Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Simple pleasures when searching for "LOVE"

I like small towns.
 I like corner bars.
I like window shopping in bookstores, antiques stores and the giggling when you happen upon an adult toy store. 
 I like one-way streets and saying hello to passersby as you stand on a corner waiting to cross.
 I like town squares where families are ice skating.
I like walking across an open field and a random, happy shelter dog catches a ball and instead of taking it back to his owner, brings it to you and wants you to play. 
 I like crossing railroad tracks but hesitating just a moment and looking down the tracks hoping to see a train in the distance.
I like strolling around Main Street USA on a Sunday afternoon, smiling and holding hands just because it feels like the most natural thing to do. 
 I like the warmth of the sun shining on my face in early March while the air still has a chill.

I like when my heart smiles from the simplest things.

I like sitting at a bar at a
Nawlins-style bistro. I like a nod and "hello" from the older gentleman perched at the corner seat as we approach the bar. I like overhearing the conversation between the tattooed rocker dude and his biker chick girlfriend.  I like sitting close and not feeling nervous. I like talking about whatever comes to mind.  I like laughing. I like sharing golden fried okra. I like that he would feed me each piece if I really wanted him to do so.

I like the Ratatouille that I always crave from this place. I like the simplicity of how sauce, a few vegetables and angel hair pasta can be so delicious. I like how pretty it looks in the bowl! I like that we share the ratatouille. I like the fact that snow peas are the edible garnish. I like that one time we were here Sarah, the bartender, gave me an entire plate of them to munch on. I like how he remembered and asked if I wanted him to get me some. I like remembering and I like that he remembers as well.

I like whiskey, particulary rye whiskey. I like that I am learning more about whiskey and that I have a lot more to learn. I like that bourbon and water was my grandfather's drink of choice. I like that the first time I ordered whiskey at a bar it was at this same place in the form of a Sazerac. I like that I have been to a whiskey distillery and that I have three different types of whiskey in my home now to enjoy. I like that the Old Overholt Straight Rye Whiskey shown above in my glass almost matches my mardi gras beads bracelet.

 I noticed the Makers Mark 46 was on the shelf at this bar and commented that I had tried it once before the Avett Brothers concert in February. I had ordered Makers Mark on the rocks and for my second glass the college bartender asked me if I wanted "the 46". I had never heard of the 46 and he gave it to me for the price of the standard.  It was incredible.

When I saw the 46 in front of me this Sunday afternoon I was pleased. I like that a 46 goes a long way and is incredibly smooth and easy to drink.  I like that he asked the bartender to see the bottle because I commented on how beautiful it looked. I like that she humored me and displayed it with her
"Makers Mark Red" fingernail polish to satisfy the crazy photographer in me.

"Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly."
- M.F.K. Fisher

 Simple things are really what mean the most in life. I like the simple pleasures that are often overlooked by most. Perhaps even falling is one of those simple pleasures........ I like falling.... when it's in the right direction, for the right reason, toward the right person who's eagerly waiting to catch me.

I like that I remembered the LOVE sign being in the area and wanted to find it.  I like that we walked around town, hand in hand, across the railroad tracks into the beautiful sun, searching for LOVE.

I like the way I felt that afternoon.
I like smiling and laughing and living.
I like that something always brings him back to me.
I like that something always takes me back to him.

You never know what simple pleasures you may come upon when you are simply....
 searching for LOVE.

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