Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Embracing new ideas and gratitude

I’ve been taking a course titled, “Four Weeks to Freedom” by my friend and mentor, Ilona Matteson, of Spiritual Giant.  This information is absolutely incredible and life changing – not just for me, but I’m personally witnessing its effects on others as well. I’ll be honest, in the beginning, I was hesitant on whether the course was something that would benefit me and I inquired with Ilona because she knows the path that I am on. She told me that there would be quite a bit that I already know but that it would definitely be beneficial not just to me but to everyone. Knowing that I wanted to hone my skills and one day be able to help others, I signed up. Knowing that it was an online course that I could take at my own pace was an advantage. I wasn’t sure how motivated I would be or how much time I would actually have and, man, was I surprised! I found myself not being able to put the information down. I would be done with the week’s work within two days because I was such an excited sponge!  For more information, check out this link or reach out to me and I’ll be happy to tell you all about it.

As I was going over one of the lessons today in regards to the crown chakra and how to open up to endless possibilities, I paused the video and wrote down what I heard because it resonated so strongly with me. I had this undeniable urge to share it with you.  
Embrace new ideas no matter how different they are from yours.
Think about that for a minute.  Read it again. Out loud.
Embrace new ideas no matter how different they are from yours.
Don’t JUST embrace new ideas, which is an important thing to do in itself, but EMBRACE those new ideas EVEN if they are DIFFERENT from yours.
I’m not saying you have to agree with those ideas but at least ALLOW them. Be open. You may even learn something but, even if you don’t, what did it hurt?

Since “going live” with my spiritual journey at the beginning of this year, I realized that I was opening myself up to criticism, to some people distancing themselves from me and to people just not understanding or wanting to understand. And that is fine. This is MY journey. I am exactly where I should be and completely in control of my thoughts and how I feel.  We all have our own path to follow and our own choices to make.

I had a true calling to open up and share my journey. Why? Not to brag. Not to say “ooh, look at what I can do”. Not to call criticism or judgment. I am sharing for the exact opposite reasons actually - in hopes that sharing my journey will help someone else.  

To help just one more person feel vulnerable and safe enough to share.
To help just one more person understand what it is like to live a life where you choose love over fear. To help just one more person not feel alone.
To help just one person realize that they are in control of their own journey.  
To help just one more person by connecting with their beloved animal or passed loved one and providing them with just an ounce of the emotion and closure that I feel from those messages.
To help one more person accept their abilities and follow their intuition.
After only two months of "going live", I am in such a state of gratitude. I can’t even begin to put into words the overwhelming love that wells up inside of me every single time I have reached someone. I can’t even begin to explain how many people have reached out to me for help, with questions, or with words of incredible compassion and thanks after reading my blogs and my Facebook posts.  Every time that happens, my heart is overjoyed and I am re-energized and reminded why I am doing what I am doing. I have been on this spiritual journey for quite a few years and the awakening that has begun to occur just in the last year has been of epic proportions. My tribe is forming and we are doing such incredible internal work which then transcends to the external world.

So, thank you to all who have reached out, who are loving what I do and who share their thoughts with me.
Thank you for reaching out and letting me help you. By letting me help you, YOU are actually helping ME!
Thank you for trusting me to connect with your loved ones.
Thank you for being open to the messages that are sent to you from Spirit.
Thank you for embracing what may be new ideas to you no matter how different these ideas may be from yours.  

I know that many see my posts and question them. Where is this coming from? Why is she so obsessed with the moon? What is all this love talk? What are these cards that she keeps posting? What does she mean it’s a message from Spirit?  Is she a witch? She must not believe in God anymore. I know that those thoughts come from a place of ignorance and I absolutely do not mean that in a demeaning way. When we, as humans, come across something that is new to us or different from what we believe or something we don’t understand, we tend to discourage or discredit it. I encourage you all to ask me questions. I love to talk about my journey and what it is that I’m actually doing. Just ask anyone who has inquired. I have a hard time shutting up about it and I’m not sorry either. You may actually learn something from me! 

I’ll be posting more soon about what I am learning and some of these posts will challenge some of you. Some of my posts will blow your mind and some of my posts will align perfectly with how you are feeling. I hope these posts help you and make you think! Regardless, all I ask is that you are open and embrace ideas that are different from your own. It just may change your life like it is mine........

Until next time, know I am sending you an immense amount of love and light!

1 comment:

  1. Never doubt that you have helped me understand that I am not alone. Keep moving forward.
