Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Trip to The Wine House

Sometimes you have to try something new just to prove to yourself that you've already found the best.  I'm always up for new adventures in wine and food though so no regrets!
The Wine House is a wine bistro and shop on Main Street in Fairfax; not far from George Mason University. I went there a few years ago and was not impressed but didn't have a bad experience. A few months ago when I saw a Groupon come through for $40 worth of food, I decided to give it a second chance.  A few weeks ago, I took the Evil Red Genius there for her birthday lunch.
It was a very nice spring day and we decided to sit outside on their patio, soak up the sun and share some yummy food and a bottle of wine.

First, we ordered the cheese plate which was delicious.  Then again, we're very easy to please when it comes to cheese and bread.


Second, was a quiche with tomatoes, spinach and goat cheese on a mixed greens salad. I have found in life that there are two kind of people - those who LOVE goat cheese and those who DESPISE goat cheese. There is no in between. Thankfully, the Evil Red Genius loves goat cheese, as do I.

Next on the menu was the Steak Frites platter - hanger steak with pommes frites and black peppercorn cream sauce. The steak was perfectly cooked, could be cut with a butter knife and the sauce was divine.
Lastly, for dessert was a chocolate terrine. Not as thick as fudge, but thicker than a brownie. It was rich but paired well with our wine.

Speaking of wine......

When we arrived at The Wine House, there were two tables with customers on the outdoor patio and no customers inside. Similar to the last time, I feel that, while their food is delicious, their customer service is lacking. When I walk into a neighborhood place that is small and it's obvious I'm not a "regular" I expect someone to acknowledge me and want to "win me over".
Now, keep in mind, no one was rude but they weren't jumping for joy to help us either. Am I spoiled at my happy place? Of course I am, to a certain extent. However, even though I am a "regular" there, I am still treated as a customer and even more so because they know how highly I think of the establishment.  They know how happy I am and want to keep me that way.
The wine selection at The Wine House is limited but the typical regions are represented - California, Italy, France, Spain, Australia, New Zealand and Virginia with a few others thrown in here and there. However, what I did not like was that there are no descriptors of the wines. If the staff was willing and friendly, perhaps they wouldn't need little placards with descriptions. But at this point, I'd like to have one or the other.
We ended up asking one of the gentlemen that worked there what he recommended for a big, bold Cab in our price range. He suggested a few but didn't go into much detail. He seemed like he didn't want to be there and I'm all for not wanting to be at work some days, but you learn to "fake it til you make it." Or you should.... When he said one of my favorite all-time cabs was overpriced and wasn't very good, I knew right then and there we weren't going to see eye to eye on wines.
We chose the 2010 Stratton Lumis from Napa. Like I always say, when in doubt, you can't go wrong with a Napa Cab.
This wine had soft tannins with layers of dark fruit, mocha and cassis.
 I enjoyed it but it wasn't as big of a Napa Cab as I am used to and typically favor. 
However, it is amazing how good company, sunshine and good food can improve the taste of the wine!
“A bottle of wine begs to be shared; I have never met a miserly wine lover!”
― Clifton Fadiman

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