Saturday, February 16, 2019

Full Moon Release and Burn

On Tuesday, February 19, we will have a Full Moon in our night sky. The ritual for the Full Moon is completely different than the New Moon which I posted about a few weeks ago. Personally, I LOVE the Full Moon energy and I'll tell you why!

As we know, the moon is connected to our emotions, creativity, potential and intuition.  When the moon is full, we feel all of this energy at the strongest and deepest level.  A Full Moon is a time of high energy and power.  My favorite part of a Full Moon is that it provides us with the energy and power to release and let go of what does not serve us!  It is a time to get rid of what we no longer need and a time to benefit from what we set our intentions on with the New Moon!

During the New Moon, we are surrounded by darkness but with the Full Moon, we are surrounded by light. This light allows us to see things clearly, with a new perspective, and aids us in taking action in moving forward!  Just think about what's happening.  The moon is receiving the light of the sun and shining it back on us. We are stepping out of the darkness and into the light! There is nothing quite like being outside, barefoot, sinking your feet into the earth gazing at the Full Moon. I truly feel myself connected to its powerful and rejuvenating energy! These past few weeks leading up to the Full Moon have been pretty energetically exhausting so I definitely am ready to be refueled next Tuesday!

A few days before the Full Moon, start by doing one of two things. Actually, depending on how you feel, you may want to do a mix of both.

1.   Make a list of all the things that you want to "let go" of, things that do not serve you, things that you want to release. These can be emotions, relationships, habits, addictions, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors.  Write those things down.  Be extensive. Be thorough. Be true to yourself in this list. Really search your soul and be honest with yourself. This is for your benefit!


2.  If you are wanting to let go of a toxic, hurtful, negative, relationship - past or present - then write a letter to that person. This letter isn't going to be sent to the person (unless you want to) so you have free reign to get all of your emotions out. Tell them how you feel. Explain to them what they did that has made you feel this way - angry, hurt, deceived, sad, abandoned - whatever the emotion may be. Let it all out in writing. This could be for a family member, an ex-spouse, a coworker, a boss, a former friend, a neighbor, you name it.  It could even be something you write to yourself or to your inner child. Dig deep. Go into your deepest fears and wounds.  We often think we have let something go when in actuality we have just pushed it away from our present reality and into the recesses of our mind. You need to fully let go of something to free yourself of this self imprisonment.

This isn't easy. It's not supposed to be easy but it will give you such a sense of freedom. It may take you a while to write these letters. You may need more than a few days. Fortunate for us, we have a Full Moon every month so there are plenty of opportunities. I did this for the first time in June 2018 not knowing really what to expect and I cannot even begin to explain the freedom that it gave me.  I was holding on to anger and hurt for a decade over one person and for my entire life over a few others.

What I realized and what is very important is in order to let something or someone go, you have to be aware of three very important things. First, hurt people hurt people. Happy people don't hurt people. Whoever hurt you, upset you, angered you, is also hurt. That doesn't make it ok but realize that there is a reason and there is a pattern to this behavior. That is not your problem; it is theirs to acknowledge and fix. But it is important for you to understand. Second, you must own and accept your role in this wrongdoing.  Even if it's just the sheer fact of you allowing yourself to let them get to you this much and for this long.  Do you think my ex-husband still thinks about me and is irritated every time he hears my name?? Of course not, he has moved on. I have as well but I still held on to the anger and resentment and it was absolutely destroying my heart and soul. By not letting that anger go, it wasn't hurting him. It was just hurting me! Third, when writing a letter, you must end it with love and forgiveness for that person. This is going to be difficult for many of you and it was the hardest part for me. That's why it took me a while to even write some of the letters. If you can't end it with love and forgiveness, you are not ready to let go of it yet. Don't force it. When it's time, you will know.

Write your list. Write your letters.  This may take a while. Take your time. Make it right. Don't fake it. Don't just write something to write something. Really delve into your heart and soul.  I actually wrote a letter to a few people from my past and felt that I actually needed to send it to them. Why? Because I don't think they had any idea how much they affected me and I didn't want them to knowingly or unknowingly do it to someone else. Some of them have daughters of their own and I wanted them to realize how they made me feel but through their daughter's eyes of the same age. I didn't send it to them for a response or an apology or a rebuttal. I sent it to them for ME! I needed to say what I said. I needed to let it out and I felt so much better. One responded in a way that lovingly and graciously floored me and we have healed together. One didn't respond at all but he always avoided the important conversations in our relationship and one ca
me at me with a vengeance as I expected. Still, this was about me being free; not about blaming them. Other letters I wrote to family members who have passed and for whom I still held anger and resentment. Some letters for current family members that I needed to release and some people who I thought were friends but never really were. There may have even been an old boss or two.

Now that you have done the hard part, here comes the energizing part! On the night of the full moon:

1. Go outside with your list/letters. Bring matches and have a bowl of water with you (for safety reasons).  I like to go to my backyard around my fire pit. Pick what works for you.

2. Read your list and letters out loud. One by one and really feel what you are saying. When you read your letter, imagine the person being right there and not having a choice but to listen. After you read each one, take a deep breath and, as you exhale, light a match to the letter. Feel the anger, hurt, whatever it is, release and disappear as it burns.  Watch it burn. Enjoy it burning and know that you are now freeing yourself of that burden. As the words burn, feel the emotions finally being released from you mind, body and soul.

3. Be ready and open for anything when you burn these letters. At this point in time is when I felt something different with each letter that I burned. I felt overwhelming relief. I felt exhausted. I felt energized. I felt nothing even for some. But in the next coming days and even weeks you will recognize that you don't feel the same about that person any more. In fact, sometimes you just don't feel anything for them and that, I have found is, at times, the best. With one joint letter I burned, the smoke grew bigger and almost enveloped me. I knew that the soul of that person was trying to fight back and I would not let it. It was quite incredible.

4.  When you are done with your release and burn, take a deep breath, look up to the Full Moon and thank her for this energy and release.  Then end the ritual with gratitude. I often end with the Lord's Prayer or a prayer of gratitude to the Lord above for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me. Do what feels right but give thanks.

Obviously, you can change this ritual around to whatever works for you. Just be honest with yourself, come from a place of love and forgiveness and know that when those pieces of paper burn, that you are truly releasing all that is not serving you. This may take a while. It may be that you need to do this a few times or with each month's Full Moon. As you get used to the ritual, you will find yourself looking forward to it and perhaps new feelings or people will need to be released.  Once you realize how powerful this ritual is, you will understand why I am so enamored by the power of this glorious moon.

Please, if you have questions, or you need direction, I'll be happy to share my story and help any way I can. Just reach out to me.  I am so excited for each of you to start your own Full Moon release ritual.

Know that I am sending you much love and healing light today and every day! 

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