Monday, February 25, 2019

Power of the Lion

Anyone who knows me knows I love animals - all animals. It has even been said that I love animals more than most people. I wouldn't deny that compliment. It has also been said that I would prefer to work with and around animals instead of people all day. I won't deny that accusation either.  If I could go back to when I had just graduated high school, I would change my path and have gone the route of being a veterinarian. Oh there's still time to chase your dreams now, you say? Of course there is but I am not at that point in my life anymore where I want to make that choice. Seeing retirement a few years down the line does not make me want to start over in a new career, especially in the medical field. Saving the lives of those who save lives (being the EMS Chief's admin) is about as medical as I want to get these days.

Back to animals......

I've heard people say certain animals are their "spirit animals" and I wonder if those people truly know what that means - what they are really saying - and I tend to think they probably do not. I know I didn't. I love dogs and am obviously drawn to german shepherds more than any other breed, but the dog isn't my spirit animal. Just because you have a liking or are drawn to a certain animal doesn't mean that they necessarily are your spirit animal. I love dragonflies and have a very strong spiritual connection to them but they are not my spirit animal or I guess I should say, spiritual insect. The dragonfly is one of my spirit people (yes, a passed loved one who still communicates with me through the dragonfly). Let me explain what I know and you can make your own observations and conclusions.

A totem is a spirit, sacred object or symbol of a tribe or family.  Some Native American tribes have traditions where each person is connected to a certain number of different animals and those animals will be with that person for the rest of their life. These animals act as guides to that person and are often called spirit animal guides or power animals.  Depending on what is occurring in your life, the spirit animal guides will come in and out of your life helping you along your life's journey. In the same regard, a totem animal is a guide that is with you for life - both in your life here on earth AND once you have departed your human body and are in spirit form.  While we may associate with different animal guides throughout our lives, this one totem animal serves as your main animal guardian and you share a very strong connection in which the animal provides you with power and

Ok, think of it this way:
  1. We all have ONE totem spirit animal who is with us for life - on earth and in the spirit world - as our one animal guardian.
  2. We also have VARIOUS spirit animal guides who are with us throughout our lives helping us along our journey. 
I had no idea what my spirit totem animal was until last year and it was as if a light bulb went off in my head, it was so obvious! I remember walking through Home Goods one afternoon looking for decorations for my new office. I was mesmerized by these colorful canvas paintings of animals. Bears, dogs, giraffes, pandas, cats, raccoons, ostrich, frogs. They were like nothing I had ever seen before - beautiful and FUN!  I saw this incredible dog painting but it had fingerprints on it and there was no way I was buying something tainted for that cost. I was bummed because, obviously, I LOVE dogs and I thought it would be perfect on a huge blank wall in my office. I kept looking and then it happened.......
I stood in awe. I was truly mesmerized and felt such a sense of strength and power come over me. I HAD to have it. I didn't think about the cost, or if it would fit in the car or how I would hang it or where I would hang it but I had to have it. and I knew it was going in my office because I NEEDED to feel this kind of power daily. I felt an undeniable connection to the lion and I had never felt that before.

Then it all started hitting me. It was August 8 - the Lionsgate Portal!! The Lionsgate Portal is activated every year on August 8 and considered as a gateway into the heavens and high realms of consciousness. LIONS GATE. Yeah, I get it. Nice synchronicity there, Universe. It took me a minute but that one slapped me right in the face. During the Lionsgate Portal, it is easier to access higher realms and receive downloads from messengers, guides and loved ones from "the other side." (That day was absolutely crazy for me but that's for a different post.)

Then the other synchronicities started... What's a synchronicity? A meaningful coincidence. A wink and a nod from the universe telling you you are on the right path. One after another...

The movie, The Lion King, has a VERY special meaning between my mother, grandmother and myself. So much so when I sent Mom a photo of my latest acquisition, she gasped and yelled, "The Lion King!" and then we both burst into tears. Yeah, Mom gets the power of synchronicity.

The cowardly lion in "The Wizard of Oz" was always my favorite character in that movie as well. While portraying a personality different from what we expect from a lion, I was drawn to it just the same.
Then Prowler. My pride and joy german shepherd, my protector, my confidante, my best friend. While he was born in June, I made him part of my family during the LionsGate Portal (which just hit me as I was writing this post) in 2006. I also often referred to him as "my lion" - in behavior, personality and his physical stature and relevant mane.

I have always been in awe of lions. I remember being a child at the zoo and just wanting to stand there for hours at a time. As an adult, I went back to the National Zoo and still felt drawn to the lions. Their majesty, their power, their gorgeous physicality. Everything they stand for. Graceful and elegant yet a commanding presence. Provider, protector and fearless defender of his own. But I never realized until recently that there was more to that attraction.

Maybe you feel a connection, a true connection, to a specific animal everywhere you go and everywhere it appears. Maybe you find references to that animal coming through for you when you need it most and may not even realize it at first. Maybe you are drawn to this animal for reasons that you may not even be able to explain. Maybe you have seen the synchronicities and haven't realized that's what it is but it makes sense now. One thing important to know is you cannot choose your totem spirit animal. Your totem animal has already chosen, or will choose, you and will decide how to reveal themselves.

While I had no doubt that the lion was my totem animal, not long after this acquisition and awakening, I happened upon a guided meditation by my friend, Natalie Eve Marquis, of the Wisdom Within which confirmed it 100%.  I would love for you to identify your totem animal!  This process is one where you must be open, use your intuition and pay attention to your past and present circumstances. When you have about 20 minutes of free time, get in a quiet place and click on this link: and scroll down to the "Meet Your Animal Totem" guided meditation. Natalie is a beautiful human being with incredible knowledge and insight who provides such awesome energy and healing work. I'd love to hear what you think of the meditation and be sure to reveal your totem animal to me afterwards! (It would be also be super fantastic if you'd give a shout out to Natalie too!)

“The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others. 
And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. 
A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.” - Osho

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