Thursday, December 31, 2015

Simple pleasures of 2015

As I ponder my life and all that has happened on this last day of 2015, I find myself smiling more than crying. I consider that a success in itself! I am quite a lucky girl in so many aspects. I attribute that to my faith and perseverance in this crazy world.

I would be remiss if I didn't end this year's blogging with a summary of my simple pleasures of 2015. They all surround the simplest pleasures of all to me - family, food/libations, music, football and love!

In January 2015, I signed up to race on Father's Day with ZERO- The End of Prostate Cancer. The whirlwind quickly took over and I ended up creating the Denny's Shotgun Riders team, holding a successful fundraiser at my happy place, becoming the top fundraiser by raising over $12,000 to end prostate cancer, being asked to speak at the race and being interviewed on tv with the Marketing Director of ZERO. Before summer, my family and I were embraced by the ZERO family and it is a true blessing!

In February 2015, I lost two very special people in my life.  My heart has been stamped with their presence and I will always have them with me. I am a better person having known them.

 My Ohio State Buckeyes won the first ever college National football Championship this year AND I got to go to my first game at "the Shoe" in Ohio at the end of the year with my favorite guy (not to mention see where he grew up and meet his momma!)

I can't believe I haven't gained at least 50 pounds after all the amazing food, beer, bourbon and wine we enjoyed this year! I'd take any chance I could to jump on the Harley for a jaunt out to breweries, wineries, distilleries, festivals and food establishments!

Music is food for my soul! I was so blessed to have enjoyed a ton of concerts and tailgates this year! Luke Bryan, Eric Church, Tim McGraw, Maroon 5, Ed Sheeran, Train, Matt Nathanson, Vince Gill, Thomas Rhett.....

Being in the pit at Nats Park for my Avett Brothers and the Zac Brown Band was a night I'll never forget!!

On Memorial Day, I was honored to ride on the back of my man's Harley as a part of Rolling Thunder. It was one of the most humbling and rewarding experiences I have ever been part of and seeing my parents on the overpass as we went by was the icing on the cake!

I attended every Redskins home game but two this season in my dad's absence and hailed my boys the best way I knew how! I'd like to say they won every game that I attended.... they are also NFC East Champs!

In November, I was ecstatic and thankful to meet Coach Joe Gibbs for the first time at the groundbreaking of a new girls' home on the Youth for Tomorrow campus! What an inspirational man! If only there were more people like him!

Thanks to my medium, Barb Mallon, and her expertise, I took a class a Pet Communication class in April and have been thrilled to learn to communicate with my sweet Prowler and two slippers, Alvin and Callie. I have also been blessed with the ability to communicate with other animals as well and look forward to continue to hone my skills.

To my surprise, I was reunited (but not in person yet) with my first childhood best friend, Brian, and his brother, Sean, after being out of touch for over 30 years.  My heart overfloweth!

My dad started chemo in February and while it is wreaking havoc on his body it is also killing the cancer! Thank God for my parents, my best friends, my world.

The moments I have spent this year with my parents, my favorite guy, and my many friends of which I consider family have been priceless. Making memories at Colonial Beach and the Outer Banks along with my wine bar have all culminated into my top three happy places. Material things aren't what matter to me - moments with my people are what matter to me and I am rich in those 2015 moments!

 I have always had a strong faith and I have always believed that everything happens for a reason. Every September for the past five years I have treated myself for my birthday to a session with a spirit medium. I have found it to be very personal, emotional, rewarding and rejuvenating for my heart and soul. This year was no different but resonated with me in a special way. It wasn't the first time my grandmother came through but this time she expressed things to me that I needed to hear and didn't even realize. One thing that she told me was, "There are no coincidences" and that she had a hand in important things that had occurred in my life this past year. In October, as a permanent reminder, I designed this tattoo to represent her words and our faith.

As you're thinking about what's happened in 2015 and what your possible resolutions and goals are for 2016, take a moment and consider what your blessings are. I bet you don't even realize how fortunate you really are in this life. If you need some reassurance or a reality check, hit me up. I'll be happy to enlighten you.

Be safe tonight if you're out and about. Most of all be thankful. Take it from my parents and me, your life can change in an instant and not always for the better. Find happiness in the simple pleasures of life. They will reward you ten times over.

May God bless you all with a loving, happy and healthy 2016.  I wish you enough!

"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish enough "Hellos" to get you through the final "Goodbye."
- Bob Perks

When you least expect it...

... incredible things happen and amazing memories are made which last a lifetime

I love birthdays. I make a big deal out of my birthday and I celebrate the entire month. This year, my parents, my favorite guy, my best friend and I went to Maggiano's for my actual birthday dinner. All I wanted was to spend precious time with them enjoying delicious food; creating moments to remember. 

When I drug my fat and happy butt home that night, my favorite guy gave me his gifts. Among the many wonderful items was one huge surprise - a surprise that I could never have anticipated. It proved that my favorite guy pays attention to me and wants to make me happy. He doesn't have to work hard to make that happen though. He makes me happy every day just by being himself. Awwww.

One gift consisted of two pieces of paper. As I unfolded the papers and saw Ed Sheeran tickets, I don't know what came over me quicker - shock or pure delight! I LOVE Ed. Ok, I don't love Ed. I love his music. I love his uniqueness. I had heard months ago that he was coming to the Verizon Center for two nights and I got excited. However, I was then quickly disappointed because the two nights that he would be in town were two nights that were impossible for me to attend - one was the night of a Board meeting and one was my mom's birthday. So I just cried in silence, pushed it out of my mind and let it go.

My favorite guy, knowing that one date was a Board meeting, decided to make the second night happen and even made plans with my mom to watch Prowler so we could go. Mom, being the wonderful mother that she is, didn't mention that it was her birthday and did what she always does - puts her daughter first. He had no idea it was her birthday and felt terrible when he found out after he had already bought the sold-out tickets. I always knew she was the best mom ever but it amazes me how day after day she continues to prove it in so many different ways.

Ed. I don't even know how to put into words this incredible night. Ed's music speaks to me. Some of his lyrics are deep and moving. Some of them just make me move. Regardless, it's a feeling that I cannot explain and it was a night that was incomparable. From swaying with my man and feeling butterflies as I sang along with this goofy ginger to his song, Thinking out Loud:

"And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Oh me I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am.
So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are" belting out every word to the haunting "The A-Team" and being transported back to two years ago when my grandmother was unresponsive in the hospital and I sang these words to her, "It's too cold outside for angels to fly" trying to keep up with Ed's rhythmic genius by dancing and singing to "Don't" and

My surprise Ed tickets with my favorite guy was one of the best birthday presents I have ever received and I had absolutely no idea it was coming!!

Along the line of "not expecting," prior to the show, we had dinner at our favorite BBQ joint in the area, Hill Country. Then we sauntered around DC because it was a Friday during happy hour and we had time before the show.  Not wanting to join the DC socialites, we were looking for something more our style. A hole-in-the-wall, quaint place, not too many people. Hell, even a dive bar would do.

Thanks to Google, we found Denson's Liquor Bar. Literally across the street from the Verizon Center and down a creepy flight of stairs into the underground, we happened upon a dark and swanky bar! Even the bathroom was cool! Who has been hiding this gem from me?!!!

Zebulon (yep, that's his real name), our bartender, was the epitome of entertaining and a wealth of knowledge! While Denson's is quite expensive, it was the 23rd day of my birthday month and we were celebrating! It's not like we'll go there every day (phew). I have such a comprehensive list of whiskey and bourbon to try now!

If a room had an aura, then this room had the best aura of all. There was a presence that surrounded me and while it's hard to put into words, as I'm remembering and writing this blog, I feel it again. I knew my grandfather's spirit was there with us. Denson's had a sort of speak easy, step-back-in-time feeling to it. I could easily see my grandfather hanging out there with us, talking to Zeb and sipping on some good bourbon. While Granddad had his favorite bourbon I am more of a try-em-all girl. I know we'd make a perfect pair.

I tend to lean toward rye whiskey and also have a love for peated whiskey.  As I explained this to Zeb, he then asked if I liked scotch. For some reason I have always turned my nose up to scotch and refuse to like it.  However, after an hour with Zeb, my opinion started to change.  However, when he exclaimed, "You're a scotch whiskey girl!" I quickly quieted him and told him not to tell anyone and stated that I'll never admit it.

The absolute winner of the night though was the
Ouroboros Heavily Peated American Single Malt Whiskey.
Burnt rubber. Delish.
The ancient Egyptians were the first to use the image of an ouroboros - a dragon eating its own tail - which represents the cyclical nature of life. This whiskey is 100% California barley dried in a small handmade kiln over a California peat flame. The peat is sourced from a private island in the delta beneath the San Fran Bay which gives this whiskey the integrated notes of smoke and tangy salt. It is aged in Hungarian oak casks which have previously been used for Napa Chardonnay. Well, of course, I love it!

Oh yeah, and my favorite guy, also has the Ouroboros tattooed on his arm. Coincidence? I think not. There are no coincidences. I felt my grandfather's presence at Denson's and my grandmother obviously brought forth this whiskey for us. They always loved celebrating my birthday obviously and still do!

When you least expect it, incredible things happen and amazing memories are made which will last a lifetime. Thanks to the love and sacrifice of my mom and my favorite guy, September 23, 2015 was one of those nights for me!

“I mulled over what he had told me as I savored the Scotch. Not bad, really — like a beer that’s been in a brawl.”
David Justice

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Let them eat cake!

Cake pops. You’ve all seen them. Round balls of cake with icing coated in melted chocolate served on a stick. A lollipop-type cake dessert. I decided this past summer to try to make them for my favorite guy for his birthday. He loves red velvet cake. I’m not a baker but I figured I could do this, right?  So I found a recipe and I made them, but I didn’t put them on a stick. As a result, I call them cake balls instead of cake pops. Red velvet cake balls with cream cheese frosting mixed into the batter, dipped in melted white chocolate. It was a huge hit.
For Thanksgiving, I decided to make cake balls again but this time I would be a little more creative. The possibilities are endless, plus I’m not a fan of red velvet. So I made two different kinds. The first was devils food cake with dark chocolate frosting mixed in, dipped in melted semi-sweet chocolate and topped with chocolate sprinkles.  The second variety was lemon cake with classic vanilla frosting mixed in, dipped in melted white chocolate and adorned with toasted coconut. Both were a huge hit with my man and my parents.  I enjoyed the dark chocolate ones with red wine and the lemon ones were perfect for breakfast.
For Christmas this year, I decided it was time to try yet another concoction. Fudge marble cake with classic vanilla frosting mixed in and dipped in melted semi-sweet chocolate.  I also figured it was time to share the recipe because while it may be incredibly messy and time consuming, the delicious factor is totally worth it! One cake mix makes a ton of cake balls depending on the size you create and they even freeze well!
Cake mix of your choice (choose one that mentions moist)
Can of frosting
Sprinkles, toasted coconut, any type of adornment
Largest bag of chocolate chips you can find – white, semi-sweet, dark - you choose!
Make the cake according to the box directions. Let it cool for at least 30 minutes – preferably longer.
While the cake is cooking/cooling, line two cookie sheets with wax paper.
After the cake has cooled, rip up the cooked cake into a large mixing bowl. Yep, that beautiful cake you just made - tear it up and put it in the bowl.
Mix it up with your hands until all the clumps are out.
Take ¾ of the can of frosting (do not use the entire can – it will be too mushy) and mix it in to the bowl of cake pieces. Blend well with your hands or a flat backed spoon. Do not use a mixer.
Roll the mixture into balls with your hands. There are molds for these but why spend money on molds? You have two hands. You can roll the mixture into balls, right? How big, you ask? That all depends on your liking.  I could easily get 48 balls out of one box of cake but I have also rolled them bigger and made 24 balls.
Place the rolled balls on the wax paper. Once all the balls are rolled, put another layer of wax paper on top of the balls and place the trays in the fridge for at least two hours. I like to put them in overnight. You want them to firm up before dipping.
On the back of the chocolate chip package will be directions on how to melt the chocolate. I like to use a double boiler to melt my chocolate on the stove. Microwaving can work too quickly and burn the chocolate. Put water in the bottom pan but make sure that the bottom of the top pan doesn't touch the water. Hint - you don't need much. You want the water warm but not boiling so heat it on medium heat. Pour the chocolate chips in - I think the more the better even though the bag says no more than two  cups. You need the melted chocolate to be deep enough for the entire cake ball to be covered easily.
Once the chips start to get shiny, start stirring with a wooden spoon. It won't take long for the chips to melt into a smooth luscious melted chocolate.  

Once it's melted remove the top pan and put it on a hot plate. Put a cake ball into the melted chocolate. Roll it in the chocolate and gently use a fork to lift the ball out of the chocolate, letting the excess drip off into the pan. Place the ball onto the wax paper.  If you want sprinkles or any topping, do it immediately before it cools and the chocolate hardens. Otherwise, the adornments won't stick.
Once all the balls have been dipped and on the wax paper, put them in the fridge and let them firm up. Depending on how thick you've coated them with chocolate is how long it will take for them to harden. After two hours in the fridge they should be ready.

Carefully, peel them off of the wax paper and place them in a tupperware or serving dish.  I made these bigger than usual and of course if you want to use lollipop sticks make the balls smaller. Totally your choice.
Keep in mind these are REALLY messy to make so give yourself tons of time! One thing that helps relax me when I make cake balls is whiskey! This time I decided to imbibe on some Woodford Reserve Double Oaked. No, I didn't put it in the mix!

Cake balls are fun to make and absolutely delicious to eat! For a different treat for your kids or even for yourself, try them! I'm sure yours will be prettier than mine. But I'm not trying to win any awards. They taste delicious and isn't that what really matters?

Stories aren't the icing on the cake. They ARE the cake!
-Peter Gruber

Monday, December 21, 2015

The best part of drinking champagne....

is when you chase it with a real wine - like a Pinot Noir!

This calendar year my happy place has put on an event once a month called, Passport, and I've blogged about most of those events. I have attended all of them and have enjoyed them immensely. While I may not have always liked the wines, I learned quite a bit and I appreciated all that I tasted. The last event of the Passport Series was not my favorite by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I really had no desire to attend at all. I was tired, had a stressful day, endured my work holiday luncheon and just wanted to go home and curl up on the sofa with my dogger and shut out the world. But, I am the TinyWineGirl and I couldn't let my fellow winos down. I have been to all of the Passport events and damn if a little French champagne was going to stop me from attending them all!

I don't care for champagne. That being said, I don't know much about it and I haven't tried very many. The only time I really can fathom champagne is when orange juice is involved. I forgot my orange juice last night. Yep, potential for disaster.

The Evil Red Genius and I arrived early to enjoy wine and cheese and to try to pump ourselves up for drinking bubbly all night.  Thanks to Arthur's recommendation (the second one because I wasn't feeling brave enough to try the first recommendation), the night was not lost!

I must admit this wine label caught my attention. An eye chart! How cool and unique!
When I found out it was a California Pinot Noir, I was immediately disappointed.
When I found out the California Pinot was a collaboration wine of well-known winemakers, Joel Gott and Dave Phinney, I was flying high again!
You may recall from earlier posts that I think Dave Phinney is a wine genius. He is the winemaker for Orin Swift Cellars which produces my absolute favorite wine. If Dave Phinney has his hands on the making of the wine, I want to try it. Normally, I wouldn't ever choose a California Pinot but Dave Phinney pushed me over the edge and made me get out of my comfort zone. I like him that much.

At first whiff, I was transported to a field of wild violets and raspberries. At first sip, I tasted red berry jam, a hint of cola and spice. Very fruit-forward, this wine is smooth, easy to drink and food-friendly. It paired wonderfully with fig-infused goat cheese as well as horseradish cheddar.

I should have known from the start of the event that it was going to be an interesting night. Arthur told us there was the potential for people to be "under the table" quickly.  Then the presenter mentioned that we would be "drinking people tonight".  No one even batted an eye at that comment but Brad and I gave each other the perplexed puppy-dog-head-cocked-to-the-side look. Obviously I was disappointed that we were drinking bubbly but I had no idea we were going to be drinking people instead. Interesting concept.

The first bubbly wasn't terrible. I could drink two sips but then I gave Brad the rest in my glass. We have a "no waste" rule with our crew. You don't have to like it. You don't have to drink it. But you can't waste it. Don't pour it out. Give it to your neighbor.  That rule was thrown out the window at the bubbly tasting. Why? First, Brad was going to be one of those immediately under the table if we made his glass our dump bucked. Secondly, after the first one, Brad didn't even like what we were tasting. For the first time ever, we filled up the dump bucket that evening. In fact, I didn't even like wasting this stuff so I asked for my pours to be less than the usual pour. I would try it but I wouldn't guarantee I'd like it.

As the event went on, we were definitely entertained. The one-liners were coming at us so quickly that I couldn't even keep track. The laughter was overwhelming as we tried to suppress it and not cause a scene. The best part is the funnies were coming so quickly and innocently out of the presenter's mouth that I don't even remember the context of most of them.  Here are a few:

"This champagne is quite aggressive. It's like a fist in the mouth."
"You can really taste the growers in this one."
"File that one in your palette rolodex."
"Nun's fart"
"Dirty press and then the big cork went in."
"This one goes good with PIG!"
"The front label is like blah blah blah"
"The necker!
"The Big O!"

Three things that I took away from this event:

1. When you are at French champagne tasting and supposed to behave yourself by sitting quietly but you're whispering to your wine buddy, make sure your wine glasses aren't close together. When the wine glasses are too close and they clink really loudly in a starkly quiet room, instead of being embarrassed when the entire room stares at you, just play it off and proclaim, "Vive La France!" It worked for us!

2.  Eye charting is the new vogue! There's always inspiration found in (or on) a wine bottle!

3. Don't be ashamed of using the dump bucket. Also don't be afraid to save at least 1/3 of the Pinot Noir that you opened prior to the event. It will serve as a perfect champagne chaser (and mouthwash).

Happy Holidays!
 Buy wine. Drink wine. Share wine.

"One of the disadvantages of wine is that it makes a man mistake words for thoughts."
Samuel Johnson