Friday, April 25, 2014

Brussel sprouts and wine?

2012 Laurel Grove Pinot Gris
Columbia Valley, WA
I normally wouldn't choose a Pinot Gris but I had this on my wine rack as a  monthly wine from my happy place and thought why not try it?
It has aromas of fresh lemon and apricot with a hint of grapefruit.
On the palette I get melon, peach and lemongrass with a slight tartness and refreshing minerality.
It is not overly" mineraly" - just a hint and very light.
The best part about this wine is that I found it pairs well with creamy brie cheese on sourdough rounds, roasted brussel sprouts and "The Legend of Bagger Vance".
Brussel sprouts? Yes, brussel sprouts. I think they get a bad rap. My rabbit loved them raw, but I never tried them until they showed up as a side at my favorite restaurant in Alexandria about seven years ago.  My happy place often has them on the side of an amazing dish as well.

Today I decided to roast them myself and they were a delicious treat!! I just bought a handful and cut them in half. I put them in a mixing bowl with Wegmans Basting Oil (olive oil wtih herbs infused) to soak them. Toss them on a cookie sheet for 20 minutes in a 425 degree oven and that's all there is to it!.

Keep an eye on the time though because depending how crisp you want them they cook quickly. You don't want to burn them but just enough brown to give them a crunchy outer shell.

Let them cool just slightly in a bowl and they are ready to pop in your mouth!


"Interesting match... I always thought so."
-The Legend of Bagger Vance

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