Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Thinning of the Veil

I always hated Halloween as a kid.  My memories are of being dressed up in costumes such a Wonder Woman, a clown, a scarecrow and a witch and going door to door in my little townhouse neighborhood begging for candy. It really made no sense to me and, before the night was over, I would be scared by someone and hated it. I grew to hate Halloween even more as I grew up because people started using it for evil, in my mind. Razor blades in apples, teenagers stealing younger kids’ treasure, egging and toilet-papering houses. It was just never my thing.

It wasn’t until about six years ago that I was coerced into attending an adult Halloween party and that I actually enjoyed myself. I realized the only reason that I did was because it was at my happy place (wine bar) and I was disguised as Harley Quinn and NO ONE knew it was me. There was a sense of being able to take on a different persona for once in my life and I was 100% into my character.  A few years later, I went to another Halloween party as Catwoman, and again, I was able to delve into the character which was quite gratifying.  Still, Halloween is not my thing. Well, not THAT kind of Halloween.
As years passed, and I began my spiritual journey, Halloween took on a different meaning for me. I still don't enjoy the societal version of Halloween and I never will. But to me, Halloween is all about the thinning of the veil. What does that mean? It means the spiritual world and physical world are the closest they will ever be.  The spirits in Heaven and we, here on Earth, are able to connect much easier because of the veil being thin.  I am always in tune to the spirit world but it has been even easier for going on almost two weeks now.... and it's just going to get easier in the coming days.

It's a magical, yet exhausting, time for me.  The sound of doors creaking open but when you look the door is shut tight and locked. Clanking of dog tags but both dogs in your house are sound asleep and not moving. A phone that has been disconnected for months suddenly faintly rings. Orbs of light dancing on your security camera. Your dog seeing a spirit at the top of the stairs and is staring at it and cocking its head in conversation for a half hour straight. The sound of a baby gate falling to the floor when it is clearly still in place and hasn't moved. Another dog playing with his sister in spirit. A doorbell ringing but no one is there when you open the door. Hearing your name or even a sentence but turning to see that no one is there. Most of these are regular daily occurrences for me but leading up to Halloween it gets intense and more prevalent. 

Some of these things may sound scary to you, but they shouldn't. The thinning of the veil isn't about fear. (Well, it isn't to me.) This is about spirits trying to communicate with us. It takes a tremendous amount of energy for spirits to connect with the physical world. In the same respect, it takes a ton of energy for mediums, such as myself, to connect with spirits. But there is truly nothing more comforting than to hear from your loved ones who have left their physical bodies. (Or, in my case, being able to relay messages to you from your loved ones in spirit.) If you do encounter a spirit that is annoying or you do not want around, then very sternly but nicely tell them they are not welcome and they must leave. I have found that this works the majority of the time. If it doesn't, then you'll want to smudge the area with sage. 

I try to make the placing of a protective shield around me part of my daily morning routine, but during this time of year it is absolutely necessary, especially if you are purposely trying to connect with spirits or are an empath.  Here's a simple article for you to read that explains it pretty well: https://backpackerverse.com/white-light-protection/
So when you are dressing up your kiddos to go trick or treating or donning the unique costume you are so proud of this year, remember what Halloween is really about to me (and to many others who just may not be admitting it). It is about connecting with spirits.  Be aware, be open. There are signs and synchronicities everywhere.   Your parents, your grandparents, your friends, your cousins, your spouses, your pets - they are trying to let you know they are still around and with you. All you have to do is pay attention and honor their presence. 

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