Monday, March 10, 2014

Friday night, just right

Most Friday nights I like to just go home and collapse. The work week has usually been long, I'm tired and truthfully, I want to be anti-social. However, some nights I enjoy going to my happy place, especially if there is one of my specials on the menu. Even after much contemplation throughout the day, I still wander there aimlessly in hopes that my spirits will be lifted along with my taste buds.
My happy place has never failed me.
Last Friday, I made reservations for dinner with one of my dear friends.  After happy hour with the PWC Big Bang Theory crew (yes, I'm Penny. I'll save that story for another time.), I went to Winestyles for the weekend tasting of Jacuzzi wines and then, to my delight, I found that my second favorite special was on the menu - Lamb Youvetsi!
All of a sudden, all was beginning to be right with my world.
 I have only had two Jacuzzi wines and was not impressed. The tasting proved to be unimpressive as well, until we arrived at the 2010 Barbera (Cali wine made in the Italian style).  Arthur knew that I would like that one and he was spot on. Lucky for me, I was able to also try the 2003 Barbera from a private stash which was DELIGHTFUL!!  What a nice little touch to start off the evening.
We were shown to our table for dinner and I immediately knew that I wanted the Lamb Youvetsi. I also saw that Stuffed Cabbage and Dolmathes were also on the menu and I ordered one to go. It is such great comfort food and reheats exceptionally well so planning ahead for Saturday dinner already proved successful!

When I first started frequenting Giorgios I had two favorite dishes that I always rotated.
Chicken Picatta (there will be a picture and post eventually) and the Bolognese - substituting penne pasta for the linguine.  You get a plentiful portion and it is even better warmed up the next day. Nothing beats Giorgio's bolognese sauce.. except when it is stuffed into handrolled crepes and covered in cheese (my first favorite special).

My request to Arthur: Please find us a big red wine that will go well with both of these dishes. 
Upon asking if we were up for trying something different and our response being yes (because Arthur has NEVER steers me wrong), we were presented with the Esporao Reserve 2010 from Portugal.

Sometimes I don't feel like analyzing and taking notes.
Sometimes I just like to take it all in and enjoy.
That is just what I did with the wine and my lamb youvetsi this fine Friday evening!
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own
Well, indeed!

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