Monday, March 3, 2014

What to do when it's snowing all day? Drink wine!

2007 Aduentus Mediterraneo
Mendoza, Argentina
40% Malbec, 30% Tempranillo and 30% Syrah
aged 60% in American Oak and 40% in French Oak
Aduentus means "new arrival" in Latin
Made at the Antigal Winery and Estates
Every time I see the word Antigal, I, for some reason, think it says "antifungal". Luckily, this wine tastes delicious and is not anywhere near being related to anything antifungal.

What do I like about this wine?

1. Its beautiful dark purple color
2. Its smell of tobacco and smoke
3. Its taste of oak and spice, especially on the finish
4. Argentina is known for Malbec, and, while I liked Malbecs back in my early red days, I haven't been fond of them lately. This blend is very nice.
5.  It went well with my lasagna, is easily drinkable on its own and does NOT require chocolate.
6.  I'm not a fan of aftertastes in wine, but this has a very enjoyable aftertaste.
7.  Pairs well with highlights of Jared Leto winning the Best Supporting Actor on the Oscars
8.  Its very photogenic and makes me forget about the 19 degree and steadily falling temps outside.

"My nose itched and I knew I should drink wine or kiss a fool."  Jonathan Swift

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