Thursday, March 7, 2019

Messages from Spirit

You may have seen various card posts with messages from Spirit on my Facebook page over the last few months and may be wondering what they mean. Maybe you're curious but not sure how to reach out or what to say. First of all, don't be scared. There is absolutely nothing to be scared of; in fact it's the complete opposite feeling you should have! And also get it out of your mind that I am a witch or doing voodoo or some satanic crap because it is the absolute exact opposite! It is a direct connect to the divine spirit world. Remember we are soul beings having a temporary human experience and are made of energy. Our energy just transforms when we leave our human bodies; it doesn't die. 

You may have heard of tarot cards and most people relate them to fortune tellers.  Honestly, I didn't know anything about cards until about a year ago when I went for a medium session and she decided to pull cards as part of my session. I was instantly amazed and, over the last few months, I have been delving into the art of understanding and reading cards. If I can help someone the way she helped me, then it is more than worth it (and I already have helped quite a few!)

There are tarot cards and oracle cards. Tarot cards go back to mid-15th century and have a traditional structure and common meanings. Oracle cards are free flowing with less rules and can have any number of cards in a deck where tarot decks usually have 78.  Tarot cards have a common theme while oracle cards do not. With all that being said, it truly is reader preference as far as which types of cards to use.

So what is this really all about? I mean that's all fine and good, but what does this MEAN, right? Well, cards are truly just another avenue to receive messages from Spirit. What exactly is a message from Spirit?  How do I get these messages? Why do I read cards?

First, if you read my first blog post this year, it was about my journey with Spirit. (You can find it here:  For years now, I have been able to connect with passed loved ones, communicate with animals (living and in spirit) and, recently, have even been feeling the energy of living beings. Oddly enough, I have found that connecting with animals and deceased human beings is a lot easier than connecting with living human beings! Spirits are awesome and often someone I don't even know will come through to me because I am an open channel. (Wait til I tell you about all the activity in August during last year's LionsGate Portal while walking the dog after work!) 

What it all boils down to is WE ARE ALL ENERGY. While we are in human form here on this earth we are energy and after we have left our earthly bodies and are in spirit form we are energy. It is ALL about energy. If you are open and aware, then you have the ability to connect and just need to hone your skills, which I'm currently doing. Reading cards is great practice for me. 

When I first started working with cards and got to the point where I thought I may want to try to pull for someone, I graciously went to a good friend of mine who "gets it" and who I entrusted from the start. When I pulled a card for her and the accuracy was spot on, it blew us both away. I realized then that it's all about connecting with the energy of the person you are reading, with Spirit and relying on your intuition. I often now will feel "drawn" to pull a card for certain individuals. I don't just decide that's who I'm going to pull for. I receive a strong energy nudge toward that person and sometimes when I try to blow it off, because I may be running late for work, Spirit makes it very clear that it is important to pull this card. More times than not, when I relay that message, it was definitely something timely and of need to that person. 

Sometimes I will draw for "the collective" and that is what you typically see me post on Facebook. I will ask Spirit what the collective needs to know today, or this week, or based on the Full Moon energy, or what the collective is struggling with or needs assistance in today.  The collective is everyone, the group. If you see my posts, and that card resonates with you, then it was for you. You happen upon my readings? That's because you were meant to. Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences. 

There also are no wrong messages. When I relay a message to you, I base it off the meaning of the card, what Spirit tells me and the energy that I feel from the card and from you. At times I will pull a clarifier, which is a second card to help confirm or elaborate on what the first card said or meant. Sometimes, more than one card "pops" out and sometimes the cards pop out with reckless abandon which is when I know that this message is definitely important and Spirit wants to make sure it is heard!

While I know that there are no wrong messages, it is important for the person being read to confirm if the message makes sense to them. I relay what I know and what I feel and am "getting" from Spirit, but it truly is up to the recipient to make sense of it. Validating what I have provided is so incredibly helpful. If it doesn't make sense, that is fine too because at some point it will.  Often you may be looking into it too hard and need to see it from a different perspective - Spirit isn't always literal. Spirit could even surprise you. Spirit knows and will always tell you exactly what you need to hear. Remember, it's YOUR energy. 

Why do I read cards? To spread the love. To help people. To give them hope and to encourage them. To let them know they aren't alone. To help them grow and blossom on their own journey. Cards don't lie. I am not reading your horoscope. I am not telling you what's going to happen to you in the future. I am not providing medical advice. But I am relaying messages that I am getting directly from Spirit that are important for YOU to hear. It is also important to know that everything that I relay is for the highest good and insight of all. All messages come from a place of love and negative, toxic or harmful energies are not welcomed. Now, there may be some messages of tough love, but you know it's just because you need it!

So be on the lookout, you may just get a private message from me or text from me out of the blue with a picture of a card(s) and a message for you. I think I've surprised quite a few people already and that's not what this is about but it is pretty fantastic. To be given this gift, I am so very appreciative and grateful. Thank you to those who have trusted me and are helping me guide them and allowing me the privilege of riding along on their journey! My heart overfloweth!

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