Friday, March 29, 2019

We are all energy

You may remember learning in elementary science class that all matter is energy, right? You also learned that all energy is made of the same particles. Ok, great - the basics.  EVERYTHING in this universe is energy. Yes, even us. 

Remember......we are spiritual beings having a human experience. That sounds all otherworldly and stuff but think about it. Our human bodies will perish. Our spirits will not. Our spirits will always live on even though our bodies have died. Don't believe me? Come hang out with me for a day and you'll realize that spirits are around - they love me. I don't even know half of them but I know they are here. I hear them, smell them, feel them and sometimes see them. No, it's not scary. I'm honored. All they want is to get our attention and they know I am an open channel.

Ok, so here we go. Master this thinking I'm about to explain and you're going to understand a lot more about yourself and the world around you - and definitely look at things in a different light.  I'll keep this simple because it really isn't complicated at all. 

We are all energy.
We have thoughts. 
Those thoughts create an emotion/feeling in our bodies. 

You're still with me, right? So far, we are in agreement with those three points? Ok, good. Let's go on.

That emotion/feeling then creates a vibration.
That vibration is what the Universe responds to with a like vibration.

It's the main law of this universe - the Law of Attraction. The power of our minds to express whatever is in our thoughts and turn them into reality. All thoughts turn into things. So, that means be careful what you think and how you react to something because that is what you will attract! Sound pretty simple?  Good.  

Within 30 seconds of sending a vibration out to the universe, it comes right back to us. Literally, THAT fast. The process of attracting more of what we are focusing on just takes 30 seconds. So, if you are thinking positive, you will attract positive. If you are thinking negative, you will attract negative. The Universe doesn't HEAR what we are saying or thinking; it FEELS our vibration. As soon as your thought creates an emotion and that emotion creates a vibration, it's coming right back to you. So that means everything must start with how you FEEL. Stop focusing on what you DON'T want and start focusing on what you DO want.  

Are you an all doom and gloom, poor, me, the-sky-is-falling kind of person and wonder why does this keep happening to me? Well, it's because you are attracting it!! Stop wallowing in what is happening and make it stop! And don't tell me you can't because you absolutely can! I've been there. I have tried and it works. Is it easy? Of course not. But once you understand the Law of Attraction, it will become so easy for you once you start seeing it in action. Trust me, I've been there. I am not perfect by any means. I still struggle but I also have been practicing this enough to know that it works and then I can quickly change my thoughts as soon as I start feeling that "why me" feeling coming on. Maybe you are a sunshine and rainbows and life is good kind of person. Excellent! Keep feeling that way and you'll keep attracting those vibes! You're probably like me and a mix of both depending on the situation. Start raising your vibration - thinking positive - finding the good- and you WILL start feeling better because you will be attracting better into your life. 

Take some time to let this sink in and then as you go about your daily life, see where you are your own worst enemy or even life's biggest cheerleader. You'll see me referring to this a lot. I'll remind you of this often, probably to the point where it makes you crazy. But it's that powerful and that important. It's very simple and yet such a daunting task for most of us. 

What you feel is what you attract. 
Remember that. 
What you feel is what you attract. 
So start attracting some awesome stuff, ya'll. 
I'm here to help!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Freed by love and forgiveness

She had been planning for this day for weeks. The work that she had done to get to this point had been ongoing and arduous. It was painful. It was time consuming. It was exhausting. It was frustrating. It definitely wasn't easy. But it was necessary and she was finally ready. She didn't just need to do this; she wanted to do this.

The day was filled with overcast skies and periods of rain. The sun didn't shine and the wind was roaring at times, but she didn't give up. She was looking forward to the evening's plans.  Her workday lasted longer than usual but that didn't deter her. The clouds were still lingering and there wasn't much clearing in sight. As the hours rolled on, she started to realize that the power of the full moon that she had been longing for may not show its glory over her home this time.  But it was then she realized that just because she may not see the moon, didn't mean that the moon wasn't there. She could still feel its energy and she would carry out her plans regardless. It was about trust and faith in that which she cannot see. This was too important to postpone. It was time. It was past time.

The moon was to be at its fullest at 9:46 p.m. A half hour prior, she looked out over the ocean and saw a hint of light coming through the dark sky. The moon was starting to fight through the clouds. She ran outside, beaming with excitement, took a deep breath, and an instant smile came over her face as the moon shone in all its beauty.

Anxious and filled with anticipation, she turned on soothing sounds and filled her room with lavender. Her heart began to race. She gathered her crystals, her sage and her letter and went back outside under the light of the moon. Luna was peeking in and out of the clouds but the scene had been set and the energy was enveloping her.  After she saged her space and crystals, it started to lightly rain.  For a quick moment, she began to feel disappointment rising up inside of her. But then instantly, it hit her. Water. Water!! What is more renewing than water? The universe had blessed her plans and was renewing her by washing away the past and setting the tone of the ritual. She was truly being washed by the water in preparation for a new beginning.

She read the letter out loud. The words flowed right off of her tongue as if they were the most natural words she had ever spoken.... with emotion... with pure love.... with unbridled compassion... and, most of all, with complete and absolute forgiveness.

As she began to burn the letter and finally release the resentment and anger that held her captive her entire life, the moon escaped behind the clouds and the dampness from the rain wouldn't allow the flame to catch.  Determined, she retreated to her room, threw open the shuttered windows and burned the letter in the window sill as the moon once again showed its face through the swaying of the trees. There was resistance in burning of the photograph as a dark, toxic smoke begin to rise and consume her. Once she vocalized the symbolism in burning the photograph, the paper began a slow burn. This burning wasn't in anger or bitterness. This burning was to symbolize the final release and letting go of all that person represented to her in his human form; the end of a very long cycle. The person she knew was no longer. She had released him of that guilt and she had released herself from that self-imprisonment. She had nothing but pure love and compassion for him now.  She now clearly knew what her purpose was and how his life played a part in her journey.  Ending with a prayer and a symbolic cleansing of a precious piece of silver jewelry in which his spirit had provided to her, she entered into a new relationship with him; a new beginning.

As she wandered back outside, she noticed the rain had stopped, the wind had stopped and the moon was slowly starting to arise out of the clouds. As she stood at the highest point in her sanctuary and looked up at the sky, surrounded only by nature and complete solitude, she felt it. She felt the heaviness being released and she felt a sense of peace and contentment wrapping itself around her. You are free, little girl. Finally free.

For the first time in 41 years, she could breathe. Truly breathe.

Monday, March 18, 2019

It's time......

I have been flying under the radar lately and that is for good reason. It doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you all and sending you love because I definitely am. It means Spirit has been slapping me in the face for quite a while now and I need to heed its advice if I want to heal and be able to continue to guide and help others.  I haven't been pulling cards or actively connecting with spirit to give myself time to focus on what I, personally, still need to heal. As I have learned on this journey, there is no right or wrong way. It's all the right way.  We are never given more than we can handle and if we are faced with something that we perceive may not be beneficial, then we need to determine what we are supposed to learn from the situation.  Every single thing that occurs in our life occurs for a reason. Everything. And....nothing happens TO us; it all happens FOR us.

As I'm going through my own core wound healing process, I wanted to at least touch base on the Full Moon that is coming up this Wednesday, March 20.  It is not only a Full Moon but it's a Super Moon and it's also on the first day of Spring so there is a ton of energy coming with this one. Remember, full moons are about completions and endings.  This moon will offer up some insight into our relationships as well as lessons around equality and balance.  As we say goodbye to Winter and hello to Spring on the same day, it's a time of renewal and this Super Full Moon will encourage us to renew our partnerships, unions and bring about a much needed peace of mind.

While full moons are a time of letting go and releasing what doesn't serve us, this super full moon will give us the chance to end a chapter or a season within our RELATIONSHIPS. This is a chance for us to reset our sense of balance and justice.  The ending of a chapter in a specific relationship could involve a romantic partnership but it doesn't need to be romantic. It could be a relationship you have with a family member or a coworker or a so-called friend. It could be a relationship that you have with your inner child or one you are battling within your self! I don't have to point it out for you. You KNOW. You may not want to admit it but you know.

For me, this full moon is a time to finally release a passed family member after holding a lifetime of resentment and anger.  It is finally time to forgive them and release them with love and compassion. It hasn't been easy and it has been an ongoing process since this journey of mine began a few years ago, but over the last few months it has been culminating to this point. I am ready and I need to release this burden in order to move on with my life and my healing.  I need to let go of what has been bringing me down my entire life. It is time to stop playing the victim and break free of this self imprisonment. It isn't going to be easy. None of this is easy but all of it is necessary and I have finally gotten to the point where I know I not only NEED to do this but I WANT to do this. There's a difference and when that difference slaps you in the face you know, without a single doubt, it's time.

If you missed my post on the Full Moon ritual, here's the link:  I highly recommend this ritual. I can't even begin to tell you how it has helped me. Don't think it's a one and done thing - sometimes it may work that way but not always. I first wrote a letter back in June 2018 for the individual that I am still battling inside. But remember, sometimes when it's as deep seeded as this one, it takes more than once. If you aren't ready to release with love and forgiveness, then take a step back and try again another time.  When it's time, you'll know....

It's time to find balance within my soul and get ready to begin again. It's time for closure. It's time for forgiveness. It's time for compassion. It's time for renewal. It's time for new beginnings.

Until next time..... sending you much love and healing light.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Messages from Spirit

You may have seen various card posts with messages from Spirit on my Facebook page over the last few months and may be wondering what they mean. Maybe you're curious but not sure how to reach out or what to say. First of all, don't be scared. There is absolutely nothing to be scared of; in fact it's the complete opposite feeling you should have! And also get it out of your mind that I am a witch or doing voodoo or some satanic crap because it is the absolute exact opposite! It is a direct connect to the divine spirit world. Remember we are soul beings having a temporary human experience and are made of energy. Our energy just transforms when we leave our human bodies; it doesn't die. 

You may have heard of tarot cards and most people relate them to fortune tellers.  Honestly, I didn't know anything about cards until about a year ago when I went for a medium session and she decided to pull cards as part of my session. I was instantly amazed and, over the last few months, I have been delving into the art of understanding and reading cards. If I can help someone the way she helped me, then it is more than worth it (and I already have helped quite a few!)

There are tarot cards and oracle cards. Tarot cards go back to mid-15th century and have a traditional structure and common meanings. Oracle cards are free flowing with less rules and can have any number of cards in a deck where tarot decks usually have 78.  Tarot cards have a common theme while oracle cards do not. With all that being said, it truly is reader preference as far as which types of cards to use.

So what is this really all about? I mean that's all fine and good, but what does this MEAN, right? Well, cards are truly just another avenue to receive messages from Spirit. What exactly is a message from Spirit?  How do I get these messages? Why do I read cards?

First, if you read my first blog post this year, it was about my journey with Spirit. (You can find it here:  For years now, I have been able to connect with passed loved ones, communicate with animals (living and in spirit) and, recently, have even been feeling the energy of living beings. Oddly enough, I have found that connecting with animals and deceased human beings is a lot easier than connecting with living human beings! Spirits are awesome and often someone I don't even know will come through to me because I am an open channel. (Wait til I tell you about all the activity in August during last year's LionsGate Portal while walking the dog after work!) 

What it all boils down to is WE ARE ALL ENERGY. While we are in human form here on this earth we are energy and after we have left our earthly bodies and are in spirit form we are energy. It is ALL about energy. If you are open and aware, then you have the ability to connect and just need to hone your skills, which I'm currently doing. Reading cards is great practice for me. 

When I first started working with cards and got to the point where I thought I may want to try to pull for someone, I graciously went to a good friend of mine who "gets it" and who I entrusted from the start. When I pulled a card for her and the accuracy was spot on, it blew us both away. I realized then that it's all about connecting with the energy of the person you are reading, with Spirit and relying on your intuition. I often now will feel "drawn" to pull a card for certain individuals. I don't just decide that's who I'm going to pull for. I receive a strong energy nudge toward that person and sometimes when I try to blow it off, because I may be running late for work, Spirit makes it very clear that it is important to pull this card. More times than not, when I relay that message, it was definitely something timely and of need to that person. 

Sometimes I will draw for "the collective" and that is what you typically see me post on Facebook. I will ask Spirit what the collective needs to know today, or this week, or based on the Full Moon energy, or what the collective is struggling with or needs assistance in today.  The collective is everyone, the group. If you see my posts, and that card resonates with you, then it was for you. You happen upon my readings? That's because you were meant to. Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences. 

There also are no wrong messages. When I relay a message to you, I base it off the meaning of the card, what Spirit tells me and the energy that I feel from the card and from you. At times I will pull a clarifier, which is a second card to help confirm or elaborate on what the first card said or meant. Sometimes, more than one card "pops" out and sometimes the cards pop out with reckless abandon which is when I know that this message is definitely important and Spirit wants to make sure it is heard!

While I know that there are no wrong messages, it is important for the person being read to confirm if the message makes sense to them. I relay what I know and what I feel and am "getting" from Spirit, but it truly is up to the recipient to make sense of it. Validating what I have provided is so incredibly helpful. If it doesn't make sense, that is fine too because at some point it will.  Often you may be looking into it too hard and need to see it from a different perspective - Spirit isn't always literal. Spirit could even surprise you. Spirit knows and will always tell you exactly what you need to hear. Remember, it's YOUR energy. 

Why do I read cards? To spread the love. To help people. To give them hope and to encourage them. To let them know they aren't alone. To help them grow and blossom on their own journey. Cards don't lie. I am not reading your horoscope. I am not telling you what's going to happen to you in the future. I am not providing medical advice. But I am relaying messages that I am getting directly from Spirit that are important for YOU to hear. It is also important to know that everything that I relay is for the highest good and insight of all. All messages come from a place of love and negative, toxic or harmful energies are not welcomed. Now, there may be some messages of tough love, but you know it's just because you need it!

So be on the lookout, you may just get a private message from me or text from me out of the blue with a picture of a card(s) and a message for you. I think I've surprised quite a few people already and that's not what this is about but it is pretty fantastic. To be given this gift, I am so very appreciative and grateful. Thank you to those who have trusted me and are helping me guide them and allowing me the privilege of riding along on their journey! My heart overfloweth!

Friday, March 1, 2019

She knew......

It was in the early morning hours of March 1, 2013, somewhere around 1:30 a.m. She suddenly woke from a deep sleep to the moon coming through the small slit in her bedroom window curtains like a gentle but powerful spotlight across her body. Her heart began to flutter. Not really flutter but do that thing it does when something "bad" has happened to someone. It doesn't last long and it's hard to explain but she knows it when it's "that" feeling. There's no other feeling like that one. And it had happened before and she knew why. Oh God, not again.....She clutched her chest and tears began to flow. Her breathing hesitated. Then she tried to take a deep breath and make it go away but it wouldn't. The flutter became deeper, more pronounced. No pain, well, not for her at least. Within about a minute, it stopped and she peacefully fell back to sleep.

About 8:30 a.m. that Saturday morning, as she was finishing breakfast and about to curl up on the sofa with her german shepherd and relax with the beautiful feeling of not having anything planned for the day, the phone rang. It was her dad. She instantly knew something was wrong. Her dad never calls this early on a weekend. Feeling the dread, she answered the phone.  His voice was quivering:

Mom wanted to call you but she's too upset.
Dad, what's wrong? Is Mom ok?
Mom is fine. Sweetie, Sally called........... Stevie died.

She was in complete disbelief.
Stevie? How? He was only 53.
Wait, what? There's no way. How? What happened? When? This can't be true. I don't understand.
He was active and in great health. He always played basketball.
What about the boys?

His 11-year old son, his name sake, had called 911 as soon as he found him, lying in bed. Even did CPR. But, it was too late.  He had a massive heart attack and died instantly.

In between the sheer disbelief, bouts of uncontrollable sobbing and flashbacks in her mind to growing up together, it then hit her and she frantically asked her dad:

Dad, when did this happen??!
Sally just called about an hour ago.
No, Dad, what time did Stevie die? 
She said around 1:30 this morning. 

1:30 this morning.
Her tears flowed like a raging river down her face but a warmth came over her and a smile came out behind the tears as she explained to her dad what had woke her this morning.  It was Stevie. She knew he died as soon as he took his last breath because she FELT his last breath. The exact moment that he was leaving his human body and transforming, his energy....his spirit.... connected with hers. She felt him as he died. Growing up they were very close and shared such a special connection but over the last 10 years or so they had lost touch.  It had always made her quite melancholy to think of it but their bond was never broken and this was proof.  He knew she was an open channel and had found a way to get to her. This was the best gift he could have ever given her.

1:30 this morning.
The man she always referred to as her cousin but they weren't even blood related.
The man who was always there for her growing up - at every family event.
The man who acted and felt like he was more family than most of her blood family.
He had died.
But at 1:30 that morning, he used that undeniable unspoken connection they had always shared and he told her goodbye in a way that she would never forget and always treasure.

It's not often that she sees it. In fact, it's only been about three or four times since that night that she's seen it. But when she sees it, there is no doubt it's him. The moon that night was like no other and she knows why - it was Stevie's moon.

It was in the early morning hours of March 1, 2013, somewhere around 1:30 a.m. She suddenly woke from a deep sleep to the moon coming through the small slit in her bedroom window curtains like a gentle but powerful spotlight across her body. Her heart began to flutter. Not really flutter but do that thing it does when something "bad" has happened to someone.

She knew......