil. The party would take place at Bobbie and Lil's apartment in Alexandria. Sometimes the two Ednas would be there and sometimes Kathryn and Earl would also be there.

The adults would play card games and I would lay on the sofa with my headphones on listening to the countdown of the year's top songs on the radio while watching Dick Clark on tv. (As John Travolta said a few years ago, "It's not New Year's Eve without dick.") There would be tons of food, especially my granddad's dip and Lil's chicken salad. While the adults were having fun laughing, drinking and enjoying themselves, I was secretly sad because even though I was in a small apartment full of people who loved me, I felt so alone. I longed for the time when I was older and I'd be able to go to, or throw, my own New Year's Eve party and be kissed by someone other than my family at midnight.  I was such a sappy girl!

At the age of 41, as I think back on those times, that "time" I longed for never happened.  I remember going with college friends to an all-inclusive NYE party at a fancy shmancy hotel in downtown Richmond one year because friends of ours were in the local band that was performing. I remember having a fantastic time but I remember waking up the next day and feeling like complete hell. To this day, I know I had fun and I don't regret it but it's not going down as one of the best nights of my life. When I was married, my ex-asshat was a huge fan of NYE but he also was a huge fan of partying and drinking and acting like a 10 year old with all of his friends that night. That never appealed to me and while I had that special someone to kiss at midnight, having a 240lb, loud, drunk guy slobbering and hanging all over me who I had to mother was not exactly what I envisioned. Then there was my boyfriend of four years who didn't like New Year's Eve and wouldn't even stay up until midnight at home with me to celebrate. So while he was in the house with me, he was in the other room asleep while I was with the dogs on the sofa alone.  Last year was probably the best New Year's Eve celebration I've ever had and I only did that at my mom's request. My happy place always has a big shindig and she was recovering from a stroke. Her only request was to go there for New Year's Eve. How could I say "no" to that request? We had a fantastic time and yet I was still a bit melancholy because my boyfriend was in California and we had to settle for "cheers" on the phone.  I also wish now more than ever that I could have the New Year's Eves of my childhood back and be with all of my loved ones who made those parties happen for now is when I'd truly appreciate it.

So, tonight, as the sun has set and everyone has been wishing me "Happy New Year" throughout the day, I'm content being home with my best boy, Prowler, relaxing on my sofa with leftovers, using my whiskey wedge glass and enjoying one of my grandfather's bourbons, snuggling up in comfy warm clothes and perhaps watching a movie. I most likely won't be awake when midnight strikes and I'm ok with that idea.

Don't feel sorry for me though. I've never really been excited about New Year's Eve.  Once again, I think that society puts such emphasis on this one night of the year and I've never really fallen into that trap. I'd much rather spend the time safe in my warm home, away from crowds, letting my inner introvert shine and reflect on all that is important in my life - the simple things - the things that really matter.

I came up with a quick list of my simple pleasures that have occurred during 2014. I know there are many more but these are the ones that quickly come to mind:
  • renewing old friendships and strengthening new ones, including my bond with the Evil Red Genius
  • being a part of my parents' adventure in building their second home in Colonial Beach
  • finding a tiny little cheese shop in Shirlington called Cheesetique (with over 300 cheeses to try!)
  • joining an online dating service for six months and confirming that I should have listened to my gut and never done such a ridiculous thing
  • enjoying a week in an oceanfront home in Nags Head, NC
  • being a part of my mom's recovery from a stroke the year before and standing by her side as she retired after almost 30 years with the County's school system
  • being fortunate enough to build an incredible relationship/friendship with a vet for my german shepherd
  • connecting with my grandmother and grandfather through my spirit medium for my birthday
  • knowing what I want and not settling for anything less and never doing something simply out of obligation
  • being able to go to three Redskins games this season and tailgating with the RG3 Bus (even if we did have a miserable season #httr)

  • joining the IYI membership at my happy place and not only becoming more educated on all aspects of wine, but being introduced to wines that I otherwise never would have encountered
  • aside from having bronchitis that kicked my butt in December, being healthy for the majority of the year
  • having an absolutely organic and genuine connection with a stranger at a friend's wedding which has continued to naturally grow without any expectations and providing a happiness I have never experienced and rivals none

  • finally feeling, for the first time in my life, as if I have a college football team in the Ohio State Buckeyes
  • finding a beer that I like which happens to be a local brew and it's made in whiskey barrels!!!
  • laughing and smiling more than crying and screaming
  • being in the presence of unbelievably-talented live artists in concert - Luke Bryan, Tim McGraw,
  • Keith Urban, Maroon 5, Lionel Richie, Bruno Mars, Miranda Lambert, Chris Tomlin, Kip Moore, Thomas Rhett, Lee Brice, Little Big Town, Pentatonix
    • Most of all, realizing that while life may try its best to get me down and keep me there, I'll never lose faith in my God and hope for my future, making sure to embrace all of life's daily simple pleasures along the way

    "That's the difference between me and the rest of the world! Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!”
    Bill Watterson

    Thanks for being part of my 2014!
    Be safe and I'll see you with more simple pleasures of food, wine and all that is mine in 2015!

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