Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Amateur night and my 2014 simple pleasures list

New Year's Eve is upon us. There was a time when New Year's Eve would excite me and there was also a time when it equally depressed me. Now I don't see it really as any different than any other day of the year except for the fact that, unless it's something extremely important, I'm staying off the roads. Why?

Because it's amateur night. All the crazies are out and about and I sure don't need to be part of that. I'm a good driver. I'm an alert driver and I wouldn't be stupid. But what I can't control is the person in the other car who is driving erratically and perhaps drunk. It's not the people who go to a bar or have a glass of wine with dinner but it's the people who hardly ever drink and then wait until this night to go "all out".

I never quite understood the excitement of watching a "ball" drop in Times Square either. Honestly, I still don't and I'm a huge NYC fan.  I don't care for crowds and perhaps that's part of the problem.

When I was a child, I remember always spending New Year's Eve with my family - my parents, my grandparents, my cousin, Steve and his mom, Sally, my cousin, Bobbie, and my great aunt Lil. The party would take place at Bobbie and Lil's apartment in Alexandria. Sometimes the two Ednas would be there and sometimes Kathryn and Earl would also be there.

The adults would play card games and I would lay on the sofa with my headphones on listening to the countdown of the year's top songs on the radio while watching Dick Clark on tv. (As John Travolta said a few years ago, "It's not New Year's Eve without dick.") There would be tons of food, especially my granddad's dip and Lil's chicken salad. While the adults were having fun laughing, drinking and enjoying themselves, I was secretly sad because even though I was in a small apartment full of people who loved me, I felt so alone. I longed for the time when I was older and I'd be able to go to, or throw, my own New Year's Eve party and be kissed by someone other than my family at midnight.  I was such a sappy girl!

At the age of 41, as I think back on those times, that "time" I longed for never happened.  I remember going with college friends to an all-inclusive NYE party at a fancy shmancy hotel in downtown Richmond one year because friends of ours were in the local band that was performing. I remember having a fantastic time but I remember waking up the next day and feeling like complete hell. To this day, I know I had fun and I don't regret it but it's not going down as one of the best nights of my life. When I was married, my ex-asshat was a huge fan of NYE but he also was a huge fan of partying and drinking and acting like a 10 year old with all of his friends that night. That never appealed to me and while I had that special someone to kiss at midnight, having a 240lb, loud, drunk guy slobbering and hanging all over me who I had to mother was not exactly what I envisioned. Then there was my boyfriend of four years who didn't like New Year's Eve and wouldn't even stay up until midnight at home with me to celebrate. So while he was in the house with me, he was in the other room asleep while I was with the dogs on the sofa alone.  Last year was probably the best New Year's Eve celebration I've ever had and I only did that at my mom's request. My happy place always has a big shindig and she was recovering from a stroke. Her only request was to go there for New Year's Eve. How could I say "no" to that request? We had a fantastic time and yet I was still a bit melancholy because my boyfriend was in California and we had to settle for "cheers" on the phone.  I also wish now more than ever that I could have the New Year's Eves of my childhood back and be with all of my loved ones who made those parties happen for now is when I'd truly appreciate it.

So, tonight, as the sun has set and everyone has been wishing me "Happy New Year" throughout the day, I'm content being home with my best boy, Prowler, relaxing on my sofa with leftovers, using my whiskey wedge glass and enjoying one of my grandfather's bourbons, snuggling up in comfy warm clothes and perhaps watching a movie. I most likely won't be awake when midnight strikes and I'm ok with that idea.

Don't feel sorry for me though. I've never really been excited about New Year's Eve.  Once again, I think that society puts such emphasis on this one night of the year and I've never really fallen into that trap. I'd much rather spend the time safe in my warm home, away from crowds, letting my inner introvert shine and reflect on all that is important in my life - the simple things - the things that really matter.

I came up with a quick list of my simple pleasures that have occurred during 2014. I know there are many more but these are the ones that quickly come to mind:
  • renewing old friendships and strengthening new ones, including my bond with the Evil Red Genius
  • being a part of my parents' adventure in building their second home in Colonial Beach
  • finding a tiny little cheese shop in Shirlington called Cheesetique (with over 300 cheeses to try!)
  • joining an online dating service for six months and confirming that I should have listened to my gut and never done such a ridiculous thing
  • enjoying a week in an oceanfront home in Nags Head, NC
  • being a part of my mom's recovery from a stroke the year before and standing by her side as she retired after almost 30 years with the County's school system
  • being fortunate enough to build an incredible relationship/friendship with a vet for my german shepherd
  • connecting with my grandmother and grandfather through my spirit medium for my birthday
  • knowing what I want and not settling for anything less and never doing something simply out of obligation
  • being able to go to three Redskins games this season and tailgating with the RG3 Bus (even if we did have a miserable season #httr)

  • joining the IYI membership at my happy place and not only becoming more educated on all aspects of wine, but being introduced to wines that I otherwise never would have encountered
  • aside from having bronchitis that kicked my butt in December, being healthy for the majority of the year
  • having an absolutely organic and genuine connection with a stranger at a friend's wedding which has continued to naturally grow without any expectations and providing a happiness I have never experienced and rivals none

  • finally feeling, for the first time in my life, as if I have a college football team in the Ohio State Buckeyes
  • finding a beer that I like which happens to be a local brew and it's made in whiskey barrels!!!
  • laughing and smiling more than crying and screaming
  • being in the presence of unbelievably-talented live artists in concert - Luke Bryan, Tim McGraw,
  • Keith Urban, Maroon 5, Lionel Richie, Bruno Mars, Miranda Lambert, Chris Tomlin, Kip Moore, Thomas Rhett, Lee Brice, Little Big Town, Pentatonix
    • Most of all, realizing that while life may try its best to get me down and keep me there, I'll never lose faith in my God and hope for my future, making sure to embrace all of life's daily simple pleasures along the way

    "That's the difference between me and the rest of the world! Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!”
    Bill Watterson

    Thanks for being part of my 2014!
    Be safe and I'll see you with more simple pleasures of food, wine and all that is mine in 2015!

    My last happy place adventure of 2014

     After being miserable with bronchitis and hibernating in my home for over a week, I decided that I needed to become a part of the land of the living again.
    It was a Saturday afternoon, almost 50 degrees and the sun was peeking out.
    My favorite guy was traveling home from Christmas vacation and I needed to do something to stop myself from being too excited and anxious. 
     I called the Evil Red Genius at the last minute and off we went to the ABC Store (to secure libations for the next day's tailgating party), Target (to buy something I needed to make a Christmas present work properly) and then the last stop to my happy place!
    I needed to pick up the free decanter that came as part of Dad's membership upgrade gift at my happy place. I also figured since it was only 2pm we'd have the place all to ourselves and could share a mellow hour or two together reflecting on 2014 with a special bottle of wine and scrumptious snacks.
    Well, I secured the decanter, we ordered steak and cheese pitas and shared a special bottle of wine but it was far from mellow and an hour turned into almost six!
     I'm not complaining though!
    Sometimes it's the things that you don't plan that end up being the most fun!
    As we walked in, I saw my friend Mary Anne who I had not seen in months.
    Then my good buddy, Steve, walked in and they both joined us.
    We were all laughing so hard we were crying. Just what the doctor ordered!
     One bottle turned into three and then we had to, of course, stay for the free tasting.

    A few weeks ago, the Evil Red Genius and I stopped by my happy place after work to get take-out food, partake of the tasting and then planned to be home by 6:30 p.m. As I was told once, when it comes to my happy place, I have no will power.  That is, indeed, true because that planned quick in-and-out night turned into an eight-hour event. I often refer to that night as "one of the best nights in a long time" (for reasons that will not be mentioned) but at the same time I refer to it as "the night I should forget" (for reasons that will not be mentioned).
    But I digress....
    On that night, Arthur was gracious enough to share a taste of wine with us that he had opened for a special client (Yes, there are other besides me).
    After a few sips, the Evil Red Genius and I were hooked.

    So, for our last happy place adventure of 2014, we sought out this same bottle and opened it for ourselves!
    2012 Estate Grown
    Pinot Noir
    Dierberg Vineyards
    Santa Maria Valley, CA

    Before I go any further, yes, this is a Pinot Noir from California!!!
    I know, I know. But I'm the Oregon Pinot snob, right?
    This $50 non-Oregon Pinot is absolutely delicious.
    Dierberg Vineyard is situated atop a sandy loam mesa above the south bank of the Santa Maria River and its proximity to the ocean makes it one of the coolest vineyards in the Santa Maria appellation.
    When I found out this vineyard has 11 different clones of Pinot Noir it made complete sense to me why it's an unusual California Pinot; unusual meaning I actually enjoy it! Having 11 different clones of Pinot gives the winemaker so much empowerment!
    Perhaps the other California winemakers of Pinot Noir should hire this winemaker.
    Better yet, naw, let's keep him at Dierberg and keep Dierberg unique.
     The Dierberg Pinot has a light, mossy aroma mixed with dirt and sand. It is a silky wine that intrigues my taste buds with delicate cinnamon, mushroom, black tea and black cherry all swirling together in harmony. Naturally, at $50 a bottle and not being from the Willamette Valley of Oregon, it BETTER be an exquisite Pinot Noir!
    A perfect wine to take out 2014!
     Evidently, this Pinot is also quite the comedian.
    I was happy that Chef Mike gave me my wine in the urinal decanter also. I mean who doesn't love wine decanted in a urinal?
    The clock struck 5pm which meant the free tasting began and we couldn't go home at this point!
     We must take advantage of all the membership perks, right?
    Tonight's tasting was conducted by my darling happy place sommelier, Connor, and proved quite enjoyable. It was a "Styles Tasting" which means that importers and guest pourers aren't involved. The resident sommeliers choose the wines to taste and when they are sold out, more are pulled off the shelves to try. I haven't been intrigued by a wine on a Styles Tasting in quite a while but at this one, I actually bought a red wine to take home.
    Taken Wine Company
    Central Coast, CA
    Winemakers Carol Trinchero and Josh Phelps grew up together in Napa Valley and believe wine is in their DNA. They created the Taken Wine Company in 2009 with a simple philosophy:
    to craft great wines to share with their friends.
    Now these are my kind of guys!

    I must say the simple label and name of the wine lured me in from the start.
    But then I smelled and tasted it and I instantly became a fan.
    This French oak aged wine is 53% Grenache, 42% Syrah and 5% Carignane.
     It has seductive aromas of cherry, ripe plum, black tea, bitter chocolate with notes of anise and cocoa on the balanced mid-palate, finishing with lingers of dried plums. 

    One smile from my sweet kiddo as he gave me the cork to save for the project I am creating sealed the deal.
    I was truly "taken" and it was definitely "complicated".
    The other wine on the tasting that was quite delicious was the
    Chateau Rouchereau
     The ironic thing about this wine?
    It smelled like kitty litter.
    The Evil Red Genius is a cat lover and we had just picked up a bag of litter for her fur babies at Target earlier that day. Usually people think I am from another planet when I announce some obnoxious off-the-wall comment about the aromas of a wine.
    But not this time! I was spot on!
    The best part was having a Champagne to taste immediately after this French wine.
    Unless there is orange juice in the glass with my champagne, I don't want champagne.
    This champagne; however, was the perfect kitty litter chaser.


    "It is the wine that leads me on,
    the wild wine
    that sets the wisest man to sing
    at the top of his lungs,
    laugh like a fool – it drives the
    man to dancing... it even
    tempts him to blurt out stories
    better never told.”
    ― Homer, The Odyssey

    My last happy place adventure of 2014 was not planned but it surely was appreciated and a spectacular way to end the year!
    I can't wait to see what fun will ensue for 2015!

    Tuesday, December 30, 2014

    Decking the halls with Tempranillo and Tannat

    This Christmas, my parents and I were all "under the weather" so it was a very mellow season. 
    However, all that mattered was that we were together so Prowler and I packed up and made the 10 minute trek over to my parents' house on Christmas Eve.
    For Christmas Eve, we decided to take our taste buds to Spain. I haven't necessarily been fond of Spanish wines but have also found that they can be tolerable with food.
    This is one of the first IYI quarterly wines that I received and knew it was a high-end Spanish wine, so perhaps my senses would enjoy it.
    After doing some research, I found that this 2009 Bodegas Alion, from the Ribera Del Duero appellation of Spain, is a 100% Tempranillo.  That didn't excite me so I dug a little deeper and found two very important facts. This wine should be decanted for at least two hours and it should also pair well with roast beef! It just so happened to be that we were having roast beef for dinner and I quickly packed my decanter and we were good to go!

    After four hours of decanting, this very dark and thick ruby-colored wine had a tangy, burnt plum aroma.  Dad decided that it had a medicinal smell; Listerine even.
    Its tangy, cherry-Coke flavor did not make me happy but once I tried it with the roast beef, it was acceptable.
    After dinner, I decided to pull out the "big guns" and really see if this wine was going to be enjoyable.
    It was definitely better with Ghiradelli sea salt and almonds dark chocolate. Thank you, Chocolate!
    While this was a high-end wine and not a drop went to waste, it's not a wine that I need to ever buy or taste again. There are way too many wines out there to try before I go back down this road.
    Do I regret opening it? Of course not.
    I'm just realizing more and more that Spanish wines just aren't "my thing" ... and that's ok!
    In March of 2014, I bought Chateau O'Brien's 2009 Tannat.
    Some people (including myself) would think paying $79 for a local area Virginia wine, was ludicrous but after tasting Howard O'Brien's Tannat, I was sold (see my post from March for more about Chateau O'Brien)!
    I splurged in March and knew that this wine would have to be shared with my dad and saved for a special occasion. What better time to open it than for Christmas dinner?
    After being told by Howard that it should be decanted for a half hour and that it would pair well with lamb, I decided to pair this wine with the lamb bolognese I was making for Christmas dinner.
    Excited about Dad trying this wine for the first time and texting with Howard throughout the experience was an adventure in itself. With one whiff, I was happy and definitely more satisfied than I was with the Tempranillo from the night before.  While it isn't as dirty as I have grown accustomed to enjoying, it still reminded me of a rotten tomato that had fallen off the vine on a hot summer day peppered with dirt from the garden after a rainstorm.

    In other words, it was delightful!

    This is where things became too good to be true though.
    I should have known better but we'll blame it on the bronchitis and lack of oxygen going to my brain for about a week of body aches and horrendous coughing.
    This wine should pair well with lamb. Of course it should.
    Why then did it taste better on its own than with my lamb bolognese?

    The only explanation I had was the tomato sauce was too acidic for the wine.
    Perhaps a rack of lamb or lamb chops would have been a better pairing.
     I think the lamb Bolognese was too light for this smooth, rich wine.
    No tears for me though...
    because unlike the Spanish Tempranillo, this Tannat was just perfect on its own!

    Howard's Tannat also paired well with musical wine glasses, homemade Christmas sugar cookies and my absolute favorite Christmas movie, Elf!

    It was mellow, it was relaxing and it was all about me and my three best friends!
    Hope your Christmas was just as full of love!

    May our love be like good wine, growing stronger as it grows older. ~
    Old English Toast 


    Sunday, December 14, 2014

    Three Fox Vineyards - a take on Italy in horse country?

    Stopping at Three Fox Vineyards wasn't my intention but after Delaplane Cellars left a "bad taste in my mouth"  and I literally had to pass this winery, it just didn't make sense not to stop.
    Created in 2002, Three Fox Vineyards, sits on 50 rolling acres in Northern Virginia's horse country area of Fauquier County. Vineyards cover 10.5 acres of this beautiful winery perched up on a hill.
    I must admit it was pretty tempting to climb up to the top of this hill and roll down. Had it not been 30 degrees, who knows what may have happened. I believe this is also the site where the winery was given its name. When surveying the 50 acres of land, the owners were at the top of this hill and saw three foxes playing down below.
    One thing I have to admit that was strange though was the sign saying "Road to Serenity" and pointing toward a worn path into the woods. Perhaps it was the "faces" on the tree trunks. Perhaps it was the wind rustling through the trees.  Perhaps it was that the area was pretty desolate.
    Regardless, there's no way that you'd catch me walking down that path.
     It had abduction or rape written all over it. Sorry, but it did.
    While most of the tree faces were creepy, this one made me laugh.
    The Evil Red Genius had found a friend and we hadn't even gone inside yet!
    The owners of this winery are passionate about Italian wine and food. They have traveled to Italy many times to learn how wines are made in different regions of Italy.  The relaxed feel of Southern France also excites this couple. As a result, the wines made here have an Italian influence with a touch of France.
    • Leggero Chardonnay - pineapple, citrus, crisp and refreshing. This is a "give me cheese" wine!
    • Calabrese Pinot Grigio - done in the true Northern Italian style, this doesn't taste like a typical Pinot Grigio to me. 
    • Gatto Bianco  - meaning "white cat," this Viognier/Chardonnay blend has an aftertaste of goat cheese which was unexpected and exciting to my taste buds!
    • Cano Pazzo Rose - meaning "crazy dog," is made from Sangiovese grapes and smells of bacon and pepperoni. This Rose also has a disgusting maple aftertaste. The Evil Red Genius and I both made a horrible face and said in unison, "no!"
    • Il Signor Reserve Sangiovese - winemaker's selection of prime Hungarian oak barrels of estate Sangiovese grapes, aged a minimum of 10 months. This wine is very light and was missing something but I couldn't place it.  I do know that it made me instantly want to devour a cheese pizza.  It would be a good base for mulled wine too.
    •  Volpe Sangiovese - meaning "fox," this blend of Sangiovese and Cab Franc is beautiful in color but lacking taste. As a result, I refer to it as "invisible wine".
    • Piemontese Nebbiolo - This grape of the Italian Piemonte and estate grown at Three Fox. It smells better than it tastes; cloves and red wine vinegar.
    • Aloutte Cabernet Franc - If I was blindfolded, I'd never guess this was a Cab Franc. Smells like a dead skunk on the side of the road. I like dirty smells but this is beyond dirty.
    • LaTrovatella Merlot - Supposedly, this wine is blended in a French style with Merlot and Cab Franc. It is the most full-bodied of the reds that Three Fox offers. It smells like stinky, rotten fruit and has a sandpaper rough finish.  That being said, it wasn't horrible. The three before this one all tasted pretty much the same so this was somewhat of a welcomed change.
    • Rosso Dolce Chambourcin - port alternative - tastes like peppermint
     We also tried their mulled wine which tasted like rotten, hot tomatoes. Very confusing.
     Does Three Fox have fabulous wines that knocked my socks off?
    Do they have fantastic customer service and make everyone feel welcome when they walk in the door?
    Do I regret stopping at Three Fox Vineyards?
    Do I need to go back anytime soon?
    There are way too many wineries in Fauquier and Loudoun, and life is too short, to waste time on wineries that don't excite us.

    At least there was a great view.....

    In the Northern Virginia area, I believe most wine drinkers consider Loudoun County to be "wine country" and I'd have to agree.
    However, I also am quite fond of a few wineries in Fauquier County.
    Delaplane Cellars is NOT one of them.

    Delaplane Cellars is nestled on Lost Mountain overlooking the Rural Historic Crooked Run Valley.
    The views at this winery are breathtaking and no one can take that away from them.
    What they gain in views they lose in customer service, though.

    Arriving at the winery a half hour after they opened, we noticed there was only one couple at the bar and they were almost finished.
    The tasting rep asked if we were here for a wine tasting.
    Uh... call me crazy, but why else would we be there?
    To play bingo?

    It was obvious that this woman did not want to be working but, unfortunately, that was not my problem.  Maybe she doesn't know the phrase "fake it 'til you make it."
    She did not welcome us. She didn't smile at us. She didn't engage us really at all.
    She did not even tell us a single nugget of information about the winery.
    If I inquired, she answered but only with the bare minimum.
    Now, had the wine been phenomenal, this lack of good customer service may not have weighed so heavy on my mind. The wine wasn't terrible, but it surely wasn't anything exciting. Mediocre at best.

    Delaplane's lineup consists of a:
    1.  2013 Barrel Select Chardonnay which has a "splash of fruit" at the end and tastes nothing like a Chardonnay;
    2. 2011 Rose which is a blend of Merlot, Cab Franc and Cab Sav with a spicy kick at the end;
    3. 2013 Melange Rouge which is pretty in color, has a tangy burn on the end and reminded us of raspberry jam on a toasted English muffin;
    4. 2012 Williams Gap which is a blend of Cab Franc, Cab Sav, Merlot and Petit Verdot. This Bordeaux style red has a stinky, earthy, mowed-grass aroma with a strong burst of flavor but then it quickly disappears. We referred to this wine as a "pepper shot".  If there was any wine that had potential at this winery, it would be Williams Gap. Again, would be nice to know where the name came from, but God forbid someone who works at the winery would offer up that sort of information. Silly, me.
    5. 2013 Vidal Blanc which is Delaplane's first pure varietal Vidal Blanc. Don't get excited, I read this on the tasting sheet; she didn't bother to offer up that information. This refreshing wine was like biting into a ripe peach during the summer.
    Don't be alarmed by this photo. It was taken from my tasting glass purely for the view.
    When we were asked if we wanted a glass of wine and if we were going to stay for a while, it took everything out of me not to laugh. I politely said that we had a full day ahead of us and Delaplane Cellars was our first stop so we would pass today.
    What she didn't realize, though, is I'm going to just PASS on by Delaplane Cellars from now on when I'm in the area.

    At least there was a great view at Delaplane.
    They've got something going for them....


    Red and White Friday

    20 reasons why Red and White Friday was a better choice than
    Black Friday!
    1.  No crazy crowds of people acting selfish, rambunctious and rude looking for deals on things they really don't want or need anyway.
    2. Spending quality time with my Evil Red Genius

    3.  Beautiful scenery
    (I don't mind snow when it's on the grass and looks pretty. Just stay off my sidewalks and roads, please.)

    4. Being in nature with my ladybug shining down on me through the clouds

    5.  Snow on the vineyards with mountains in the background

    6.  Breathtaking views that make you feel lucky to be alive

    7.  Wine with a view at Delaplane Cellars
    (....even though the tasting room attendant was useless and the wine wasn't that good.)

    8. Cheese and bread

    9.  A cat named "Dawg"
    under a Christmas tree at Barrel Oak Winery

    10.  Meeting a four-month old Shepherd puppy mix, named Atlas, at Barrel Oak Winery


    11. Finding a fox in a tree

    12.  Picking a random rural road (with no traffic!) to explore, stopping on the side of the road and photographing barns!



    13.  Finding the beauty in an old house that is for sale and needing to be restored.
    (oh, the possibilities)


    14.  A "Christmas tree wall" popping up out of nowhere!

    15.  A miraculous, blood pressure-dropping view as you're driving through the countryside

    16.  Finding a Momma and baby cow!

    17.  Then on the other side of the road, finding this photogenic cow.....

    and holding a conversation with him.....

    ... not once thinking he'd charge the fence at us.


    18.  A cork Christmas tree


    19.  Wine.....

    more wine.....

    a decent wine....

    a delicious wine.....

    and even more wine!
    20.  Red and White Friday makes me smile, laugh and flat out happy.
    Can you say that about Black Friday?

    "On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while chatting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups."
    ~ Yoshida Kenko, Essays in Idleness