Friday, August 22, 2014

and the cork goes to...............

Want a medium-bodied red wine that is easily drinkable on its own or with food?
Not as light as a Pinot but not as big as a Cabernet?
With a pleasant aroma of dark chocolate and a smooth, jammy taste?
Priced at under $20?
Well, you've come to the right place!
2010 Seven Falls Merlot
Wahluke Slope, Washington
Just this week, I heard someone say "Sideways (the movie) didn't kill Merlot. Merlot killed Merlot". Luckily, I don't remember much about that movie and luckily, I didn't know anything about Merlot, much less wine in general, when that movie and supposedly, the demise of Merlot occurred.
What I do know is that I am extremely fond of Washington State Merlots.  I love how they are typically very easy to drink, smooth and no specific "fruit" or taste stands out like in a lot of other varietals.
Wahluke Slope. Pretty cook name, right? Well, I thought so.
The Wahluke Slope is in south-central Washington State and nestled above the Columbia River. This area has one of the warmest and driest climates in Washington and with its sandy loam soil, it evidently tends to be perfect for creating wines with outstanding structure. I mean who ever turned down a wine with good structure? Right? Someone with no sense, that's who! ha
Also, look at the label! Isn't it beautiful? It reminds me of the framed Ansel Adams photograph I have of a waterfall in Yosemite National Park from the 1990s. On this label, you see the Seven Falls which was inspired by a series of seven waterfalls that once flowed along the Columbia River through what is now the Wahluke Slope.

Typically I like a Chardonnay or a refreshing white wine in the summer. It's very rare that I have a desire to drink a red wine but on this particular evening that's exactly what I wanted.
Why, you ask? Good question.
Was it because my REDskins were playing their second preseason game?
Was it to celebrate the fact that after a rough couple of days (involving a visit to the emergency vet) my sweet Prowler was starting to feel better and making a turn for the better?

Was it in honor of the potential of there being good, genuine men still out there other than my father and my boss? Was it the fact that not only did I have a good date last Friday but that the same man actually asked to see me again this Friday?
Perhaps it was all of the above combined.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Let's not get too ahead of ourselves, but after four months and four first dates amounting to nothing, we just may have someone worthy of receiving a cork from Val, the Virtual Bachelorette!
Calm down, calm down. I don't "cork and tell". Stayed tuned....

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