Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Can the right wine and the right music help make any man the right one?

I hadn't drank wine all week long. Shocking, right? Not really. Believe it or not, some days I just don't feel like "wine-ing". Now whining, yes, but not "wine-ing". There's a big difference.

I came home last Thursday evening in the middle of thunderstorms that proceeded to continue all night long. In the morning, I found water seeping through the foundation of my house. But let's not focus on the negative, let's focus on Thursday night with wine, music and men. Men, you ask? Well, ok, maybe not plural. Maybe not physically sharing wine and music with men.
Maybe just in my head and hopeful dreams.

I had been conversing with a friend from my past all week. Someone who I hadn't spoken to in a few years. Someone I hadn't seen 16 years! Someone I spent every day with for almost two years until it all blew up in my face. But time heals all wounds, right? Well, not really, but wine and music help the healing process, even if only for a little while.

Sometimes I just "feel" like a certain wine. I can't really explain it. It's just a feeling for a certain wine; a craving perhaps. To my surprise, I found that I still had the Cabernet Sauvignon made by the band, Train, in my cellar.  With the opening of this bottle, that leaves only the "Hella Fine" Merlot left by this fantastic band to try.

2010 California 37

With aromas of farm and dark berries, the taste bursts with fruit. While it's lighter than a typical Cab from California, it was soft, smooth and easy to drink.

It paired well with tuscan eggplant tomato pasta, garlic ciabiatta bread and the 1970's radio on Spotify that I was enjoying. More specifically, it tasted even better when the Bee Gees came on.

Most importantly, and to my surprise, it also paired wonderfully well with Southern Maryland conversation.
Music and men and wine are alike. Not all are spectacular but there's something for everyone. 
With the right music and wine, it might just help make any man the right one. 
What's exciting is when it's the one that you least expected and you don't overanalyze it because it  just feels right!

"It's really this simple. Does it make you happy?"

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