Monday, January 20, 2020

New Moon Intentions Ritual

We have our first new moon of 2020 this Friday, January 24! New moons are about new beginnings and setting intentions.  New moons offer us the opportunity to reflect on our lives and allow us to be more present. I have blogged about the new moon energy once before and it would be beneficial to read that again at this time:

The purpose of this blogpost is to go more in-depth with my particular ritual. You should use whatever ritual YOU feel comfortable with, and drawn to, but many of you have asked recently for specifics, so here it goes!. As time goes on, I find myself using different techniques. Remember, the most important thing is your INTENTION. 

Here are the steps I currently follow:

1.  Speak this new moon intentions prayer out loud:  "I am here to connect with God, Spirit, truth and love. Please make me a channel of your divine wisdom and help me see clearly in all aspects. Help me tune into the greatest good in my heart."

2.  Clear the space with sage or palo santo and state, "Dear God, please clear this space so that my truest intentions can flow clearly from my heart onto the page."

3.  Breathwork is crucial. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Place one hand on your stomach and one on your heart. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth a few times until you feel clear and grounded. When you feel ready, place both hands on your heart and send gratitude to your body.

4.  Journal time. Speak aloud, "This, or something better, now manifests for the highest good of all concerned." and then write no more than 10 statements in positive affirmation language in your journal. It is now where I focus on what I want using, "I am" statements. Don't use "I want" or "I need" statements because it is here when you learn to feel as if you already have what you want. Get to know how it feels and listen to your heart as you write.  If you can feel it with your whole body it is more likely to come into reality. FEEL and KNOW.
5.  After your list is complete, meditate on it for 10-15 minutes (longer if you feel the desire-there is no time limit). Focus on each item and how it feels in your body. Focus on how it will feel once you have manifested it.  Let your attachment go and settle into a curiosity of how it will come true! Then speak out loud, "I am freeing myself from clinging to my wishes and I am grateful and excited for what is to come!" Release what you have just written and move on. You have sent it out to the Universe and it is now out of your hands.

6.  I then put my journal away until next month's new moon. Sometimes, it take a few new moon rituals before manifestation so don't get discouraged. I usually don't even look back at past new moon intentions for months. I have put my intentions out there and they will manifest in divine timing.  When it does manifest, thank God, the Universe, Spirit. If intentions have not manifested, sometimes I revise them based on how I feel at the time.

While during the new moon phase, we don't physically SEE the moon in the night sky, its powerful energy is surrounding us and empowering us to set our intentions and begin the manifestation of our dreams! Between my two blog posts on the new moon, I hope it helps you create your own ritual and encourages you to start setting intentions each month! Feel free to reach out to me with any specific questions or to share your ritual.  


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