Monday, May 5, 2014

I love you too, Canneloni Bolognese....

"There is no love more sincere, than the love of food."
It would be difficult to find many dishes that I love more than my happy place's
Canneloni Bolognese.
Two handmade crepes filled with homemade bolognese and smothered in cheese with a side of pasta
Words cannot do this dish justice.
The first time I tried it, almost five years ago, I fell in love and I have stayed in love.
In fact, each time I have it, I fall more in love.
If only I could find a man that I loved that much!
There was a time (but staff has come and gone) when one of the chefs, the waitresses and the wine bar employees would all text me, call me and post on my facebook page when this would be on the menu. It is my crack. There is no doubt. It didn't take long for other customers to catch on and when this is on the menu, it often is sold out on Friday. I order one to eat in the restaurant, and at the same time, order one to take home. I want to savor it as long as I possibly can - all weekend long.
Each time, even now, when I heard that it's "Canneloni Bolognese weekend", I get excited.
 My mouth starts watering and I cannot wait until 5pm so I can rush over there to enjoy it!
 Above is another shot of the heavenly dish from a previous evening at Giorgios. You can see the crepes better in this picture - not as much cheese on top - yet just as delicious.  Typing this post is even making me hungry and longing for my favorite special....
A couple of weeks ago, when Canneloni Bolognese was the special, my parents joined me for dinner and one of my favorite waitresses and friends knew what I wanted. When it was time to take orders she didn't even need to take my order. "I know what YOU want". Gotta love it! They take such good care of me!
My mom was also excited because her favorite special was also on the menu that evening - baked ziti.  She had mentioned to me the previous time that she wished it had meat in it. Well, this time my sweet Sarah asked her if she wanted a meatball on it. She was thrilled and hence, below is the baked ziti with a boulder meatlball on top! When Mom's happy, everyone's happy!

Dad ordered the chicken meatloaf which was also on the specials list for the evening. I am not a meatloaf fan... AT ALL. I have always despised meatloaf and think that no food but bread should be in the form of a loaf. Dad enjoyed it, and that's all that matters. Still, looking at this picture, I start to cringe.
Meatloaf is not my friend.

Then came the feat of which wine will go with heaven in the form of crepes and meatloaf?
Arthur to the rescue and, once again, he did not disappoint.
2009 Northstar Merlot
Columbia Valley, WA
81% Merlot, 15% Cabernet Sauvignon, 4% Petit Verdot

Rich aromas of vanilla, cinnamon, blackberry, and maple with flavors of blueberry and chocolate.

As Arthur, said, "This is a Merlot, that tastes like a Cab."
It is a beautiful Merlot that just gets better if you have the patience to let it decant. Arthur knows I don't always have patience but for the right thing, I have all the patience in the world. As this meal went on, and the wine decanted, it just got better.

When we ordered the oreo cheesecake to finish off our Merlot, and Dad tasted the chocolate sauce, his reaction was epic,
"Sweet Jesus! That's good!" 
Yes, friends, if you didn't know it by now (even though I keep telling you), chocolate and red wine are a match made in heaven.

As the years have gone on, our mutual friendship has grown, and while Mike is the jokester and Arthur is the more business-minded of the two brothers, Arthur has learned that he can not only get away with joking with us but he can enjoy it.  When he was pouring our wine to taste I noticed that some of it dripped down the bottle and I had to comment. I couldn't let that go!! I really could care less but I take every chance I can to "get him". His response, got me, and I was proud because it was so unexpected. 

Me: "Excuse me, sir but you dripped wine down the side of the bottle."
Arthur: "It's ok, because you're my homies."

So, to the right, is the picture of the couple now known as "Arthur's Homies".


Did I mention jokes? Yes, jokes abound in my happy place and I love it. They surprise me every time with something new.  I always want more water and over the years Mike usually finds new and interesting vessels for my water. Some of the wait staff have caught on. On this evening, it was Will, who was mad because Sarah was our waitress and he wasn't.  He brought me out water in a pitcher with an extremely long straw.  In fact there were about 8-10 straws molded together to make one long straw. As you can see it was long enough for Will and I to share my pitcher of water.

 There's no place like home!

I am fond of this quote by Elizabeth Gilbert; however, I would use Canneloni Bolognese in place of pizza. 
"I love my pizza so much, in fact, that I have come to believe in my delirium that my pizza might actually love me, in return. I am having a relationship with this pizza, almost an affair."
One more to go please.....
I love you too, Canneloni Bolognese.
I always will.

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