Sunday, August 16, 2015

The day the brewery won......

Three years ago, my soul sister, parents, my dog and I went to Quattro Goomba's (Four Friends) winery in Aldie. It was the third winery of the day and at that point, I couldn't really tell you if the wine was good. I do remember the incredible pizza we had, the fabulous picture I took of my parents while we were there and the fact that my dad and Prowler went running around on the grounds and both were extremely happy. Other than that, I couldn't tell you much about the wine.

Quattro Goomba's is one that I tend to often drive past on my way to other wineries and haven't stopped since that first trip. There's no reason why I haven't gone back really. There are so many wineries in the area why not check out a new one?
Last weekend, my favorite guy and I jumped on the Harley and decided to go back out to Quattro Goomba's. Why? Because now have a newly-opened brewery on the premises that we've been wanting to check out.

What a difference three years can make! I almost didn't recognize the place! There used to be only one building that contained everything - the winery, the pizza shop (yes, pizza shop) and a few chairs and tables. Outside was a small patio with picnic tables and then tons of open space. Well, now it's exploded! That building still exists but it is now the winery and pizza shop with bistro tables/chairs and a place for musicians to entertain. The patio has been extended. There are chairs and tables spread out all over the grounds. The wine tastings are conducted in a rustic log cabin and there's a pretty decent-sized building holding a brewery.

We started out in the log cabin for the wine tasting. The log cabin was absolutely lovely and it's too bad the wine didn't follow suit. We tried two whites and two reds. None were repulsive but none were worth drinking a glass of either.

2013 Piney River White - blend of Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, and Vidal Blanc, light and citrus
2012 Sorelle - "Sisters" wine - dry, fruity Riesling
I was so unimpressed that I don't even remember the first red we tried...
2012 Tradizione - Bordeaux blend of Merlot, Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon aged in bourbon barrels. It was exciting to know it was aged in bourbon barrels and definitely the best on the tasting, but still left a lot to be desired for me.

Now it's time to get on my wine pedestal....

Quattro Goombas Winery is a winery; not a vineyard. They don't grow grapes. They have no intention of growing grapes. They get a truck shipment of grapes from various areas including Virginia and Washington and make the wine at the winery. This disappoints me.

I don't usually care for Virginia wine this side of Charlottesville. There are a few that I enjoy and the rest are just average. I visit wineries for the experience; not with the intention or hope of purchasing any wine. Chateau O'Brien and Otium Cellars are two vineyards in the Northern Virginia area whose wine I actually enjoy drinking and purchase bottles of to take home. However, just because I'm not fond of most Virginia wines in this area, doesn't mean that I don't appreciate and value the hard work, time and dedication that is put into the whole process. In fact, I have much admiration for these individuals and could only dream of being a small part it one day.

I understand when new wineries begin that it takes quite a few years (5 to 7 I think) for vines to take and grapes to grow to the point where they can make their own estate wines. I understand that during those times, they purchase grapes from other vineyards until they are capable of producing their own. I understand that even once they are producing their own, that they still may get a certain varietal or two from a different vineyard because that varietal may have better growing conditions in a different part of Virginia.

A friend of mine who owns a well-renown area winery even had the foresight to start growing grapes years before he opened his winery and tasting room. As a result, he has never produced or sold wines that were not from his vineyard. It may have taken a while before he could open his tasting room but it was important to him and I highly commend him. It has paid off and personally, I'd rather all wineries perform in that way.  If I wanted wine from Pennsylvania, I'd go to a Pennsylvania winery. If I wanted California wine (and I often do) then I'll buy a Napa or Sonoma wine. I don't want Virginians making California wine. Sacreligious!

What I do not like is when Virginia wineries have no intention at all of growing their own grapes and then get grapes from vineyards OUTSIDE of Virginia.  When I visit a winery, I always ask, if it's not already said or prominently displayed on the tasting sheet, if their grapes are grown on the property. If someone says "yes" to some but not to all they almost instantly follow up with "but we do get all of our grapes from Virginia". It's obviously important!!
Ok, I'm done.

Let's not ruin everything else about Quattro Goombas just because I don't agree with their wine philosophy.

Who doesn't love pizza?

Quattro Goomba's makes its own square-cut Sicilian-style pizza with a crispy bottom and a light and airy crust.
With hand-picked crushed tomato sauce and modeled after pizza from a local shop in Western Pennsylvania, the pizza is super yummy!
Guests have their choice of extra cheese, pepperoni, jalapenos or hot pepper rings as toppings.

The pizza is extremely expensive and my eyes are often bigger than my stomach. But it's good to splurge sometimes. It's not like we do this but once every three or four years anyway!
Plus the pizza shop staff was very helpful in providing us with packaging
 to take the rest of it home.
Thank you, good ole Harley saddlebags!

Sicilian pizza, a beautiful sunshine-filled day with my favorite guy and a view of an old barn and butterfly bushes?

I mean seriously, what more could I ask for?

Now, here comes the interesting part of the Quattro's visit....

Brace yourself.
I never thought I'd say this and, honestly, I almost think someone else has inhabited my thoughts every time I do say it. 
 I know it's the only time I've ever made this proclamation. 
Deep breath.
Here it comes......
I liked the brewery better than a winery!
There, I said it. I've told my favorite guy and my dad but now I have admitted it to the world.
(ok, the few in the world who actually care/are bored enough to read this blog).

Greeted by U.S. flags upon entering the brewery was a nice touch.  

Then there's the beer.
They don't offer flights but we decided to try a taste of all eight. I mean, why wouldn't you?
When in Rome.. or uh... Aldie...


  • Cake Eater - Honey Wheat - light, easy to drink, great on a hot summer day
  • Mangia La Frutta - Saison - a tad bigger than Cake Eater, naturally
  • Fanny's Your Aunt - English Pale Ale - very nice, nothing exciting, nothing disgusting
  • Sammy's Session IPA - big hops, grassy. While I'm not an IPA fan, I could even fathom this - however I turn my nose up once the bitter aftertaste comes at me
  • Rye Not? - Simcoe Rye Imperial IPA - RYE!!! YES!!! Absolutely delicious- Perhaps I have found the way to like an IPA - make it a Rye one!
  • Friar Nuts - Belgian Dubbel - caramel and banana notes - smooth, easy to drink
  • Brown Chicken Brown Cow - Brown Sugar Brown Ale - rich and thick and yummy
  • Torque - Milk Stout - served on nitro - I'm not a big Stout fan but this had notes of sweet coffee and chocolate overtones; didn't taste like a typical stout at all to me. Must have been the nitro.

 This is the first brewery that I have visited where I liked and could drink every single beer we tasted!! My favorite guy agreed and he and I don't have similar beer tastes. While I may not like IPAs, he loves IPAs. However, we also can appreciate good beer whether we like it or not.  I could easily drink any five of these eight and be happy.
THAT is huge for me to admit!
The thing that will instantly turn me off with a beer is the bitter aftertaste. I don't like to have that bitterness lingering. It's bad enough I have to taste it to begin with but I swallow it I want it gone. Nope, the nasty has to linger.
 I find IPAs are usually the ones that make me feel this way.
 I knew that when I started trying breweries it was inevitable I'd find a beer here or there that I would fathom or possibly even enjoy. What I never envisioned happening though was that I would single handedly, without a doubt, choose a brewery over a winery.

Well, mark Saturday, August 8, 2015 as a date in Tiny Wine Girl history.
The day the brewery won.

What a milestone!

Does that mean I will chose beer over wine any day?
Hell no, but when it comes to Quattro Goomba's, rest assured, I'll chose beer every single time!

I'm more of a guy's girl.
I like having a beer in a bar and I don't bicker or sit down and do my nails.
-Zoe Saldana

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