Saturday, March 21, 2020

Does worrying make you feel good?

So many humans are consumed with worry. You are probably one of them. I used to be one of them and it used to overwhelm me until almost four years ago (I'll share that story sometime if you're interested). 

Let me ask you something. 
Does worrying make you feel good? 
I haven't met anyone who has ever replied in the affirmative to that question.
So then my next question to you is - so why are you worrying if it doesn't make you feel good? 
Usually the answer I get is something along the lines of "I can't help it." 
What if I told you you're wrong? 
Usually, that is when people blow me off and walk away, end the conversation or, perhaps in this case, will even stop reading this blog post. Your choice, but if you are still reading, congratulations, that means you want to do something to change this behavior and I can help.

Worry comes from a low vibrational state of fear. We all know about the vibrational energy ladder, right? If you don't, then go back and read my blog post from last year(

Every emotion we have comes from only one of two places - love or fear. We are born as an extension of God, Source, the Universe in pure love and light.  When our soul begins its human existence is when we are faced with the low vibrational energies and our ego brains start accepting fear. (This is the watered down version - we can talk about subconscious an conscious minds if you want later). Love is our natural state; not fear.

When you find yourself worrying or being anxious, then consciously begin to find a higher vibrational thought. I don't even care what it is. Pizza. Puppies. Balloons. Flowers. Bradley Cooper. Gal Gadot. Whatever instantly gets you away from that vibration. Why is this important? Because, as we know if you read my very first post from a year ago,: (

We are all energy.
We have thoughts. 
Those thoughts create an emotion/feeling in our bodies. 
That emotion/feeling then creates a vibration.
That vibration is what the Universe responds to with a like vibration.

Within 30 seconds of sending a vibration out to the Universe, it comes right back to us. The process of attracting more of what we are focusing on just takes 30 seconds. (That is the Law of Attraction; not something I created by the way.) So whether you are focusing on puppies or worry and dread you will get it sent right back to you within 30 seconds. Think about that. If you are worrying about getting the coronovirus (or cancer or getting murdered or robbed or in a car accident) and it is consuming your thoughts, then guess what? You are sending that vibration out and literally asking for more of that worry to come to you! Why would you want that to happen? 

Thoughts are powerful. ( guess what? Who do you think is in control of your thoughts? YOU! You are the only one in control of your thoughts. So if you don't like something that you are thinking about, then stop it and change it! Sounds simple? Yeah, that's because it is. Does it happen instantly? Of course not, but with everything else you have learned in your life, the more you consciously practice, the easier it will become. Soon enough, you won't even THINK about worrying because you know that it does absolutely no good! Worrying has on redeeming quality whatsoever!  In fact, all worrying does is make things worse for you and over time it will lead to dis-ease. Yes, your thoughts, if not kept in check, will manifest into physical disease; if it hasn't already. The more you worry, the more you will attract more things for which to worry. It’s a vicious cycle.  

When you are able to accept that you are exactly where you are meant to be at any given moment and that everything is either a blessing or a lesson, it becomes easier to release worry. If worry fixed things, it would be worth a little discomfort but it doesn't fix anything. Worry only causes harm and attracts more worry! 

Next time you find yourself worrying, consciously find a higher vibrational thought. If you are worried about a person, send them love and accept that what they are experiencing is out of your control and part of their journey. When you worry about someone, all you are doing is sending them worry. Wouldn't you rather send them love and encouragement?  If you are worried about an outcome, release the attachment to the outcome and trust all will happen exactly as it is supposed to. How do you do this? By changing the way you think and upon what you place your focus!

If you want to delve deeper, reach out to me and I will personally do my best to assist you. But please understand, I will have expected you to read this blog post along with the other three that I have mentioned in this post first. If and when you are ready to do the work, I'll be more than happy to help you along the path!  My help and encouragement can only go so far though - you have to do the work; I can't do it for you. But I am proof that all of this does work!

While you are taking in this information, let's take a moment and focus on two simple things we can all easily understand and do right now:

1. SMILE. It is hard to be scared and anxious when you smile. So just take a moment right now and smile. Do it. Right now. Wherever you are. Smile. Feels good, doesn't it? You just can't be scared or anxious when you smile - it's not possible.

2. Whenever you are worried or scared, practice gratitude. Put your fear aside and trust that all is well in spite of what may be going on and be grateful. Instantly make "I am grateful for..." statements the minute that you start to feel worried. Don't overthink it - just feel it and speak it out loud.

This is raising the vibration, my friends! Don't give your attention to worry and fear. Don't allow your mind to dwell on the trouble. Smile, be grateful and raise the vibration to that of love - your natural state!


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