Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Do you meditate?
Do you think "oh that's for people who have tons of time" or "that's for those tree hugging people"?
Do you even really know HOW to meditate or what true purpose it serves?
By no means am I an expert but I am definitely a proponent and advocate.

Do you have anxiety? Are you sad? Lonely? Confused? Lost? Stressed? Frustrated?
Do you have physical ailments?
Do you fall asleep on the sofa but once you get to bed your mind is spinning in a thousand directions for what seems like hours?
Do you want to just find a place of calm and contentment?
Do you want to clear your mind of all thoughts and just be?
Do you feel bogged down and just want to scream because there's so much in that head of yours?

Then I highly suggest you meditate!

You don't have to go to some special place, but you absolutely can if you want. You don't have to spend money and join a class but there are plenty out there if you so chose. Yoga is a great way to utilize meditation as well. Whatever you do, don't overthink it. All you really need is 5-10 minutes a day in a quiet space. Some of you will think you don't have 10 minutes of free time because you have commitments and jobs and kids. Of course you do. We all do. But you know what? We have to MAKE ourselves take time for ourselves and what better way then meditation?  Instead of plopping down on the sofa and watching something on tv, go to your bedroom and meditate. Wake a little earlier in the morning and meditate. Take a walk, sit down on a grassy hill and meditate.

Meditation is truly just calming and ridding your mind of constant thoughts. It is a technique to bring about mindfulness and a way to truly focus on your breath and the present moment. Forget about the past, stop worrying about the future. Just "be" in the present moment. It is about attention and awareness.

I hear you now. "I can't do it. There's no way I can do something like that. The kids will be screaming. The dogs won't leave me alone. I just have too much to do anyway. Plus it probably doesn't even work." Don't ever say you can't do it unless you are physically unable. You can do it; you just choose not to. Well, I promise you, get in the habit of meditating and you will be so grateful you did.

It's not necessarily easy. Well, it wasn't for me - at least not at first. I found it quite hard to "quiet your mind". But with practice and consistency, you can do it and you will love it and benefit greatly. I was an off and on meditator for years - just couldn't seem to quite "get it" but then about two years ago, I really focused and now strive to make it a part of my daily routine; almost a habit.

You can find meditations on You Tube pretty easily which aren't bad in a pinch. I often have it on as background music at work just to keep me centered. But when I truly want to meditate, I feel best when I have a guided meditation. In that regard, I have found two resources resonate with me and I absolutely love them.

Natalie Eve Marquis of the Wisdom Within has THE most calming, voice I think I've ever heard in a meditation. I highly recommend checking out her guided meditations (and the rest of her website too): https://wisdomwithin.co/resources/guided-meditations/  The best part is some of these are only a minute or two long so no excuses for you busy people!!  I also recommend Colette Baron-Reid's Mindful Magic Mediations app for your phone.  Regardless, start finding some mediations, feel them out, find what works for you and make it part of your life! You won't regret this choice!

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