Thursday, July 24, 2014

Mango bubbles, pesto and almond puffs!

In 1984, the Wu family started Happy Eatery Restaurant and Bakery as a traditional Chinese restaurant with its own in-house bakery.  Within a year of expanding their dessert menu from just fortune cookies and oranges, their phones were ringing off the hook for birthday and wedding cakes!
In July 2002, the restaurant/bakery was transformed into a full-service bakery in Centreville and renamed "Cakes by Happy Eatery".  In October 2009, Cakes by Happy Eatery opened a second location in Manassas and in 2010, when I began working for Prince William County, I was lucky enough to stumble upon this little local gem!

While I haven't ordered any cakes, I ironically fell in love with their gourmet sandwiches! When I first found out about this cute little cafe I decided to keep it a secret. I did not want everyone finding out about my new sandwich place. After all, we are limited to where we can go during the day for lunch since we have to drive everywhere. I took my mom there for lunch one day because she knows how to keep a secret. I also use to frequent it quite often with two former co-workers who are also two former friends. (Yeah, don't ask). At least they kept this cafe secret if nothing else!
I hadn't been in a while and yesterday, I took Big Daddy (that's what I call my boss - explanation to come in another post - maybe) there for lunch. The night before he so graciously took me shooting so this was my "thank you" to him.
We were the only patrons there aside from a few people coming in to pick up special order cakes, cookies, and cupcakes.
We placed our order and then sat down to wait for our special made sammiches (that's what I call sandwiches when they are absolutely delicious).
I ordered a strawberry banana smoothie which was so refreshing.
I was asked if I wanted to have mango bubbles in my smoothie. Bubbles? I asked the nice lady what exactly were the bubbles and she laughed and said she had no idea. I asked her why on earth I would want "bubbles" in my smoothie and did they turn my smoothie carbonated. She said I would want them because they are fun and delicious, but not carbonated.  I decided to stray from adding them to my smoothie but she did bring out a few for me to try on their own.
Very interesting. They are like little soft pearls that when you put them in your mouth they pop and a light juice and flavor comes out. I don't know how I'd feel about them in my smoothie but they were interesting. Mango juice in a little bubble. Okey doke. Whatever works.
 Learn something new every day.
Big Daddy ordered the roast beef and brie on rosemary focaccia sammich.
He was very happy.

I ordered pesto chicken salad on rosemary focaccia.
Chicken salad made with pesto mayonnaise, with thinly slivered almonds, tomato, cucumber and mixed greens on amazingly soft yummy focaccia!
I swear I get happier with every bite of this sammich. 

I cannot leave this adorable little cafe without taking home an almond puff. As you can see from above, I was so excited that my hands were shaking and the photo is totally out of focus.
They don't always have almond puffs and for a while they were selling out quickly. But today, there were four and I'm surprised I didn't buy all four. I used restraint and just bought one of them and saved it for breakfast. Yep, breakfast. What a great way to start a day!
Flaky pastry crust with a soft, heavenly vanilla lemon-like filling and the same slivered almonds from my sammich on top.   I feel so bad when I eat the whole thing!!!
This was taken from Cakes by Happy Eatery's website. Almond Puffs!!!
So, if you live in the area and want to try my secret cafe I just might tell you where it is one day!
Again, a simple little place that has a whole lot of goodness going on!!

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