Monday, March 18, 2019

It's time......

I have been flying under the radar lately and that is for good reason. It doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you all and sending you love because I definitely am. It means Spirit has been slapping me in the face for quite a while now and I need to heed its advice if I want to heal and be able to continue to guide and help others.  I haven't been pulling cards or actively connecting with spirit to give myself time to focus on what I, personally, still need to heal. As I have learned on this journey, there is no right or wrong way. It's all the right way.  We are never given more than we can handle and if we are faced with something that we perceive may not be beneficial, then we need to determine what we are supposed to learn from the situation.  Every single thing that occurs in our life occurs for a reason. Everything. And....nothing happens TO us; it all happens FOR us.

As I'm going through my own core wound healing process, I wanted to at least touch base on the Full Moon that is coming up this Wednesday, March 20.  It is not only a Full Moon but it's a Super Moon and it's also on the first day of Spring so there is a ton of energy coming with this one. Remember, full moons are about completions and endings.  This moon will offer up some insight into our relationships as well as lessons around equality and balance.  As we say goodbye to Winter and hello to Spring on the same day, it's a time of renewal and this Super Full Moon will encourage us to renew our partnerships, unions and bring about a much needed peace of mind.

While full moons are a time of letting go and releasing what doesn't serve us, this super full moon will give us the chance to end a chapter or a season within our RELATIONSHIPS. This is a chance for us to reset our sense of balance and justice.  The ending of a chapter in a specific relationship could involve a romantic partnership but it doesn't need to be romantic. It could be a relationship you have with a family member or a coworker or a so-called friend. It could be a relationship that you have with your inner child or one you are battling within your self! I don't have to point it out for you. You KNOW. You may not want to admit it but you know.

For me, this full moon is a time to finally release a passed family member after holding a lifetime of resentment and anger.  It is finally time to forgive them and release them with love and compassion. It hasn't been easy and it has been an ongoing process since this journey of mine began a few years ago, but over the last few months it has been culminating to this point. I am ready and I need to release this burden in order to move on with my life and my healing.  I need to let go of what has been bringing me down my entire life. It is time to stop playing the victim and break free of this self imprisonment. It isn't going to be easy. None of this is easy but all of it is necessary and I have finally gotten to the point where I know I not only NEED to do this but I WANT to do this. There's a difference and when that difference slaps you in the face you know, without a single doubt, it's time.

If you missed my post on the Full Moon ritual, here's the link:  I highly recommend this ritual. I can't even begin to tell you how it has helped me. Don't think it's a one and done thing - sometimes it may work that way but not always. I first wrote a letter back in June 2018 for the individual that I am still battling inside. But remember, sometimes when it's as deep seeded as this one, it takes more than once. If you aren't ready to release with love and forgiveness, then take a step back and try again another time.  When it's time, you'll know....

It's time to find balance within my soul and get ready to begin again. It's time for closure. It's time for forgiveness. It's time for compassion. It's time for renewal. It's time for new beginnings.

Until next time..... sending you much love and healing light.

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