Thursday, April 10, 2014

Greek lasagna meets a Spanish white

I am not very adventurous. I don't like roller coasters. I hate swimming pools. I dread flying. I despise being on boats and have no desire to go on a cruise.  I'm not a risk taker of any sorts. However, as I get older, I do enjoy trying new things.... usually food or wine.... within reason.
(Hey, I even like sushi!)
When I first started going to my happy place, I stuck to the two same entrees and I didn't stray far from wines that I had in the past. It didn't take long; however, for Arthur to convince me to trust him and try new wines.  In fact, over the past five years, I have often gone to him and asked for a suggestion. It is impressive how much knowledge he has of wine and also how he always knows what I will enjoy.
Back in March, my parents and I went to my happy place for an impromptu dinner.  I wasn't in a specific wine mood. I truly didn't care whether I had white or red. I just wanted something delicious!
To my surprise, Pastichio was on the list of specials - one of my top four favorites!!
The typical Greek version of Pastichio has a bottom layer that is a tubular pasta, with cheese and egg as a binder; a middle layer of ground beef or veal with tomato and cinnamon, nutmeg or allspice, another layer of pasta; and a top layer of sauce, varying from an egg-based custard to a flour-based Béchamel sauce.
 There was no question I was ordering this incredible Greek lasagna, as I like to call it, but I had no idea what wine I wanted. I knew that a light red or a white would go well with my dish but that was as far as I was willing to go. Dad was having the flounder almondine and he wasn't being picky this evening either.
So.... Arthur to the rescue! I told him what we were having and asked him to pick out a wine for us. He asked if I wanted to try something different. I love how he always asks because some nights I am extremely specific about what I desire. Tonight was a perfect time to try something new - just as long as it went well with my entree.

2012 Sios Pla del Lladoner
Spanish white wine
80% Chardonnay and 20% Viognier
Floral on the nose
Citrus on the palette
I would have never chosen this wine on my own.
First of all, most Spanish wines don't excite me. Second, I'm not a fan of Vioginer.
However, it was the perfect complement to my pastichio and Dad's flounder. 
On its own, I was not a fan of this wine though.  Some wine I can drink by itself.
Some wine goes well with food. Some wine NEEDS food.
To me, this wine needed food.
We had wine left after our meals and I'll never waste wine, so I had to find more food to wash it down.  I wasn't the slightest bit hungry but a girl has to do what a girl has to do!
Usually dessert is something chocolate for me. However, when I heard there was a lemon cake with white chocolate shavings, my heart was a flutter.

Mom loves lemon and while she shared the cake with us, Dad and I finished off the Spanish wine.
To my delight, the wine was absolutely divine with the cake!
"Seize the moment!
 Remember all those women on the 'Titanic' who waved off the dessert cart.”
-Erma Bombeck
Simple pleasures, my friends.

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