Thursday, December 31, 2015

When you least expect it...

... incredible things happen and amazing memories are made which last a lifetime

I love birthdays. I make a big deal out of my birthday and I celebrate the entire month. This year, my parents, my favorite guy, my best friend and I went to Maggiano's for my actual birthday dinner. All I wanted was to spend precious time with them enjoying delicious food; creating moments to remember. 

When I drug my fat and happy butt home that night, my favorite guy gave me his gifts. Among the many wonderful items was one huge surprise - a surprise that I could never have anticipated. It proved that my favorite guy pays attention to me and wants to make me happy. He doesn't have to work hard to make that happen though. He makes me happy every day just by being himself. Awwww.

One gift consisted of two pieces of paper. As I unfolded the papers and saw Ed Sheeran tickets, I don't know what came over me quicker - shock or pure delight! I LOVE Ed. Ok, I don't love Ed. I love his music. I love his uniqueness. I had heard months ago that he was coming to the Verizon Center for two nights and I got excited. However, I was then quickly disappointed because the two nights that he would be in town were two nights that were impossible for me to attend - one was the night of a Board meeting and one was my mom's birthday. So I just cried in silence, pushed it out of my mind and let it go.

My favorite guy, knowing that one date was a Board meeting, decided to make the second night happen and even made plans with my mom to watch Prowler so we could go. Mom, being the wonderful mother that she is, didn't mention that it was her birthday and did what she always does - puts her daughter first. He had no idea it was her birthday and felt terrible when he found out after he had already bought the sold-out tickets. I always knew she was the best mom ever but it amazes me how day after day she continues to prove it in so many different ways.

Ed. I don't even know how to put into words this incredible night. Ed's music speaks to me. Some of his lyrics are deep and moving. Some of them just make me move. Regardless, it's a feeling that I cannot explain and it was a night that was incomparable. From swaying with my man and feeling butterflies as I sang along with this goofy ginger to his song, Thinking out Loud:

"And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Oh me I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am.
So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are" belting out every word to the haunting "The A-Team" and being transported back to two years ago when my grandmother was unresponsive in the hospital and I sang these words to her, "It's too cold outside for angels to fly" trying to keep up with Ed's rhythmic genius by dancing and singing to "Don't" and

My surprise Ed tickets with my favorite guy was one of the best birthday presents I have ever received and I had absolutely no idea it was coming!!

Along the line of "not expecting," prior to the show, we had dinner at our favorite BBQ joint in the area, Hill Country. Then we sauntered around DC because it was a Friday during happy hour and we had time before the show.  Not wanting to join the DC socialites, we were looking for something more our style. A hole-in-the-wall, quaint place, not too many people. Hell, even a dive bar would do.

Thanks to Google, we found Denson's Liquor Bar. Literally across the street from the Verizon Center and down a creepy flight of stairs into the underground, we happened upon a dark and swanky bar! Even the bathroom was cool! Who has been hiding this gem from me?!!!

Zebulon (yep, that's his real name), our bartender, was the epitome of entertaining and a wealth of knowledge! While Denson's is quite expensive, it was the 23rd day of my birthday month and we were celebrating! It's not like we'll go there every day (phew). I have such a comprehensive list of whiskey and bourbon to try now!

If a room had an aura, then this room had the best aura of all. There was a presence that surrounded me and while it's hard to put into words, as I'm remembering and writing this blog, I feel it again. I knew my grandfather's spirit was there with us. Denson's had a sort of speak easy, step-back-in-time feeling to it. I could easily see my grandfather hanging out there with us, talking to Zeb and sipping on some good bourbon. While Granddad had his favorite bourbon I am more of a try-em-all girl. I know we'd make a perfect pair.

I tend to lean toward rye whiskey and also have a love for peated whiskey.  As I explained this to Zeb, he then asked if I liked scotch. For some reason I have always turned my nose up to scotch and refuse to like it.  However, after an hour with Zeb, my opinion started to change.  However, when he exclaimed, "You're a scotch whiskey girl!" I quickly quieted him and told him not to tell anyone and stated that I'll never admit it.

The absolute winner of the night though was the
Ouroboros Heavily Peated American Single Malt Whiskey.
Burnt rubber. Delish.
The ancient Egyptians were the first to use the image of an ouroboros - a dragon eating its own tail - which represents the cyclical nature of life. This whiskey is 100% California barley dried in a small handmade kiln over a California peat flame. The peat is sourced from a private island in the delta beneath the San Fran Bay which gives this whiskey the integrated notes of smoke and tangy salt. It is aged in Hungarian oak casks which have previously been used for Napa Chardonnay. Well, of course, I love it!

Oh yeah, and my favorite guy, also has the Ouroboros tattooed on his arm. Coincidence? I think not. There are no coincidences. I felt my grandfather's presence at Denson's and my grandmother obviously brought forth this whiskey for us. They always loved celebrating my birthday obviously and still do!

When you least expect it, incredible things happen and amazing memories are made which will last a lifetime. Thanks to the love and sacrifice of my mom and my favorite guy, September 23, 2015 was one of those nights for me!

“I mulled over what he had told me as I savored the Scotch. Not bad, really — like a beer that’s been in a brawl.”
David Justice

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