Saturday, February 2, 2019

Energy, new moon and desires

Moon rituals originated as part of the culture in ancient Egypt, India and China as a sacred and necessary practice due to the moon's influence on the growth of plants, animals and even human life. We are fortunate that these rituals still exist today and to many, including myself, they are a beautiful way to bring a primal sacredness to the world.  I know how easy it is to get caught up in the way society "says it should be" and getting back to the basics and focusing on nature is often the best way to look at life's challenges and heartbreak in a different light.

There are eight phases of the moon and I am still learning about each phase and its effects on the environment and our energy. What I do know, from personal experience, is how powerful the new moon and full moon phases are to our energy as human beings!!
Monday, February 4, is the next new moon and it is such an exciting time! Maybe some of you already have a new moon ritual. Maybe you don't. Maybe you want to have one but don't know where to start. Lucky for you, you happened upon my blog post because all you have to do is keep reading!

First, let's understand what's happening here. A new moon is when the sun and moon come into alignment; when they join in the sky. At this phase, the moon is invisible from earth.  This may seem boring to you but it is, in fact, quite the opposite. While the moon is empty of light, it is the perfect time for us to fill it up with our intentions!

When the energy of the moon and sun combine, it is the opportune time for us to set our intentions and to refocus on what we desire. The new moon connects us to our emotional needs and leads us to focus on those things that are truly important to us.  Any place in your life where you want to make a positive change should be accessed during this moon phase.  During the new moon is the perfect time to start something new! So what do you need to do? It's pretty simple.

In the days leading up to the new moon (that means now), start thinking about your dreams, what you long for, your desires, what may seem out of reach. See what comes up over the next few days and write it down. There may be a list of 10 or there may only be a few. It's truly up to you. using a guided meditation could also help at this time. Write down the things you want and desire in your life.  This could be a new job, a relationship, a trip, or even feelings or a positive change in behavior. Do not bound yourself with the common "I want this but I can't because I don't have...." This is where you co-create with the universe - where you manifest what you want. This is about what you want and not what you "don't" want.  Be positive and clear in your list. When you write down your intentions, you are committing to do your part to bring them to fruition.

On the day of the new moon, , follow these simple steps:
  1. Clean and declutter the space where you are going to hold your ritual. If you have sage, burn it (refer to my earlier smudging post) to clear the negative stagnant energy. Don't only smudge that space, but also use the sage around your body to clear the energy and make way for the new.  If you don't have sage, you can use aromatherapy or even burn incense. If you have neither, that's ok, too.  Light a candle and turn on calming music.
  2. Close your eyes and call on source energy. Source energy is the higher power you believe in - God, the Universe, spirit guides or angels. Ask them to please be present with you and to help guide and  protect you during this ritual.
  3. Read your list of wants that you created a few days ago out loud. Yes, out loud. Speaking them is crucial. More emotion is found when you do speak them and that is very important to manifesting. How you say it is more important than what you say. Believe that what you want is going to happen!!! 
  4. After you have set your intentions, sit quietly, close your eyes and visualize your desires coming true. 
  5. You may want to meditate or even close the ritual with a prayer of gratitude.
New moon rituals provide me with such a sense of hope and a way to reclaim my power and set my desires. Remember, we are the source of our own happiness and we have the power within us to create the life that we desire. What better way then to use the new moon energy to assist! There is no wrong way. Do whatever feels comfortable to you and remember, the important part is to truly believe that you will attract these wants when you set your intentions! 

In concluding this post, I just took a break from writing and decided to ask spirit what we needed to know in regard to our new moon ritual.  I chose the Queen of the Moon Oracle deck (because it just makes sense, right?) and the Will card literally popped out of the deck.
What message does spirit have for us through this card? 

Decisions require action and you are in control of your own decisions and life, no one else's. Passion and will determine a great proportion of your success. To be willful means we have the power of control over our own actions and that will fires up the persistence we need to get what we want.  To use our will productively, we need to assess what we really want and make sure that this is what we want to reach for. 

For those of you for whom I've pulled cards for in the past, you will know that this is the time when I just smile and shake my head and say, "You just can't make this s*%! up." Spirit knows exactly what we need and will always find a way to present those messages to us. Now, start putting those desires on paper and let's get ready for the new moon on Monday!!!

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