Friday, April 12, 2019

Be careful what you think

We can all agree that we are all energy and have thoughts, right? Then those thoughts turn into emotions which create a vibration that we send out to the Universe. Within 30 seconds, that vibration comes right back to us. We know this already. We are practicing flipping the switch when it's something negative or doesn't serve us. We are striving to have positive feelings and raising the vibration. This isn't easy and it takes time and practice. The more you do this the more it will become routine but don't expect it to change overnight. We have been thinking the way we think for decades and it's going to take time but it CAN happen.... if you WANT it to.

You've heard me say, "You don't always get what you want but you always get what you believe". Well, what is a belief anyway? A belief is just a thought that we have over and over.  We have between 20,000 and 60,000 thoughts each day and 95% of those thoughts are the exact same thoughts as the day before. So when you have the same thought over and over it becomes a belief and guess what? Beliefs aren't something that come from within us. They are either taught or told to us.  Ready for this? The thoughts or beliefs that you have now.... you were NOT born with them. Just as easily as they were picked up, though, they can be thrown away. YOU are in control of your thoughts and, as a result, YOU can get rid of any of those that aren't serving you. 
Ever wonder why someone does the same thing over and over even though they know it will NOT give them any different results? Maybe you have even caught yourself doing this before. Well, it's because of your subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind controls 95% of what we say, think and do. Everything we believe in is a result of what happened from 0 to age seven. Yep, you read that right. Everything you believe in is a result of what occurred from 0 to seven years old. That time frame is when we are most vulnerable and the subconscious mind accepts whatever shows up. Good and bad experiences are all stored there. Think of it as programming. The subconscious mind does NOT have free will. Its job is to always point us back to what is familiar. That familiar isn't always good for us but the subconscious mind doesn't care- that's not its job.

Perfect example - when I was about five, I was sitting with my great aunt at her apartment complex pool and long story short, I fell in and my head went under water. I panicked and, as a result, I never learned how to swim.I also never put my head under water again; not even in a shower. Did I almost drown that day? No. Did 911 have to come and rescue me? No. Was I hurt? No. But, even to this day, I remember exactly how I felt that afternoon. As a child, in every family vacation photo, you will see me in a pool but I will be in my dad's arms clinging on to him for dear life. I will be in the ocean but not past my knees and that's even pushing it. My mom never learned to swim. Her mother never learned to swim. There must have been a reason and now my four year old self knew - it was because the water was terrifying and I should stay away from it because it's dangerous. I grew up within walking distance of a neighborhood pool - never went. After high school, I went to a pool party and flirty guys would try to get me in the pool. When I didn't want to go, they assumed it was because I didn't want to get my hair or makeup messed up and would threaten to throw me in. I left many a party angry as a result and was probably seen as "no fun" but it was because of what happened to me when I was a child.  My subconscious mind was always pushing me back to what was familiar and I believed that the water was the devil. To this day, I still do not know how to swim. I am 45 years old, I am surrounded by water, and I do not know how to swim.

Well, where is all this coming from? Well, obviously fear. It surely isn't in alignment with love. The whole point of fear is to bring something up for us to heal, right? I may not know how to swim but I do not fear the water. I am drawn to the water, I find peace in the water, I am enamored by the water. A part of me is missing when I am not near the water. I don't fear it but I surely respect it.  I have been able to go back to this belief from five years old and heal it. Now this is a pretty minor example, it seems, but hopefully you get the point. (One day, maybe I'll share my true core wound from when I was four that has wreaked havoc over my life and relationships, but for now this will have to do.)

But there's good news. Unlike the subconscious mind, WE have free will and we can do something about those limiting beliefs and negative patterns that are still prominent in our adult lives that were created when we were a child. We can correct them because WE are NOT controlled by our thoughts! If you want something to change, then change it! YOU are the only one in control of your thoughts. No one else is in that head of yours controlling you but you!

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