Thursday, April 16, 2020

Soul connections

What's reiki?
Life Force Energy
Moving and transferring of energy
Energy Healing
Pure, unconditional love at its greatest form
That's reiki.

Ok, but, WHY reiki? Well, I'll tell you.

About four or five years ago, when I saw how just one reiki session for my dad, during his battle with prostate cancer, changed his entire demeanor, I knew I needed to know more. When those "magic hands" are the only relief he had from the effects of chemo ravaging his already broken body, I knew that I needed to be able to do the same for someone else one day. Being an inutive empath, animal communicator and medium, learning reiki just seemed like the next logical step.

Personally, I have had reiki sessions by four different reiki practioners and each session was different yet magical and entirely life changing. Some healed me emotionally. Some made a difference in my physical health. Some calmed me and led me to a state of contentment. All affected me in a way that is beyond explanation. What is the common denominator with each one? The relaying of pure, unassuming, open, allowing, trusting, energetic, unconditional love from one person to another. We are all connected. You, me, the Earth. We are all energy. We are all connected energetically and, as a result, are able to participate in the healing of one another. (For all of you skeptics, this isn't "woo woo" - this is backed by science.)

In November 2019, after many years of searching, I finally found a reiki certification class that was gifted to me.  During the course of a weekend, my human existence as I knew it changed. This is exactly what I had been needing, had been waiting for, and was the catalyst for pushing me into the next level of spiritual awakening. I finally knew that my passion would become my purpose. I had read the books, I had listened, I had learned, I had practiced, I had preached and yet something was still missing. That reiki attunement and certification was the missing link. It didn't come sooner because I wasn't ready yet. Everything happens in divine timing and when it is supposed to - it is not up to us. It is only up to us to love, heal, forgive and expand our souls. I was now ready to walk the walk and talk the talk.

I started off practicing reiki periodically on my dogs. I felt drawn to connect with animals more than people. I practiced here and there on my husband and was gaining a tiny bit of confidence but not enough to really want to expand my skills. I knew what I did not want and that was to make reiki a business. I wanted to help people but didn't want to open my own practice with reiki as the focus. What I did find appealing though was distance reiki. With distance reiki, I can open up my awareness and use my intution and guides to lead me without any distraction and without actually touching or hovering over a physical person. One may think that it isn't as powerful as being in the same room and having my hands scan your body and release the energy from the blocked areas. I even had my own doubts, honestly, until today.....

Let's step back in time. 

In 1996, I met a man with which I had an undeniable and instant connection on a soul level. At only 23, it was an incredible and terrifying rush and also totally confusing and maddening. Due to circumstances that have since been forgiven (after a lot of internal healing work), we didn't really speak for over 14 years. In early 2014, we reconnected and then fell apart again for six years. For some reason, over the last few months, Spirit had been nudging me to reach out to this man and I had been resisting. But then two weeks ago, I gave in and reached out to him; not really knowing why.  All I knew was I had ignored that little voice, that gut feeling, my intution before and I had been burned. Since then, I had promised  myself I would never ignore it again. I now knew better.

After catching up, I found that he now has a girlfriend who is a "pure angel" but has "terminal cancer". Without even thinking, I immediately offered up a distance reiki healing session for her. She was familiar with reiki and, while it helped her, it was expensive and she had to stop. I didn't even have time to breathe or process what I had just done and, honestly, who knew if she would even accept or if he would even relay the info. But I offered. 

Ten days later, I received a message from her accepting my reiki love offering.

This morning, I participted in the most emotional and gratifiying exchange of energy as I provided distance reiki to this absolutely loving and beautiful soul who refuses to accept and buy in to western medicine's prognosis for her. What started out as a love offering to a complete stranger, turned into an energy healing and exchange of love with a soul in which I now have an even greater connection than either of us could explain. 

There are no coincidences in this temporary human existence, friends. Listen to your intutition. Listen to that nagging voice telling you to do something even if it doesn't make sense to you at the time. It just might lead you right to your soul's purpose.

I wasn't able to provide energy healing to my dad during his valiant 21-year battle with cancer. I wasn't able to provide energy healing to my grandmother with heart disease or my grandfather as he fought for 15 straight days after being told his heart "exploded".  I wasn't able to provide energy healing to my protector, Prowler, or to my princess, Callie, as cancer quickly took over their precious bodies.  I wasn't able to provide energy healing to the many loved ones who went before me. But I won't look back at what I couldn't provide. I will only look foward to what I can provide now. Every single reiki session that I provide will be in their memory, in their honor, and with their accumulated energy of love guiding my every breath. 

Today's distance reiki session provided so much love and healing to both myself and the recipient. As a result, we raised our individual vibrations and each other's. The enormous amount of love radiating between North Carolina and Colorado for 40 minutes was enough to raise the entire vibration of all that resided between and around that expansive space. That feeling alone is exactly why I was nudged to contact my old friend - not for him but to spread and feel unconditional love. It is no coincidence that it happened now during a time when the Earth is healing and human beings are being forced to rise up or bow out. Nothing in this life is a coincidence; definitely not soul connections. 

So why, reiki? 
Love, that's why. 
Love in service.
Love is always the answer regardless of the question. 

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