Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Love challenge

I don't watch the daily news on tv. I don't read the newspaper. I do have the tv on in the morning when I first get up to primarily see the weather forecast, although living at the beach, it's often more accurate to just walk outside and take a look. I thought by living four hours away from DC, that I wouldn't wake to daily breaking news of someone being murdered anymore. But then I realized, that my local news is out of the Hampton Roads/Virginia Beach area and nothing has changed. It is the focus of the news that disturbs me. I also watch the morning news just to make sure the world hasn't come to an end.  After that, I figure random people or Facebook will inform me (whether I want it to or not) of anything important (or not so) throughout the day. I will also be inundated with everyone's opinions which have recently become very negative, angry and often downright rude and disgusting. I have found myself saying, "What is wrong with people?" quite often.

About a month ago, I heard two sentences that started to make sense of it all.  My energy healer made a comment that resonated with me and one in which I have come into complete agreement:

"We haven't lost our minds. We have lost our hearts."

We are all souls having a temporary human experience on this earth.  Our souls are endless. Our human bodies are not. Our physical body has a beginning and an end. When our physical body dies, our soul does not; it just takes on a different form. We are an extension of our creator, God (source, universe, whatever you choose), and as extensions of God, our natural state is that of love and light.  Our souls are here to show love, embody love, BE love. It really is that simple and natural so why aren't we living in that way?

My focus right now is for every thought and action to come from a place of love. For some of us, that may mean getting back to love. Instead of complaining and condemning people for their acts and opinions, let's focus on the positive, the compassion, the love.  Instead of thinking negatively about ourselves and our emotions, start thinking positive! 

For every negative, sad, low-vibrational thought that presents itself to me, I, now, instantly strive to find a positive, happy, high-vibrational thought.  With this blog post, I challenge you to do the same!

I'll start:

I hate my job. At least I have a job. I am grateful for my salary, County-paid health insurance and the friends I have made.

My dad died of cancer. I miss him so much and my heart is forever broken. I am grateful to have had my dad as my best friend for 45 years. Without him, I wouldn't be here today. His love will never leave me. I will honor him every day.

I live four hours away from my mom and it makes me sad that I don't see her every day. I am grateful to still have my mom with me and I will make the most of the time I spend with her when I do see her.

Why do the Redskins suck? Our owner is ridiculous and we'll never have a winning season or get to the playoffs again. I am grateful that I am old enough to remember the Super Bowls that the Skins did play in and win. I am grateful to have been a fan when we were a force to be reckoned with.

Why is the government shut down? Don't those idiots have any regard for the little people? I am grateful that I chose the profession I did and don't have to be put in a situation where the fate of the entire country is in my hands.

It's really not that difficult to do.
We are powerful!
We not only control every thought and emotion that we have, but we also immediately send that feeling out into the universe for it to come right back to us. (I'll talk about the Law of Attraction in a different post.)
Can you imagine if every single human being focuses on being positive, compassionate and loving in every thought and deed what that would do for this world?
It's really not that far out of reach.
It's more than possible and it starts with you.
It starts with us.....
and it starts now!

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