Friday, March 29, 2019

We are all energy

You may remember learning in elementary science class that all matter is energy, right? You also learned that all energy is made of the same particles. Ok, great - the basics.  EVERYTHING in this universe is energy. Yes, even us. 

Remember......we are spiritual beings having a human experience. That sounds all otherworldly and stuff but think about it. Our human bodies will perish. Our spirits will not. Our spirits will always live on even though our bodies have died. Don't believe me? Come hang out with me for a day and you'll realize that spirits are around - they love me. I don't even know half of them but I know they are here. I hear them, smell them, feel them and sometimes see them. No, it's not scary. I'm honored. All they want is to get our attention and they know I am an open channel.

Ok, so here we go. Master this thinking I'm about to explain and you're going to understand a lot more about yourself and the world around you - and definitely look at things in a different light.  I'll keep this simple because it really isn't complicated at all. 

We are all energy.
We have thoughts. 
Those thoughts create an emotion/feeling in our bodies. 

You're still with me, right? So far, we are in agreement with those three points? Ok, good. Let's go on.

That emotion/feeling then creates a vibration.
That vibration is what the Universe responds to with a like vibration.

It's the main law of this universe - the Law of Attraction. The power of our minds to express whatever is in our thoughts and turn them into reality. All thoughts turn into things. So, that means be careful what you think and how you react to something because that is what you will attract! Sound pretty simple?  Good.  

Within 30 seconds of sending a vibration out to the universe, it comes right back to us. Literally, THAT fast. The process of attracting more of what we are focusing on just takes 30 seconds. So, if you are thinking positive, you will attract positive. If you are thinking negative, you will attract negative. The Universe doesn't HEAR what we are saying or thinking; it FEELS our vibration. As soon as your thought creates an emotion and that emotion creates a vibration, it's coming right back to you. So that means everything must start with how you FEEL. Stop focusing on what you DON'T want and start focusing on what you DO want.  

Are you an all doom and gloom, poor, me, the-sky-is-falling kind of person and wonder why does this keep happening to me? Well, it's because you are attracting it!! Stop wallowing in what is happening and make it stop! And don't tell me you can't because you absolutely can! I've been there. I have tried and it works. Is it easy? Of course not. But once you understand the Law of Attraction, it will become so easy for you once you start seeing it in action. Trust me, I've been there. I am not perfect by any means. I still struggle but I also have been practicing this enough to know that it works and then I can quickly change my thoughts as soon as I start feeling that "why me" feeling coming on. Maybe you are a sunshine and rainbows and life is good kind of person. Excellent! Keep feeling that way and you'll keep attracting those vibes! You're probably like me and a mix of both depending on the situation. Start raising your vibration - thinking positive - finding the good- and you WILL start feeling better because you will be attracting better into your life. 

Take some time to let this sink in and then as you go about your daily life, see where you are your own worst enemy or even life's biggest cheerleader. You'll see me referring to this a lot. I'll remind you of this often, probably to the point where it makes you crazy. But it's that powerful and that important. It's very simple and yet such a daunting task for most of us. 

What you feel is what you attract. 
Remember that. 
What you feel is what you attract. 
So start attracting some awesome stuff, ya'll. 
I'm here to help!

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