Friday, May 9, 2014

No Obligations....

The older I get the more I don't feel obligated to do anything I don't want to do. Let's face it, we all have things we HAVE to do that we'd rather not - one of those being work. Unfortunately, we need a job to pay the bills and for all the pleasures that require money in this world.   We have to cut the grass when it grows too tall, we have to shovel the snow.  We have to go to the dentist and we have to have annual medical checkups. We have to do typical things in life that we would rather not do but unfortunately just must do.

Because of all the things that I HAVE to do, I am finding it much easier, and I'm much happier, to not have obligations in other aspects of my life. If it doesn't make me happy or benefit me, then I'm not doing it. Now, I know that sounds selfish, but those of you who know me, know that I am definitely NOT a selfish person. However, experiences in life, relationships and my own well-being over the last few years have forced me to live my life with no obligations; unless they are obligations that I set for myself and I WANT to uphold. 

I have always lived my life putting other people first; making others happy. There's nothing wrong with making others happy, but there is something wrong if your own personal happiness and contentment suffer as a result.

Following this line of thinking, I decided to have a "no obligations" afternoon last Friday. There was somewhere some think I "should" have been.  Others think I should have gone because it was just "the right thing to do". Still others think I should have "been the better person." Well, guess what?
I don't really care what any of those "someones" think because they are not me, do not live my life, do not know my feelings and also are not aware of the past circumstances which made me, without a doubt, decide that I did not belong there, was not wanted there, and had no intention of being there.

I did do the RIGHT thing, with the RIGHT people at the RIGHT place - with MY friends at MY happy place. ' Nuff said!

We needed deliciousness in the form of a big red from California to commemorate this moment in time. After much deliberation, we decided to share the

2009 Hidden Ridge
Cabernet Sauvignon
Kurt (aka Butta) so graciously decanted it for us and left a tad bit in the bottom of the bottle because there was some sediment there.  Once he was out of earshot, we looked at each other and thought, "Sediment? Do we care about that?"  The Evil Red Genius proclaimed, "We can drink the sediment! It's fiber!"  As if there was any doubt, right then, I knew that I made the right decision to be where I was at that given moment. No obligations.
We didn't analyze this wine too much; we wanted to enjoy it. However, we came up with combined aromas of cocoa, tobacco, plum and smoke.   The taste descriptors were interesting, if not amusing, but relevant, and consisted of smooth, cocoa, lemon citrus, tangy and the best of all, "BURNING BUSH!!"

I left work early that afternoon and hadn't eaten lunch so by the time I got to my happy place I was starving.  Too soon for dinner though (although I did take lasagna home for later). I decided upon the open-faced chicken souvlaki platter. I've had the sandwich before but the platter with the most amazing soft pita chips and tzatziki sauce was divine! Just what I needed!

The weekend tasting line-up included three wines from FLO (For The Love Of....) Wines.
While I wasn't impressed with the wines (or the fact that the owner/musician was late showing up to perform), I did like what was on the back of the label.
It was relevant to this "no obligations celebration".


Even though the decanter reminds me of a urinal, it sure made the wine delicious! 
I know, did she just say that? Yes, I did.
There are so many different varieties of decanters and I absolutely hate this one.
Oh well, it works and I suppose that's all that should matter.

We had to splurge and each have a sea salt and chocolate caramel before all the
Hidden Ridge disappeared.
However, this chocolate should be savored and appreciated.
So, we admired it and pet it a little before we devoured it.

 I would be remiss if I didn't announce that The Evil Red Genius and The Velvet Devil now have coined their wine amigo as Flo, the Purple Angel. Someone has to temper out the dark side, right? Who better than an angel, adorned in purple?
A few memorable quotes:
 1. "We're our own personal wine cards." Who needs Table Topics cards to get the party started with the three of us?
2. "Not having wine every day would not work." There are a lot of things to give up when on a diet but giving up wine is not an option.
3. "Ding dong, the bitch is gone!"

“There are two ways to get enough.
One is to continue to accumulate more and more.
The other is to desire less.”
G.K. Chesterton

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