Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My last happy place adventure of 2014

 After being miserable with bronchitis and hibernating in my home for over a week, I decided that I needed to become a part of the land of the living again.
It was a Saturday afternoon, almost 50 degrees and the sun was peeking out.
My favorite guy was traveling home from Christmas vacation and I needed to do something to stop myself from being too excited and anxious. 
 I called the Evil Red Genius at the last minute and off we went to the ABC Store (to secure libations for the next day's tailgating party), Target (to buy something I needed to make a Christmas present work properly) and then the last stop to my happy place!
I needed to pick up the free decanter that came as part of Dad's membership upgrade gift at my happy place. I also figured since it was only 2pm we'd have the place all to ourselves and could share a mellow hour or two together reflecting on 2014 with a special bottle of wine and scrumptious snacks.
Well, I secured the decanter, we ordered steak and cheese pitas and shared a special bottle of wine but it was far from mellow and an hour turned into almost six!
 I'm not complaining though!
Sometimes it's the things that you don't plan that end up being the most fun!
As we walked in, I saw my friend Mary Anne who I had not seen in months.
Then my good buddy, Steve, walked in and they both joined us.
We were all laughing so hard we were crying. Just what the doctor ordered!
 One bottle turned into three and then we had to, of course, stay for the free tasting.

A few weeks ago, the Evil Red Genius and I stopped by my happy place after work to get take-out food, partake of the tasting and then planned to be home by 6:30 p.m. As I was told once, when it comes to my happy place, I have no will power.  That is, indeed, true because that planned quick in-and-out night turned into an eight-hour event. I often refer to that night as "one of the best nights in a long time" (for reasons that will not be mentioned) but at the same time I refer to it as "the night I should forget" (for reasons that will not be mentioned).
But I digress....
On that night, Arthur was gracious enough to share a taste of wine with us that he had opened for a special client (Yes, there are other besides me).
After a few sips, the Evil Red Genius and I were hooked.

So, for our last happy place adventure of 2014, we sought out this same bottle and opened it for ourselves!
2012 Estate Grown
Pinot Noir
Dierberg Vineyards
Santa Maria Valley, CA

Before I go any further, yes, this is a Pinot Noir from California!!!
I know, I know. But I'm the Oregon Pinot snob, right?
This $50 non-Oregon Pinot is absolutely delicious.
Dierberg Vineyard is situated atop a sandy loam mesa above the south bank of the Santa Maria River and its proximity to the ocean makes it one of the coolest vineyards in the Santa Maria appellation.
When I found out this vineyard has 11 different clones of Pinot Noir it made complete sense to me why it's an unusual California Pinot; unusual meaning I actually enjoy it! Having 11 different clones of Pinot gives the winemaker so much empowerment!
Perhaps the other California winemakers of Pinot Noir should hire this winemaker.
Better yet, naw, let's keep him at Dierberg and keep Dierberg unique.
 The Dierberg Pinot has a light, mossy aroma mixed with dirt and sand. It is a silky wine that intrigues my taste buds with delicate cinnamon, mushroom, black tea and black cherry all swirling together in harmony. Naturally, at $50 a bottle and not being from the Willamette Valley of Oregon, it BETTER be an exquisite Pinot Noir!
A perfect wine to take out 2014!
 Evidently, this Pinot is also quite the comedian.
I was happy that Chef Mike gave me my wine in the urinal decanter also. I mean who doesn't love wine decanted in a urinal?
The clock struck 5pm which meant the free tasting began and we couldn't go home at this point!
 We must take advantage of all the membership perks, right?
Tonight's tasting was conducted by my darling happy place sommelier, Connor, and proved quite enjoyable. It was a "Styles Tasting" which means that importers and guest pourers aren't involved. The resident sommeliers choose the wines to taste and when they are sold out, more are pulled off the shelves to try. I haven't been intrigued by a wine on a Styles Tasting in quite a while but at this one, I actually bought a red wine to take home.
Taken Wine Company
Central Coast, CA
Winemakers Carol Trinchero and Josh Phelps grew up together in Napa Valley and believe wine is in their DNA. They created the Taken Wine Company in 2009 with a simple philosophy:
to craft great wines to share with their friends.
Now these are my kind of guys!

I must say the simple label and name of the wine lured me in from the start.
But then I smelled and tasted it and I instantly became a fan.
This French oak aged wine is 53% Grenache, 42% Syrah and 5% Carignane.
 It has seductive aromas of cherry, ripe plum, black tea, bitter chocolate with notes of anise and cocoa on the balanced mid-palate, finishing with lingers of dried plums. 

One smile from my sweet kiddo as he gave me the cork to save for the project I am creating sealed the deal.
I was truly "taken" and it was definitely "complicated".
The other wine on the tasting that was quite delicious was the
Chateau Rouchereau
 The ironic thing about this wine?
It smelled like kitty litter.
The Evil Red Genius is a cat lover and we had just picked up a bag of litter for her fur babies at Target earlier that day. Usually people think I am from another planet when I announce some obnoxious off-the-wall comment about the aromas of a wine.
But not this time! I was spot on!
The best part was having a Champagne to taste immediately after this French wine.
Unless there is orange juice in the glass with my champagne, I don't want champagne.
This champagne; however, was the perfect kitty litter chaser.


"It is the wine that leads me on,
the wild wine
that sets the wisest man to sing
at the top of his lungs,
laugh like a fool – it drives the
man to dancing... it even
tempts him to blurt out stories
better never told.”
― Homer, The Odyssey

My last happy place adventure of 2014 was not planned but it surely was appreciated and a spectacular way to end the year!
I can't wait to see what fun will ensue for 2015!

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