Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How do you start your day?

How do you start your day? Do you have a morning routine or ritual?

I would love to start mine with a walk on the beach with my dog, some mediation and then back to the house, enjoy making a delicious plant-based smoothie, turn on some relaxing music and plan the rest of my day as I deem fit. I don't get to do that. Well, I don't get to do that yet, that is. One day. One day, I'll have that ability. One day soon. I'm currently going through the process of setting my intentions and manifesting. But for now, I am doing the best I can with what I've got until the rest of my dreams come true. All in divine time and all through the power of positive energy. I am open and ready to receive great abundance!

Right now, I start my day a little chaotic with a two-year old puppy. I also start my day a little earlier than I'd like because I have that thing called a job that I have to get to by a certain time of day. Half asleep, I stumble out the back door to take the little one out to potty.  I go upstairs and feed her as I drift back off to sleep in the chair. Then, Hubs and the little ones waken and I groggily wander to the kitchen, eat an almond energy ball or an apple, or a piece of sprouted bread toast with raw almond butter or maybe just guzzle down a plant-based protein shake with almond milk. I take my fish oil and elderberry with a glass of water. The news is on in the background and I try not to pay attention because all the stories are negative, but I half listen just in case a tragedy occurred overnight.

I used to hate mornings but you know what my favorite part of the day is now? When I bring my little girl down to the bedroom to nap while I get ready for work. That quiet moment when I start to see the sun peeking up from the horizon. The yellow, pink and orange hue that glows through my curtains. The warmth of the natural spotlight shining on my hardwood floor. The waking of the birds as they sing their morning song. That moment of silence when the world hasn't begun to spin yet. If I have time, I often soak in my claw foot tub while meditating, connecting with my spirit guides and centering myself for the day. It used to all stop there.

But over the past few months, I have incorporated a new aspect of my morning routine - an aspect that I have found to be extremely necessary and valuable. I sit on my grandmother's cedar chest, open up the curtains to let the sunlight in and I read out loud my list of about 20 daily affirmations.

The power of positive thinking. We've all heard that our entire lives, right? I used to always blow it off and say that was such b.s. Well, guess what? It's not. For those of you who participate in such a ritual of affirmations, you are shaking your head "yes" right now. I might even have gotten an "amen" from some of ya'll.

Once I started reciting affirmations, my mornings started off so much better. Words are powerful. We all know that for a fact. They can hurt as easily as they can heal. But even more powerful is that we must be wary of what we say because what we say (and think) is what we attract. Say that out loud. What I say and think is what I attract. Let it sink in.

So why wouldn't you want to start off your morning, with positive, empowering and loving thoughts to yourself? Once I started reciting my affirmations, my outlook changed. My outlook on ME changed and isn't that where it all begins? I always say choose love - always choose love. Well, before we can truly love another, we must truly love ourselves. How many of us can truly say that we do? I wasn't always able to say that but I can now.

So how do you start your day.........

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