Monday, March 3, 2014

Riesling and chocolate? Say it isn't so!

I have only bought a Riesling twice in my life. Both purchases were for two reasons: 1) my dad enjoys them, and 2) these two didn't taste too bad to me - for Rieslings.  I typically don't care for Rieslings because they are too sweet. However, the two that I bought and liked were dry Rieslings. One was from Otium in Virginia and one is shown below - from the Willamette Valley in Oregon. Yes, Oregon - the land of Pinot Noir. Who knew they made decent Rieslings? Maybe everyone did, but I didn't until I stumbled upon this one at "Wine Loves Chocolate" in Washington, Virginia.

The 2011 Amity Vineyards Wedding Dance Riesling is like "springtime in a bottle". How ironic that I am writing this blog as I currently am seeing cold, wet, white stuff falling out of the sky and my area is under a Winter Storm Warning. I cannot wait for springtime and to see the iris blooming in my garden instead of looking at the picture on this label!
This Riesling has an aroma of citrus, flowers and honeysuckle. On the palette is lemon, citrus and bitter melon.
The Riesling paired wonderfully with a dinner of butter and Old Bay grilled shrimp on skewers, smashed potatoes (with garlic, parmesan cheese, olive oil, oregano and cracked pepper)  and corn. The limoncello chocolate removed the tartness of the wine and finished it off quite nicely.

Now, the only reason I purchased this wine was because a few months ago it was featured on a wine and chocolate pairing. It was absolutely divine! I don't care much for the wine by itself or for the chocolate by itself, but together it is pure magic!


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