Friday, July 18, 2014

You say Freh-tay-tah. I say Freh-tah-tah!

A coworker gives me a gigantic zucchini. What do I do with it? That's A LOT of zucchini!
Saute it with olive oil and squash and have a light meal. 
Make a fresh veggie and spicy tomato sauce and put it over pasta.
Then... the best of all - a breakfast frittata!
When I left the City of Alexandria after 14 years, the City Clerk and City Council aides gave me a breakfast goodbye party.  My favorite Councilmember's aide made my favorite dish of all - a breakfast frittata. I had never had a frittata before nor did I even really know what it was. After trying it that day, I was hooked and have made it numerous times since.  I'm not a huge breakfast fan but honestly, this could be served at any time of day.
Sautee a box of sliced mushrooms and a small onion in olive oil with black pepper.
Saute 2-3 small sliced zucchini or 1/3 of the monster one that I had on hand.
Set the veggies aside and cube some type of rustic bread. I tend to use some sort of sourdough or ciabiatta. This time I used rosemary and olive oil sourdough.

In a shallow casserole dish (usually 9x12 or something similar), which has been sprayed, place the sauteed veggies. At this point, add a bit more black pepper and a tiny bit of crushed red pepper for a little kick.
Top the veggies with the cubed bread pieces.
Sprinkle with a very generous cup or two of grated gruyere and parmesan cheese. 
Beat 12 eggs, add 1/2 cup of heavy cream, and fresh chopped rosemary sprigs.
Pour over the casserole. Add more cheese on top and refrigerate over night.
In the morning, bake for 45 minutes to an hour at 350 degrees.  Check to make sure it has "gelled" and it is not runny. If it is still runny, put it back in the oven for 5-10 more minutes.
Let set for about 10 mintues after it's done.

This was just the recipe that I use. You can use any veggies that you want - even potatoes - and you can also substitute the herbs for whichever ones you have on hand or enjoy. I highly recommend using fresh herbs though and not the dried kind you get in a shaker. This would be a great dish with cheddar, jack or fontina cheeses as well. I have found the combination of zucchini, onion, mushrooms, rosemary, gruyere and parmesan (again fresh shredded - not the powdered kind in a can) is absolutely delicious.
Recently, I made a smaller version which works best for me.  Bottom line is cut everything listed above in half if you use a smaller casserole dish.
I have prepared this for brunches and when I have guests from out of town. It's easy to make the night before and then pop in the oven the next morning. It's always a big hit and, to be honest, I think it tastes best a day after it's been cooked.


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