Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Beer Cravings

Some of you may have opened this post just because of the title alone. Has she lost her mind? She's craving beer? What happened to wine? What happened to whiskey? Beer? Seriously?

Well, I've asked myself those same questions the last couple of months. Unfortunately, I have no explanation. I am as perplexed as you are.

I love wine. I have learned a lot about wine. I'm still learning. That's part of the appeal. It's a
never-ending learning process. From year to year, the same wine can change drastically. Most of the time it's based on chance - weather is a huge factor and one that cannot be controlled. You do the best you can with what you've got and the knowledge with which you've been armed.  It's fascinating to me to see the end product. I don't know that I could be patient enough to go through the entire process however. I'm grateful for those people who spend countless hours with sometimes less than desirable results.

I have been experimenting with beer tasting this past year and have grown accustomed to some particular ones. I have found that there are two beers that I not only enjoy but often desire and crave.

American Expedition
Heritage Brewing Company
Manassas, VA

 In April of this year, I posted about Heritage. It's pretty amazing how many beers I've tried since then and yet I still go back to "Pretzel Beer" as a go-to favorite!
When I first tasted American Expedition, I instantly knew it would pair perfectly with steamed crabs. I finally got to try this pairing and damn if I wasn't spot on! There might just be something to this beer pairing thing. I'll turn beer into wine if it kills me!

Weeping Willow Wit
Mother Earth Brewing
Kinston, NC

In October of this year, I tried this Belgian Wit at Lucky 12 Tavern in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I wanted pizza and beer (wait, what?) and this summertime-in-a-glass beer hit the spot! It was so yummy that I have found myself longing for it months later and wishing I could find it around my neck of the woods. Peace, love and beer is the brewery's motto and my favorite tree is a weeping willow. It was fate that I fell in love with this one!

Ten Things the TinyWineGirl has learned about beer (so far):

1. Just like wine, you like what you like. No need to explain or defend.  There's enough to go around.
2. What I don't like about beer is the bitter aftertaste. That means odds are I'm not going to like an IPA. However, I can appreciate an IPA for what it is and have found a few here or there that are fathomable.
3. I like beer in a glass; not out of a can or a bottle.
4. Except for a few (my two favorites), I can't drink an entire glass of beer. It makes me feel like a fat cow. Fat cows are cute but I don't want to turn into one.
5. Dark beer is interesting but they aren't ones I lean toward liking. Porters and Stouts are like coffee and I don't like coffee.
6.  I'm a brunette - born and bred brunette. Never been a fan of blondes unless they are dogs. I can now add beer to the list. I like blondes who are dogs and beer.
7. The right beer with the right pizza is a match made in heaven.
8. Beer will never make me drunk. I feel bloated before I could ever feel buzzed.
9. Sitting at a bar drinking wine seems pretentious. I like sitting at bars. I hate feeling pretentious. Beer is a great bar drink, especially while watching football.
10. Breweries don't judge. You can come as you are. That's my kind of place.

“Thirstily he set it to his lips, and as its cool refreshment began to soothe his throat, he thanked Heaven that in a world of much evil there was still so good a thing as ale.” Rafael Sabatini, Fortune's Fool

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